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Deploy Explorer

This topic describes how to deploy Explorer locally by RPM, DEB and tar packages.


The Dag Controller installation package is built in Explorer starting from version 3.2.0, which provides graph computing services. The user can decide whether or not to start the Dag Controller service. If the Dag Controller service is not started, the Workflow menu in Explorer will appear gray and cannot be clicked.


Before deploying Explorer, you must check the following information:

  • Before the installation starts, the following ports are not occupied.

    Port Description
    7002 Web service provided by Explorer


    By default, Explorer uses the port 7002. You can modify the httpport in the conf/app.conf file in the installation directory and restart the service.

  • The Linux distribution is CentOS.
  • The license is ready.


    License is only available in the Enterprise Edition. To obtain the license, apply for NebulaGraph Explorer Free Trial.

  • The HDFS services are deployed if graph computing is required. The namenode uses port 8020 by default, and the datanode uses port 50010 by default.


    If the HDFS port is unavailable, the connection timeout message may be displayed.

RPM-based deployment


  1. Select and download the RPM package according to your needs. It is recommended to select the latest version.


    You can apply online for Explorer free trial. Contact us to purchase. For features of Explorer, see Pricing.

  2. Use sudo rpm -i <rpm> to install RPM package.

    For example, use the following command to install Explorer. The default installation path is /usr/local/nebula-explorer.

    sudo rpm -i nebula-explorer-<version>.x86_64.rpm

    You can also install it to the specified path using the following command:

    sudo rpm -i nebula-explorer-<version>.x86_64.rpm --prefix=<path>

  3. Copy the license to the installation path.

    sudo cp -r <license> <explorer_path>

    For example:

    sudo cp -r nebula.license /usr/local/nebula-explorer

  4. (Optional) Configure the Dag Controller. See the Configure Dag Controller section below.

  5. Enter the folder nebula-explorer, start the service using the following command.

    cd nebula-explorer
    # Start Explorer.
    sudo ./scripts/
    # (Optional) Start Dag Controller.
    sudo ./dag-ctrl/scripts/

Start and stop

You can use SystemCTL to start and stop the service.

systemctl status nebula-explorer #Check the status
systemctl stop nebula-explorer #Stop the service
systemctl start nebula-explorer #Start the service

You can also start or stop the service manually using the following command in the installation directory.

sudo ./scripts/ #Start Explorer
sudo ./scripts/ #Stop Explorer
sudo ./dag-ctrl/scripts/ #Start Dag Controller
sudo ./dag-ctrl/scripts/ #Stop Dag Controller


You can uninstall Explorer using the following command:

sudo rpm -e nebula-graph-explorer-<version>.x86_64

DEB-based deployment


  1. Select and download the RPM package according to your needs. It is recommended to select the latest version. Common links are as follows:


    You can apply online for Explorer free trial. Contact us to purchase. For features of Explorer, see Pricing.

  2. Run sudo dpkg -i <package_name> to unpack the DEB package.

    For example, run the following command to install Explorer (The default installation path is /usr/local/nebula-explorer).

    sudo dpkg -i nebula-explorer-3.4.0.x86_64.deb


    You cannot customize the installation path of Explorer when installing a DEB package.

  3. Copy the license to the Explorer installation path.

    Sudo cp -r <license> <explorer_path>

    For example:

    Sudo cp -r nebula.license /usr/local/nebula-explorer
  4. (Optional) Configure the Dag Controller. See the Configure Dag Controller section below.

  5. Enter the folder nebula-explorer, start the service using the following command.

    bash cd nebula-explorer # Start Explorer. sudo ./lib/ # (Optional) Start Dag Controller. sudo ./dag-ctrl/scripts/

View the status

sudo systemctl status nebula-explorer.service

Stop the service

sudo systemctl stop nebula-explorer.service


Run the following command to uninstall Explorer:

sudo dpkg -r nebula-explorer

TAR-based deployment


  1. Select and download the TAR package according to your needs. It is recommended to select the latest version. Common links are as follows:


    Explorer is only available in the Enterprise Edition. Click Pricing to see more.

  2. Use tar -xvf to decompress the TAR package.

    tar -xvf nebula-explorer-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Copy the license to the nebula-explorer directory.

    cp -r <license> <explorer_path>

    For example:

    cp -r nebula.license /usr/local/nebula-explorer

  4. (Optional) Configure the Dag Controller. See the Configure Dag Controller section below.

  5. Enter the folder nebula-explorer, start the service using the following command.

    cd nebula-explorer
    # Start Explorer and Dag Controller.
    sudo ./scripts/
    # Start Explorer separately.
    sudo nohup ./nebula-explorer-server > explorer.log 2>&1 &

Stop Service

You can use kill pid to stop the service.

kill $(lsof -t -i :7002)

Configure Dag Controller

Dag Controller is a task scheduling tool that can schedule the jobs which type is DAG (directed acyclic graph). The job consists of multiple tasks to form a directed acyclic graph, and there is a dependency between the tasks.

The Dag Controller can perform complex graph computing with NebulaGraph Analytics. For example, the Dag Controller sends an algorithm request to NebulaGraph Analytics, which saves the result to NebulaGraph or HDFS. The Dag Controller then takes the result as input to the next algorithmic task to create a new task.


  1. Complete the SSH password-free configurations so that the Dag Controller machine can log directly into the NebulaGraph Analytics machines and all machines within the NebulaGraph Analytics cluster can connect directly to each other without passwords.

    For example, the user in the machine A (Dag Controller) log directly into machine B-1 in the NebulaGraph Analytics cluster over SSH without passwords. Run the following commands on the machine A:

    //Press Enter to execute the default option to generate the key.
    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    //After the public key file of machine A is installed to the user of the machine B-1, you can log into the machine B-1 from the machine A without passwords.
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <B_user>@<B_IP>

    In the same way, complete the SSH password-free configurations so that the user in the machine A can log directly into the machine B-2, B-3, etc. and all machines within the NebulaGraph Analytics cluster can connect directly to each other without passwords.

  2. Run eval $(ssh-agent) on the Dag Controller machine to start the ssh-agent, then run ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa to give the private key to the ssh-agent to manage.


    ssh-agent is a key manager that manages multiple keys and provides proxies for other programs that need to use SSH key pairs.

  3. Configure the username and port of the NebulaGraph Analytics in the file dag-ctrl-api.yaml, the file path is dag-ctrl/etc/dag-ctrl-api.yaml. If there are multiple machines, ensure that the usernames and ports are the same.

    # configuration name.
    Name: task-api
    Host:     # The IP address of Dag Controller.
    Port: 9002        # The port of Dag Controller.
    Timeout: 60000    # he timeout duration of HTTP interface requests.
    Log:              # The parameters related to log printing. For more Information, see
      Mode: file      # The log printing method
      KeepDays: 7     # The maximum number of days to keep logs
      Path: logs      # The output path of the log file
      Level: info     # The log printing level
      Compress: false  #  Whether the log needs to be compressed
    # The user name and SSH port of the NebulaGraph Analytics machine.
     UserName: vesoft
     Port: 22  
    # The parallel thread pool sizes of the tasks and jobs.
     Sleep: 3    # Check every 3 seconds for any outstanding jobs.
     Size: 3    # Up to 3 jobs can be executed in parallel.
     CheckStatusSleep: 1    # Check the task status every second.
     Size: 10    # Up to 10 tasks can be executed in parallel.
     VarDataListMaxSize: 100    # If HDFS columns are read, the number is limited to 100 at a time.
    # Other
      Enable: false  #  Whether to enable Debugging.
    # The key for the Explorer to communicate with the Dag Controller. No modification is required.
    RsaPriKey: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----  
    RsaPubKey: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
      -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
  4. Configure the algorithm file path (exec_file) only in the file tasks.yaml, the file path of which is dag-ctrl/etc/tasks.yaml. Currently, all exec_file parameters are set to the path of the file.


    • The algorithm files are provided by NebulaGraph Analytics. Please find the scripts directory under the installation path of NebulaGraph Analytics above. All algorithm files are in this directory.
    • If there are multiple machines, ensure that the algorithm file paths are the same.
    • The other parameters are the execution parameters of the algorithms and are configured later on the visual workflow page.
    exec_file: /home/xxx/nebula-analytics/scripts/

Next to do

Connect to Explorer

Last update: February 19, 2024