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NebulaGraph Importer

NebulaGraph Importer (Importer) is a standalone tool for importing data from CSV files into NebulaGraph. Importer can read and import CSV file data from multiple data sources.


  • Support multiple data sources, including local, S3, OSS, HDFS, FTP, and SFTP.
  • Support importing data from CSV format files. A single file can contain multiple tags, multiple edge types or a mix of both.
  • Support connecting to multiple Graph services simultaneously for importing and dynamic load balancing.
  • Support reconnect or retry after failure.
  • Support displaying statistics in multiple dimensions, including import time, import percentage, etc. Support for printing statistics in Console or logs.


  • Lightweight and fast: no complex environment can be used, fast data import.
  • Flexible filtering: You can flexibly filter CSV data through configuration files.

Version compatibility

The version correspondence between NebulaGraph and NebulaGraph Importer is as follows.

NebulaGraph version NebulaGraph Importer version
3.x.x 3.x.x, 4.x.x
2.x.x 2.x.x, 3.x.x


Importer 4.0.0 has redone the Importer for improved performance, but the configuration file is not compatible with older versions. It is recommended to use the new version of Importer.

Release note



Before using NebulaGraph Importer, make sure:

  • Schema is created in NebulaGraph, including space, Tag and Edge type, or set by parameter manager.hooks.before.statements.


Prepare the CSV file to be imported and configure the YAML file to use the tool to batch write data into NebulaGraph.


For details about the YAML configuration file, see Configuration File Description at the end of topic.

Download binary package and run

  1. Download the executable binary package.


    The file installation path based on the RPM/DEB package is /usr/bin/nebula-importer.

  2. Under the directory where the binary file is located, run the following command to start importing data.

    ./<binary_file_name> --config <yaml_config_file_path>

Source code compile and run

Compiling the source code requires deploying a Golang environment. For details, see Build Go environment.

  1. Clone repository.

    git clone -b release-4.0


    Use the correct branch. Different branches have different RPC protocols.

  2. Access the directory nebula-importer.

    cd nebula-importer
  3. Compile the source code.

    make build
  4. Start the service.

    ./bin/nebula-importer --config <yaml_config_file_path>

Run in Docker mode

Instead of installing the Go locale locally, you can use Docker to pull the image of the NebulaGraph Importer and mount the local configuration file and CSV data file into the container. The command is as follows:

docker pull vesoft/nebula-importer:<version>
docker run --rm -ti \
      --network=host \
      -v <config_file>:<config_file> \
      -v <data_dir>:<data_dir> \
      vesoft/nebula-importer:<version> \
      --config <config_file>
  • <config_file>: The absolute path to the YAML configuration file.
  • <data_dir>: The absolute path to the CSV data file. If the file is not local, ignore this parameter.
  • <version>: NebulaGraph 3.x Please fill in 'v3'.


A relative path is recommended. If you use a local absolute path, check that the path maps to the path in the Docker.


docker pull vesoft/nebula-importer:v4
docker run --rm -ti \
      --network=host \
      -v /home/user/config.yaml:/home/user/config.yaml \
      -v /home/user/data:/home/user/data \
      vesoft/nebula-importer:v4 \
      --config /home/user/config.yaml

Configuration File Description

Various example configuration files are available within the Github of the NebulaGraph Importer. The configuration files are used to describe information about the files to be imported, NebulaGraph server information, etc. The following section describes the fields within the configuration file in categories.


If users download a binary package, create the configuration file manually.

Client configuration

Client configuration stores the configuration associated with the client's connection to the NebulaGraph.

The example configuration is as follows:

  version: v3
  address: ","
  user: root
  password: nebula
  concurrencyPerAddress: 10
  reconnectInitialInterval: 1s
  retry: 3
  retryInitialInterval: 1s
Parameter Default value Required Description
client.version v3 Yes Specifies the major version of the NebulaGraph. Currently only v3 is supported.
client.address "" Yes Specifies the address of the NebulaGraph. Multiple addresses are separated by commas.
client.user root No NebulaGraph user name.
client.password nebula No The password for the NebulaGraph user name.
client.concurrencyPerAddress 10 No The number of concurrent client connections for a single graph service.
client.retryInitialInterval 1s No Reconnect interval time.
client.retry 3 No The number of retries for failed execution of the nGQL statement.
client.retryInitialInterval 1s No Retry interval time.

Manager configuration

Manager configuration is a human-controlled configuration after connecting to the database.

The example configuration is as follows:

  spaceName: basic_string_examples
  batch: 128
  readerConcurrency: 50
  importerConcurrency: 512
  statsInterval: 10s
      - statements:
        - UPDATE CONFIGS storage:wal_ttl=3600;
        - UPDATE CONFIGS storage:rocksdb_column_family_options = { disable_auto_compactions = true };
      - statements:
        - |
            DROP SPACE IF EXISTS basic_string_examples;
            CREATE SPACE IF NOT EXISTS basic_string_examples(partition_num=5, replica_factor=1, vid_type=int);
            USE basic_string_examples;
        wait: 10s
      - statements:
          - |
            UPDATE CONFIGS storage:wal_ttl=86400;
            UPDATE CONFIGS storage:rocksdb_column_family_options = { disable_auto_compactions = false };
Parameter Default value Required Description
manager.spaceName - Yes Specifies the NebulaGraph space to import the data into. Do not support importing multiple map spaces at the same time.
manager.batch 128 No The batch size for executing statements (global configuration).

Setting the batch size individually for a data source can using the parameter sources.batch below.
manager.readerConcurrency 50 No The number of concurrent reads of the data source by the reader.
manager.importerConcurrency 512 No The number of concurrent nGQL statements generated to be executed, and then will call the client to execute these nGQL statements.
manager.statsInterval 10s No The time interval for printing statistical information
manager.hooks.before.[].statements - No The command to execute in the graph space before importing.
manager.hooks.before.[].wait - No The wait time after statements are executed.
manager.hooks.after.[].statements - No The commands to execute in the graph space after importing.
manager.hooks.after.[].wait - No The wait time after statements are executed.

Log configuration

Log configuration is the logging-related configuration.

The example configuration is as follows:

  level: INFO
  console: true
   - logs/nebula-importer.log
Parameter Default value Required Description
log.level INFO No Specifies the log level. Optional values are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, PANIC, FATAL.
log.console true No Whether to print the logs to console synchronously when storing logs.
log.files - No The log file path. The log directory must exist.

Source configuration

The Source configuration requires the configuration of data source information, data processing methods, and Schema mapping.

The example configuration is as follows:

  - path: ./person.csv  # Required. Specifies the path where the data files are stored. If a relative path is used, the path and current configuration file directory are spliced. Wildcard filename is also supported, for example: ./follower-*.csv, please make sure that all matching files with the same schema.
#  - s3: # AWS S3
#      endpoint: endpoint    # Optional. The endpoint of S3 service, can be omitted if using AWS S3.
#      region: us-east-1     # Required. The region of S3 service.
#      bucket: gdelt-open-data    # Required. The bucket of file in S3 service.
#      key: events/20190918.export.csv     # Required. The object key of file in S3 service.
#      accessKeyID: ""    # Optional. The access key of S3 service. If it is public data, no need to configure.
#      accessKeySecret: ""     # Optional. The secret key of S3 service. If it is public data, no need to configure.
#  - oss:
#      endpoint:    # Required. The endpoint of OSS service.
#      bucket: bucketName    # Required. The bucket of file in OSS service.
#      key: objectKey    # Required. The object key of file in OSS service.
#      accessKeyID: accessKey    # Required. The access key of OSS service.
#      accessKeySecret: secretKey    # Required. The secret key of OSS service.
#  - ftp:
#      host:    # Required. The host of FTP service.
#      port: 21    # Required. The port of FTP service.
#      user: user    # Required. The user of FTP service.
#      password: password    # Required. The password of FTP service.
#      path: "/events/20190918.export.csv"    # Required. The path of file in the FTP service.
#  - sftp:
#      host:    # Required. The host of SFTP service.
#      port: 22    # Required. The port of SFTP service.
#      user: user    # Required. The user of SFTP service.
#      password: password    # Optional. The password of SFTP service.
#      keyFile: keyFile    # Optional. The ssh key file path of SFTP service.
#      keyData: keyData    $ Optional. The ssh key file content of SFTP service.
#      passphrase: passphrase    # Optional. The ssh key passphrase of SFTP service.
#      path: "/events/20190918.export.csv"    # Required. The path of file in the SFTP service.
#  - hdfs:
#      address: ""    # Required. The address of HDFS service.
#      user: "hdfs"    # Optional. The user of HDFS service.
#      path: "/events/20190918.export.csv"    # Required. The path of file in the HDFS service.
    batch: 256
      delimiter: "|"
      withHeader: false
      lazyQuotes: false
    - name: Person
        type: "STRING"
        function: "hash"
#       index: 0        
          - person_
          - 0
          - _id
        - name: "firstName"
          type: "STRING"
          index: 1
        - name: "lastName"
          type: "STRING"
          index: 2
        - name: "gender"
          type: "STRING"
          index: 3
          nullable: true
          defaultValue: female
        - name: "birthday"
          type: "DATE"
          index: 4
          nullable: true
          nullValue: _NULL_
        - name: "creationDate"
          type: "DATETIME"
          index: 5
        - name: "locationIP"
          type: "STRING"
          index: 6
        - name: "browserUsed"
          type: "STRING"
          index: 7
  - path: ./knows.csv
    batch: 256
    - name: KNOWS # person_knows_person
          type: "STRING"
            - person_
            - 0
            - _id
          type: "STRING"
            - person_
            - 1
            - _id
        - name: "creationDate"
          type: "DATETIME"
          index: 2
          nullable: true
          nullValue: _NULL_
          defaultValue: 0000-00-00T00:00:00

The configuration mainly includes the following parts:

  • Specify the data source information.
  • Specifies the batch size for executing statements.
  • Specifies the CSV file format information.
  • Specifies the schema mapping for Tag.
  • Specifies the schema mapping for Edge type.
Parameter Default value Required Description
- No Specify data source information, such as local file, HDFS, and S3. Only one source can be configured for the source. Configure multiple sources in multiple source.
See the comments in the example for configuration items for different data sources.
sources.batch 256 No The batch size for executing statements when importing this data source. The priority is higher than manager.batch.
sources.csv.delimiter , No Specifies the delimiter for the CSV file. Only 1-character string separators are supported. When using special characters as separators, they need to be escaped. For example, when the delimiter is 0x03 in hexadecimal, i.e. Ctrl+C, the escape is written as "\x03" or "\u0003". For details on escaping special characters in yaml format, see Escaped Characters.
sources.csv.withHeader false No Whether to ignore the first record in the CSV file.
sources.csv.lazyQuotes false No Whether to allow lazy quotes. If lazyQuotes is true, a quote may appear in an unquoted field and a non-doubled quote may appear in a quoted field. - Yes The tag name. STRING No The type of the VID. - No Functions to generate the VID. Currently, only function hash are supported. - No The column number corresponding to the VID in the data file. If is not configured, this parameter must be configured. - No Used to concatenate two or more arrays, the concatenated items can be string, int or mixed. string stands for a constant, int for an index column. If this parameter is set, the parameter will not take effect.
sources.tags.ignoreExistedIndex true No Whether to enable IGNORE_EXISTED_INDEX, that is, do not update index after insertion vertex. - Yes The tag property name, which must match the Tag property in the database.
sources.tags.props.index - Yes The property corresponds to the column number in the data file.
sources.tags.props.nullable false No Whether this prop property can be NULL, optional values is true or false.
sources.tags.props.nullValue - No Ignored when nullable is false. The value used to determine whether it is a NULL. The property is set to NULL when the value is equal to nullValue.
sources.tags.props.alternativeIndices - No Ignored when nullable is false. The property is fetched from records according to the indices in order until not equal to nullValue.
sources.tags.props.defaultValue - No Ignored when nullable is false. The property default value, when all the values obtained by index and alternativeIndices are nullValue. - Yes The edge type name. STRING No The data type of the VID at the starting vertex on the edge. - Yes The column number in the data file corresponding to the VID at the starting vertex on the edge. STRING No The data type of the VID at the destination vertex on the edge. - Yes The column number in the data file corresponding to the VID at the destination vertex on the edge.
sources.edges.rank.index - No The column number in the data file corresponding to the rank on the edge.
sources.edges.ignoreExistedIndex true No Whether to enable IGNORE_EXISTED_INDEX, that is, do not update index after insertion vertex. - Yes The edge type property name, which must match the Tag property in the database.
sources.edges.props.index - Yes The property corresponds to the column number in the data file.
sources.edges.props.nullable - No Whether this prop property can be NULL, optional values is true or false.
sources.edges.props.nullValue - No Ignored when nullable is false. The value used to determine whether it is a NULL. The property is set to NULL when the value is equal to nullValue.
sources.edges.props.defaultValue - No Ignored when nullable is false. The property default value, when all the values obtained by index and alternativeIndices are nullValue.


The sequence numbers of the columns in the CSV file start from 0, that is, the sequence numbers of the first column are 0, and the sequence numbers of the second column are 1.

Last update: September 12, 2023