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Built-in math functions

This topic describes the built-in math functions supported by NebulaGraph.


abs() returns the absolute value of the argument.

Syntax: abs(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN abs(-10);
| abs(-(10)) |
| 10         |
nebula> RETURN abs(5-6);
| abs((5-6)) |
| 1          |


floor() returns the largest integer value smaller than or equal to the argument.(Rounds down)

Syntax: floor(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN floor(9.9);
| floor(9.9) |
| 9.0        |


ceil() returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument.(Rounds up)

Syntax: ceil(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN ceil(9.1);
| ceil(9.1) |
| 10.0      |


round() returns the rounded value of the specified number. Pay attention to the floating-point precision when using this function.

Syntax: round(<expression>, <digit>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • digit: Decimal digits. If digit is less than 0, round at the left of the decimal point.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN round(314.15926, 2);
| round(314.15926,2) |
| 314.16             |
nebula> RETURN round(314.15926, -1);
| round(314.15926,-(1)) |
| 310.0                 |


sqrt() returns the square root of the argument.

Syntax: sqrt(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN sqrt(9);
| sqrt(9) |
| 3.0     |


cbrt() returns the cubic root of the argument.

Syntax: cbrt(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN cbrt(8);
| cbrt(8) |
| 2.0     |


hypot() returns the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.

Syntax: hypot(<expression_x>,<expression_y>)

  • expression_x, expression_y: An expression of which the result type is double. They represent the side lengths x and y of a right triangle.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN hypot(3,2*2);
| hypot(3,(2*2)) |
| 5.0            |


pow() returns the result of xy.

Syntax: pow(<expression_x>,<expression_y>,)

  • expression_x: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the base x.
  • expression_y: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the exponential y.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN pow(3,3);
| pow(3,3) |
| 27       |


exp() returns the result of ex.

Syntax: exp(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the exponential x.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN exp(2);
| exp(2)           |
| 7.38905609893065 |


exp2() returns the result of 2x.

Syntax: exp2(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the exponential x.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN exp2(3);
| exp2(3) |
| 8.0     |


log() returns the base-e logarithm of the argument. (\(log_{e}{N}\))

Syntax: log(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the antilogarithm N.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN log(8);
| log(8)             |
| 2.0794415416798357 |


log2() returns the base-2 logarithm of the argument. (\(log_{2}{N}\))

Syntax: log2(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the antilogarithm N.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN log2(8);
| log2(8) |
| 3.0     |


log10() returns the base-10 logarithm of the argument. (\(log_{10}{N}\))

Syntax: log10(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double. It represents the antilogarithm N.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN log10(100);
| log10(100) |
| 2.0        |


sin() returns the sine of the argument. Users can convert angles to radians using the function radians().

Syntax: sin(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN sin(3);
| sin(3)             |
| 0.1411200080598672 |


asin() returns the inverse sine of the argument. Users can convert angles to radians using the function radians().

Syntax: asin(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN asin(0.5);
| asin(0.5)          |
| 0.5235987755982989 |


cos() returns the cosine of the argument. Users can convert angles to radians using the function radians().

Syntax: cos(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN cos(0.5);
| cos(0.5)           |
| 0.8775825618903728 |


acos() returns the inverse cosine of the argument. Users can convert angles to radians using the function radians().

Syntax: acos(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN acos(0.5);
| acos(0.5)          |
| 1.0471975511965979 |


tan() returns the tangent of the argument. Users can convert angles to radians using the function radians().

Syntax: tan(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN tan(0.5);
| tan(0.5)           |
| 0.5463024898437905 |


atan() returns the inverse tangent of the argument. Users can convert angles to radians using the function radians().

Syntax: atan(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN atan(0.5);
| atan(0.5)          |
| 0.4636476090008061 |


rand() returns a random floating point number in the range from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive); i.e.[0,1).

Syntax: rand()

  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN rand();
| rand()             |
| 0.6545837172298736 |


rand32() returns a random 32-bit integer in [min, max).

Syntax: rand32(<expression_min>,<expression_max>)

  • expression_min: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the minimum min.
  • expression_max: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the maximum max.
  • Result type: Int
  • If you set only one argument, it is parsed as max and min is 0 by default. If you set no argument, the system returns a random signed 32-bit integer.


nebula> RETURN rand32(1,100);
| rand32(1,100) |
| 63            |


rand64() returns a random 64-bit integer in [min, max).

Syntax: rand64(<expression_min>,<expression_max>)

  • expression_min: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the minimum min.
  • expression_max: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the maximum max.
  • Result type: Int
  • If you set only one argument, it is parsed as max and min is 0 by default. If you set no argument, the system returns a random signed 64-bit integer.


nebula> RETURN rand64(1,100);
| rand64(1,100) |
| 34            |


bit_and() returns the result of bitwise AND.

Syntax: bit_and(<expression_1>,<expression_2>)

  • expression_1, expression_2: An expression of which the result type is int.
  • Result type: Int


nebula> RETURN bit_and(5,6);
| bit_and(5,6) |
| 4            |


bit_or() returns the result of bitwise OR.

Syntax: bit_or(<expression_1>,<expression_2>)

  • expression_1, expression_2: An expression of which the result type is int.
  • Result type: Int


nebula> RETURN bit_or(5,6);
| bit_or(5,6) |
| 7           |


bit_xor() returns the result of bitwise XOR.

Syntax: bit_xor(<expression_1>,<expression_2>)

  • expression_1, expression_2: An expression of which the result type is int.
  • Result type: Int


nebula> RETURN bit_xor(5,6);
| bit_xor(5,6) |
| 3            |


size() returns the number of elements in a list or a map, or the length of a string.

Syntax: size({<expression>|<string>})

  • expression: An expression for a list or map.
  • string: A specified string.
  • Result type: Int


nebula> RETURN size([1,2,3,4]);
| size([1,2,3,4]) |
| 4               |
nebula> RETURN size("basketballplayer") as size;
| size |
| 16   |


range() returns a list of integers from [start,end] in the specified steps.

Syntax: range(<expression_start>,<expression_end>[,<expression_step>])

  • expression_start: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the starting value start.
  • expression_end: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the end value end.
  • expression_step: An expression of which the result type is int. It represents the step size step, step is 1 by default.
  • Result type: List


nebula> RETURN range(1,3*3,2);
| range(1,(3*3),2) |
| [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]  |


sign() returns the signum of the given number. If the number is 0, the system returns 0. If the number is negative, the system returns -1. If the number is positive, the system returns 1.

Syntax: sign(<expression>)

  • expression: An expression of which the result type is double.
  • Result type: Int


nebula> RETURN sign(10);
| sign(10) |
| 1        |


e() returns the base of the natural logarithm, e (2.718281828459045).

Syntax: e()

  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN e();
| e()               |
| 2.718281828459045 |


pi() returns the mathematical constant pi (3.141592653589793).

Syntax: pi()

  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN pi();
| pi()              |
| 3.141592653589793 |


radians() converts angles to radians.

Syntax: radians(<angle>)

  • Result type: Double


nebula> RETURN radians(180);
| radians(180)      |
| 3.141592653589793 |

Last update: October 25, 2023