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This topic introduces the limitations of Studio.


For now, Studio v3.x supports x86_64 architecture only.

Upload data

Only CSV files without headers can be uploaded, but no limitations are applied to the size and store period for a single file. The maximum data volume depends on the storage capacity of your machine.

nGQL statements

On the Console page of Docker-based and RPM-based Studio v3.x, all the nGQL syntaxes except these are supported:

  • USE <space_name>: You cannot run such a statement on the Console page to choose a graph space. As an alternative, you can click a graph space name in the drop-down list of Current Graph Space.
  • You cannot use line breaks (\). As an alternative, you can use the Enter key to split a line.


We recommend that you use the latest version of Chrome to get access to Studio.

Last update: December 21, 2022