Geography functions¶
Geography functions are used to generate or perform operations on the value of the geography data type.
For descriptions of the geography data types, see Geography.
Function | Return Type | Description |
ST_Point(longitude, latitude) | GEOGRAPHY |
Creates the geography that contains a point. |
ST_GeogFromText(wkt_string) | GEOGRAPHY |
Returns the geography corresponding to the input WKT string. |
ST_ASText(geography) | STRING |
Returns the WKT string of the input geography. |
ST_Centroid(geography) | GEOGRAPHY |
Returns the centroid of the input geography in the form of the single point geography. |
ST_ISValid(geography) | BOOL |
Returns whether the input geography is valid. |
ST_Intersects(geography_1, geography_2) | BOOL |
Returns whether geography_1 and geography_2 have intersections. |
ST_Covers(geography_1, geography_2) | BOOL |
Returns whether geography_1 completely contains geography_2. If there is no point outside geography_1 in geography_2, return True. |
ST_CoveredBy(geography_1, geography_2) | BOOL |
Returns whether geography_2 completely contains geography_1.If there is no point outside geography_2 in geography_1, return True. |
ST_DWithin(geography_1, geography_2, distance) | BOOL |
If the distance between one point (at least) in geography_1 and one point in geography_2 is less than or equal to the distance specified by the distance parameter (measured by meters), return True. |
ST_Distance(geography_1, geography_2) | FLOAT |
Returns the smallest possible distance (measured by meters) between two non-empty geographies. |
S2_CellIdFromPoint(point_geography) | INT |
Returns the S2 Cell ID that covers the point geography. |
S2_CoveringCellIds(geography) | ARRAY<INT64> |
Returns an array of S2 Cell IDs that cover the input geography. |
nebula> RETURN ST_ASText(ST_Point(1,1));
| ST_ASText(ST_Point(1,1)) |
| "POINT(1 1)" |
nebula> RETURN ST_ASText(ST_GeogFromText("POINT(3 8)"));
| ST_ASText(ST_GeogFromText("POINT(3 8)")) |
| "POINT(3 8)" |
nebula> RETURN ST_ASTEXT(ST_Centroid(ST_GeogFromText("LineString(0 1,1 0)")));
| ST_ASTEXT(ST_Centroid(ST_GeogFromText("LineString(0 1,1 0)"))) |
| "POINT(0.5000380800773782 0.5000190382261059)" |
nebula> RETURN ST_ISValid(ST_GeogFromText("POINT(3 8)"));
| ST_ISValid(ST_GeogFromText("POINT(3 8)")) |
| true |
nebula> RETURN ST_Intersects(ST_GeogFromText("LineString(0 1,1 0)"),ST_GeogFromText("LineString(0 0,1 1)"));
| ST_Intersects(ST_GeogFromText("LineString(0 1,1 0)"),ST_GeogFromText("LineString(0 0,1 1)")) |
| true |
nebula> RETURN ST_Covers(ST_GeogFromText("POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))"),ST_Point(1,2));
| ST_Covers(ST_GeogFromText("POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))"),ST_Point(1,2)) |
| true |
nebula> RETURN ST_CoveredBy(ST_Point(1,2),ST_GeogFromText("POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))"));
| ST_CoveredBy(ST_Point(1,2),ST_GeogFromText("POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))")) |
| true |
nebula> RETURN ST_dwithin(ST_GeogFromText("Point(0 0)"),ST_GeogFromText("Point(10 10)"),20000000000.0);
| ST_dwithin(ST_GeogFromText("Point(0 0)"),ST_GeogFromText("Point(10 10)"),20000000000) |
| true |
nebula> RETURN ST_Distance(ST_GeogFromText("Point(0 0)"),ST_GeogFromText("Point(10 10)"));
| ST_Distance(ST_GeogFromText("Point(0 0)"),ST_GeogFromText("Point(10 10)")) |
| 1.5685230187677438e+06 |
nebula> RETURN S2_CellIdFromPoint(ST_GeogFromText("Point(1 1)"));
| S2_CellIdFromPoint(ST_GeogFromText("Point(1 1)")) |
| 1153277837650709461 |
nebula> RETURN S2_CoveringCellIds(ST_GeogFromText("POLYGON((0 1, 1 2, 2 3, 0 1))"));
| S2_CoveringCellIds(ST_GeogFromText("POLYGON((0 1, 1 2, 2 3, 0 1))")) |
| [1152391494368201343, 1153466862374223872, 1153554823304445952, 1153836298281156608, 1153959443583467520, 1154240918560178176, 1160503736791990272, 1160591697722212352] |
Last update:
October 25, 2023