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Parameters in the configuration file

This topic describes how to automatically generate a template configuration file when users use NebulaGraph Exchange, and introduces the configuration file application.conf.

Generate template configuration file automatically

Specify the data source to be imported with the following command to get the template configuration file corresponding to the data source.

java -cp <exchange_jar_package> -s <source_type> -p <config_file_save_path>


java -cp nebula-exchange_spark_2.4-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -s csv -p /home/nebula/csv_application.conf

Configuration instructions

Before configuring the application.conf file, it is recommended to copy the file name application.conf and then edit the file name according to the file type of a data source. For example, change the file name to csv_application.conf if the file type of the data source is CSV.

The application.conf file contains the following content types:

  • Spark configurations
  • Hive configurations (optional)
  • NebulaGraph configurations
  • Vertex configurations
  • Edge configurations

Spark configurations

This topic lists only some Spark parameters. For more information, see Spark Configuration.

Parameter Type Default value Required Description string - No The drive name in Spark.
spark.driver.cores int 1 No The number of CPU cores used by a driver, only applicable to a cluster mode.
spark.driver.maxResultSize string 1G No The total size limit (in bytes) of the serialized results of all partitions in a single Spark operation (such as collect). The minimum value is 1M, and 0 means unlimited.
spark.executor.memory string 1G No The amount of memory used by a Spark driver which can be specified in units, such as 512M or 1G.
spark.cores.max int 16 No The maximum number of CPU cores of applications requested across clusters (rather than from each node) when a driver runs in a coarse-grained sharing mode on a standalone cluster or a Mesos cluster. The default value is spark.deploy.defaultCores on a Spark standalone cluster manager or the value of the infinite parameter (all available cores) on Mesos.

Hive configurations (optional)

Users only need to configure parameters for connecting to Hive if Spark and Hive are deployed in different clusters. Otherwise, please ignore the following configurations.

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
hive.warehouse string - Yes The warehouse path in HDFS. Enclose the path in double quotes and start with hdfs://.
hive.connectionURL string - Yes The URL of a JDBC connection. For example, "jdbc:mysql://".
hive.connectionDriverName string "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" Yes The driver name.
hive.connectionUserName list[string] - Yes The username for connections.
hive.connectionPassword list[string] - Yes The account password.

NebulaGraph configurations

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
nebula.address.graph list[string] [""] Yes The addresses of all Graph services, including IPs and ports, separated by commas (,). Example: ["ip1:port1","ip2:port2","ip3:port3"].
nebula.address.meta list[string] [""] Yes The addresses of all Meta services, including IPs and ports, separated by commas (,). Example: ["ip1:port1","ip2:port2","ip3:port3"].
nebula.user string - Yes The username with write permissions for NebulaGraph.
nebula.pswd string - Yes The account password. string - Yes The name of the graph space where data needs to be imported.
nebula.ssl.enable.graph bool false Yes Enables the SSL encryption between Exchange and Graph services. If the value is true, the SSL encryption is enabled and the following SSL parameters take effect. If Exchange is run on a multi-machine cluster, you need to store the corresponding files in the same path on each machine when setting the following SSL-related paths.
nebula.ssl.sign string ca Yes Specifies the SSL sign. Optional values are ca and self. string Specifies the storage path of the CA certificate. It takes effect when the value of nebula.ssl.sign is ca. string "/path/crtFilePath" Yes Specifies the storage path of the CRT certificate. It takes effect when the value of nebula.ssl.sign is ca. string "/path/keyFilePath" Yes Specifies the storage path of the key file. It takes effect when the value of nebula.ssl.sign is ca.
nebula.ssl.self.param.crtFilePath string "/path/crtFilePath" Yes Specifies the storage path of the CRT certificate. It takes effect when the value of nebula.ssl.sign is self.
nebula.ssl.self.param.keyFilePath string "/path/keyFilePath" Yes Specifies the storage path of the key file. It takes effect when the value of nebula.ssl.sign is self.
nebula.ssl.self.param.password string "nebula" Yes Specifies the storage path of the password. It takes effect when the value of nebula.ssl.sign is self.
nebula.path.local string "/tmp" No The local SST file path which needs to be set when users import SST files.
nebula.path.remote string "/sst" No The remote SST file path which needs to be set when users import SST files.
nebula.path.hdfs.namenode string "hdfs://name_node:9000" No The NameNode path which needs to be set when users import SST files.
nebula.connection.timeout int 3000 No The timeout set for Thrift connections. Unit: ms.
nebula.connection.retry int 3 No Retries set for Thrift connections.
nebula.execution.retry int 3 No Retries set for executing nGQL statements.
nebula.error.max int 32 No The maximum number of failures during the import process. When the number of failures reaches the maximum, the Spark job submitted will stop automatically .
nebula.error.output string /tmp/errors No The path to output error logs. Failed nGQL statement executions are saved in the error log.
nebula.rate.limit int 1024 No The limit on the number of tokens in the token bucket when importing data.
nebula.rate.timeout int 1000 No The timeout period for getting tokens from a token bucket. Unit: milliseconds.


NebulaGraph doesn't support vertices without tags by default. To import vertices without tags, enable vertices without tags in the NebulaGraph cluster and then add parameter nebula.enableTagless to the Exchange configuration with the value true. For example:

nebula: {
    user: root
    pswd: nebula
    space: test
    enableTagless: true


Vertex configurations

For different data sources, the vertex configurations are different. There are many general parameters and some specific parameters. General parameters and specific parameters of different data sources need to be configured when users configure vertices.

General parameters

Parameter Type Default value Required Description string - Yes The tag name defined in NebulaGraph.
tags.type.source string - Yes Specify a data source. For example, csv.
tags.type.sink string client Yes Specify an import method. Optional values are client and SST.
tags.writeMode string INSERT No Types of batch operations on data, including batch inserts, updates, and deletes. Optional values are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
tags.deleteEdge string false No Whether or not to delete the related incoming and outgoing edges of the vertices when performing a batch delete operation. This parameter takes effect when tags.writeMode is DELETE.
tags.fields list[string] - Yes The header or column name of the column corresponding to properties. If there is a header or a column name, please use that name directly. If a CSV file does not have a header, use the form of [_c0, _c1, _c2] to represent the first column, the second column, the third column, and so on.
tags.nebula.fields list[string] - Yes Property names defined in NebulaGraph, the order of which must correspond to tags.fields. For example, [_c1, _c2] corresponds to [name, age], which means that values in the second column are the values of the property name, and values in the third column are the values of the property age.
tags.vertex.field string - Yes The column of vertex IDs. For example, when a CSV file has no header, users can use _c0 to indicate values in the first column are vertex IDs.
tags.vertex.udf.separator string - No Support merging multiple columns by custom rules. This parameter specifies the join character.
tags.vertex.udf.oldColNames list - No Support merging multiple columns by custom rules. This parameter specifies the names of the columns to be merged. Multiple columns are separated by commas.
tags.vertex.udf.newColName string - No Support merging multiple columns by custom rules. This parameter specifies the new column name.
tags.vertex.prefix string - No Add the specified prefix to the VID. For example, if the VID is 12345, adding the prefix tag1 will result in tag1_12345. The underscore cannot be modified.
tags.vertex.policy string - No Supports only the value hash. Performs hashing operations on VIDs of type string.
tags.batch int 256 Yes The maximum number of vertices written into NebulaGraph in a single batch.
tags.partition int 32 Yes The number of partitions to be created when the data is written to NebulaGraph. If tags.partition ≤ 1, the number of partitions to be created in NebulaGraph is the same as that in the data source.

Specific parameters of Parquet/JSON/ORC data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.path string - Yes The path of vertex data files in HDFS. Enclose the path in double quotes and start with hdfs://.

Specific parameters of CSV data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.path string - Yes The path of vertex data files in HDFS. Enclose the path in double quotes and start with hdfs://.
tags.separator string , Yes The separator. The default value is a comma (,). For special characters, such as the control character ^A, you can use ASCII octal \001 or UNICODE encoded hexadecimal \u0001, for the control character ^B, use ASCII octal \002 or UNICODE encoded hexadecimal \u0002, for the control character ^C, use ASCII octal \003 or UNICODE encoded hexadecimal \u0003.
tags.header bool true Yes Whether the file has a header.

Specific parameters of Hive data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.exec string - Yes The statement to query data sources. For example, select name,age from mooc.users.

Specific parameters of MaxCompute data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.table string - Yes The table name of the MaxCompute.
tags.project string - Yes The project name of the MaxCompute.
tags.odpsUrl string - Yes The odpsUrl of the MaxCompute service. For more information about odpsUrl, see Endpoints.
tags.tunnelUrl string - Yes The tunnelUrl of the MaxCompute service. For more information about tunnelUrl, see Endpoints.
tags.accessKeyId string - Yes The accessKeyId of the MaxCompute service.
tags.accessKeySecret string - Yes The accessKeySecret of the MaxCompute service.
tags.partitionSpec string - No Partition descriptions of MaxCompute tables.
tags.sentence string - No Statements to query data sources. The table name in the SQL statement is the same as the value of the table above.

Specific parameters of Neo4j data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.exec string - Yes Statements to query data sources. For example: match (n:label) return n.neo4j-field-0.
tags.server string "bolt://" Yes The server address of Neo4j.
tags.user string - Yes The Neo4j username with read permissions.
tags.password string - Yes The account password.
tags.database string - Yes The name of the database where source data is saved in Neo4j.
tags.check_point_path string /tmp/test No The directory set to import progress information, which is used for resuming transfers. If not set, the resuming transfer is disabled.

Specific parameters of MySQL/PostgreSQL data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description string - Yes The MySQL/PostgreSQL server address.
tags.port string - Yes The MySQL/PostgreSQL server port.
tags.database string - Yes The database name.
tags.table string - Yes The name of a table used as a data source.
tags.user string - Yes The MySQL/PostgreSQL username with read permissions.
tags.password string - Yes The account password.
tags.sentence string - Yes Statements to query data sources. For example: "select teamid, name from team order by teamid".

Specific parameters of Oracle data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.url string - Yes The Oracle server address.
tags.driver string - Yes The Oracle driver address.
tags.user string - Yes The Oracle username with read permissions.
tags.password string - Yes The account password.
tags.table string - Yes The name of a table used as a data source.
tags.sentence string - Yes Statements to query data sources. For example: "select playerid, name, age from player".

Specific parameters of ClickHouse data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.url string - Yes The JDBC URL of ClickHouse.
tags.user string - Yes The ClickHouse username with read permissions.
tags.password string - Yes The account password.
tags.numPartition string - Yes The number of ClickHouse partitions.
tags.sentence string - Yes Statements to query data sources.

Specific parameters of Hbase data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description string Yes The Hbase server address.
tags.port string 2181 Yes The Hbase server port.
tags.table string - Yes The name of a table used as a data source.
tags.columnFamily string - Yes The column family to which a table belongs.

Specific parameters of Pulsar data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.service string "pulsar://localhost:6650" Yes The Pulsar server address.
tags.admin string "http://localhost:8081" Yes The admin URL used to connect pulsar.
tags.options.<topic|topics| topicsPattern> string - Yes Options offered by Pulsar, which can be configured by choosing one from topic, topics, and topicsPattern.
tags.interval.seconds int 10 Yes The interval for reading messages. Unit: seconds.

Specific parameters of Kafka data sources

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.service string - Yes The Kafka server address.
tags.topic string - Yes The message type.
tags.interval.seconds int 10 Yes The interval for reading messages. Unit: seconds.

Specific parameters for generating SST files

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
tags.path string - Yes The path of the source file specified to generate SST files.
tags.repartitionWithNebula bool true No Whether to repartition data based on the number of partitions of graph spaces in NebulaGraph when generating the SST file. Enabling this function can reduce the time required to DOWNLOAD and INGEST SST files.

Edge configurations

For different data sources, configurations of edges are also different. There are general parameters and some specific parameters. General parameters and specific parameters of different data sources need to be configured when users configure edges.

For the specific parameters of different data sources for edge configurations, please refer to the introduction of specific parameters of different data sources above, and pay attention to distinguishing tags and edges.

General parameters

Parameter Type Default value Required Description string - Yes The edge type name defined in NebulaGraph.
edges.type.source string - Yes The data source of edges. For example, csv.
edges.type.sink string client Yes The method specified to import data. Optional values are client and SST.
edges.writeMode string INSERT No Types of batch operations on data, including batch inserts, updates, and deletes. Optional values are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
edges.fields list[string] - Yes The header or column name of the column corresponding to properties. If there is a header or column name, please use that name directly. If a CSV file does not have a header, use the form of [_c0, _c1, _c2] to represent the first column, the second column, the third column, and so on.
edges.nebula.fields list[string] - Yes Edge names defined in NebulaGraph, the order of which must correspond to edges.fields. For example, [_c2, _c3] corresponds to [start_year, end_year], which means that values in the third column are the values of the start year, and values in the fourth column are the values of the end year.
edges.source.field string - Yes The column of source vertices of edges. For example, _c0 indicates a value in the first column that is used as the source vertex of an edge.
edges.source.prefix string - No Add the specified prefix to the VID. For example, if the VID is 12345, adding the prefix tag1 will result in tag1_12345. The underscore cannot be modified.
edges.source.policy string - No Supports only the value hash. Performs hashing operations on VIDs of type string. string - Yes The column of destination vertices of edges. For example, _c0 indicates a value in the first column that is used as the destination vertex of an edge. string - No Add the specified prefix to the VID. For example, if the VID is 12345, adding the prefix tag1 will result in tag1_12345. The underscore cannot be modified. string - No Supports only the value hash. Performs hashing operations on VIDs of type string.
edges.ranking int - No The column of rank values. If not specified, all rank values are 0 by default.
edges.batch int 256 Yes The maximum number of edges written into NebulaGraph in a single batch.
edges.partition int 32 Yes The number of partitions to be created when the data is written to NebulaGraph. If edges.partition ≤ 1, the number of partitions to be created in NebulaGraph is the same as that in the data source.

Specific parameters for generating SST files

Parameter Type Default value Required Description
edges.path string - Yes The path of the source file specified to generate SST files.
edges.repartitionWithNebula bool true No Whether to repartition data based on the number of partitions of graph spaces in NebulaGraph when generating the SST file. Enabling this function can reduce the time required to DOWNLOAD and INGEST SST files.

Last update: December 7, 2023