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Deploy Dashboard Community Edition

This topic will describe how to deploy NebulaGraph Dashboard in detail.

To download and compile the latest source code of Dashboard, follow the instructions on the nebula dashboard GitHub page.


Before you deploy Dashboard, you must confirm that:

  • Before the installation starts, the following ports are not occupied.

    • 9200
    • 9100
    • 9090
    • 8090
    • 7003
  • The node-exporter is installed on the machines to be monitored. For details on installation, see Prometheus document.


  1. Download the tar packagenebula-dashboard-3.4.0.x86_64.tar.gz as needed.

  2. Run tar -xvf nebula-dashboard-3.4.0.x86_64.tar.gz to decompress the installation package.

  3. Modify the config.yaml file in nebula-dashboard.

    The configuration file contains the configurations of four dependent services and configurations of clusters. The descriptions of the dependent services are as follows.

    Service Default port Description
    nebula-http-gateway 8090 Provides HTTP ports for cluster services to execute nGQL statements to interact with the NebulaGraph database.
    nebula-stats-exporter 9200 Collects the performance metrics in the cluster, including the IP addresses, versions, and monitoring metrics (such as the number of queries, the latency of queries, the latency of heartbeats, and so on).
    node-exporter 9100 Collects the source information of nodes in the cluster, including the CPU, memory, load, disk, and network.
    prometheus 9090 The time series database that stores monitoring data.

    The descriptions of the configuration file are as follows.

    port: 7003   # Web service port.
      ip: hostIP   # The IP of the machine where the Dashboard is deployed.
      port: 8090
      https: false  # Whether to enable HTTPS.
      runmode: dev  # Program running mode, including dev, test, and prod. It is used to distinguish between different running environments generally.
      ip: hostIP   # The IP of the machine where the Dashboard is deployed.
      nebulaPort: 9200
      https: false  # Whether to enable HTTPS.
      - ip: nebulaHostIP_1 # The IP of the machine where the NebulaGraph is deployed.
        port: 9100
        https: false # Whether to enable HTTPS.
    # - ip: nebulaHostIP_2
    #   port: 9100
    #   https: false
      ip: hostIP    # The IP of the machine where the Dashboard is deployed.
      prometheusPort: 9090
      https: false  # Whether to enable HTTPS.
      scrape_interval: 5s  # The interval for collecting the monitoring data, which is 1 minute by default.
      evaluation_interval: 5s  # The interval for running alert rules, which is 1 minute by default.
    # Cluster node info
      name: 'default' # Cluster name
        - name: metad0
          endpointIP: nebulaMetadIP  # The IP of the machine where the Meta service is deployed.
          port: 9559
          endpointPort: 19559
      # - name: metad1
      #   endpointIP: nebulaMetadIP
      #   port: 9559
      #   endpointPort: 19559  
        - name: graphd0
          endpointIP: nebulaGraphdIP  # The IP of the machine where the Graph service is deployed.
          port: 9669
          endpointPort: 19669
      # - name: graphd1
      #   endpointIP: nebulaGraphdIP
      #   port: 9669
      #   endpointPort: 19669  
        - name: storaged0
          endpointIP: nebulaStoragedIP  # The IP of the machine where the Storage service is deployed.
          port: 9779
          endpointPort: 19779
      # - name: storaged1
      #   endpointIP: nebulaStoragedIP
      #   port: 9779
      #   endpointPort: 19779  
  4. Run ./dashboard.service start all to start the services.

Deploy Dashboard with Docker Compose

If you are deploying Dashboard using docker, you should also modify the configuration file config.yaml, and then run docker-compose up -d to start the container.


If you change the port number in config.yaml, the port number in docker-compose.yaml needs to be consistent as well.

Run docker-compose stop to stop the container.

Manage services in Dashboard

You can use the dashboard.service script to start, restart, stop, and check the Dashboard services.

sudo <dashboard_path>/dashboard.service
[-v] [-h]
<start|restart|stop|status>  <prometheus|webserver|exporter|gateway|all>
Parameter Description
dashboard_path Dashboard installation path.
-v Display detailed debugging information.
-h Display help information.
start Start the target services.
restart Restart the target services.
stop Stop the target services.
status Check the status of the target services.
prometheus Set the prometheus service as the target service.
webserver Set the webserver Service as the target service.
exporter Set the exporter Service as the target service.
gateway Set the gateway Service as the target service.
all Set all the Dashboard services as the target services.


To view the Dashboard version, run the command ./dashboard.service -version.

Next to do

Connect to Dashboard

Last update: October 25, 2023