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Information overview

On the Overview Info page, you can see the information of the NebulaGraph cluster, including Storage leader distribution, Storage service details, versions and hosts information of each NebulaGraph service, and partition distribution and details.


  1. At the top navigation bar of the Dashboard Enterprise Edition page, click Cluster Management.
  2. On the right side of the target cluster, click Detail.
  3. On the left-side navigation bar of the page, click Information->Overview Info.


Before viewing the cluster information, you need to select any online Graph service address, enter the account to log in to NebulaGraph (not the Dashboard login account), and the corresponding password.


Storage Leader Distribution

In this section, the number of Leaders and the Leader distribution will be shown.

  • Click the Balance Leader button in the upper right corner to distribute Leaders evenly and quickly in the NebulaGraph cluster. For details about the Leader, see Storage Service.
  • Click Detail in the upper right corner to view the details of the Leader distribution.


In this section, the version and host information of each NebulaGraph service will be shown. Click Detail in the upper right corner to view the details of the version and host information.

Service information

In this section, the information on Storage services will be shown. The parameter description is as follows:

Parameter Description
Host The IP address of the host.
Port The port of the host.
Status The host status.
Git Info Sha The commit ID of the current version.
Leader Count The number of Leaders.
Partition Distribution The distribution of partitions.
Leader Distribution The distribution of Leaders.

Click Detail in the upper right corner to view the details of the Storage service information.

Partition Distribution

Select the specified graph space in the upper left corner, and then you can perform the following operations:

  • View the distribution of partitions in the specified graph space. You can see the IP addresses and ports of all Storage services in the cluster, and the number of partitions in each Storage service.
  • Click Balance Data to evenly distribute the partitions in the specified graph space.
  • Click Balance Data Remove to migrate the partitions in the specified Storage service and distribute them evenly to the other Storage services in the cluster. The system will guide you to select the host IP where the specified Storage service is located.

Click Detail in the upper right corner to view more details.

Partition information

In this section, the information on partitions will be shown. Before viewing the partition information, you need to select a graph space in the upper left corner. The parameter description is as follows:

Parameter Description
Partition ID The ID of the partition.
Leader The IP address and port of the leader.
Peers The IP addresses and ports of all the replicas.
Losts The IP addresses and ports of faulty replicas.

Click Detail in the upper right corner to view details. You can also enter the partition ID into the input box in the upper right corner of the details page to filter the shown data.

Last update: September 7, 2022