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Error code

NebulaGraph returns an error code when an error occurs. This topic describes the details of the error code returned.


  • If an error occurs but no error code is returned, or if the error code description is unclear, we welcome your feedback or suggestions on the forum or GitHub.
  • When the code returned is 0, it means that the operation is successful.
Error name Error Code Description
E_DISCONNECTED -1 Lost connection
E_FAIL_TO_CONNECT -2 Unable to establish connection
E_RPC_FAILURE -3 RPC failure
E_LEADER_CHANGED -4 Raft leader has been changed
E_SPACE_NOT_FOUND -5 Graph space does not exist
E_TAG_NOT_FOUND -6 Tag does not exist
E_EDGE_NOT_FOUND -7 Edge type does not exist
E_INDEX_NOT_FOUND -8 Index does not exist
E_EDGE_PROP_NOT_FOUND -9 Edge type property does not exist
E_TAG_PROP_NOT_FOUND -10 Tag property does not exist
E_ROLE_NOT_FOUND -11 The current role does not exist
E_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND -12 The current configuration does not exist
E_MACHINE_NOT_FOUND -13 The current host does not exist
E_LISTENER_NOT_FOUND -15 Listener does not exist
E_PART_NOT_FOUND -16 The current partition does not exist
E_KEY_NOT_FOUND -17 Key does not exist
E_USER_NOT_FOUND -18 User does not exist
E_STATS_NOT_FOUND -19 Statistics do not exist
E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND -20 No current service found
E_DRAINER_NOT_FOUND -21 Drainer does not exist
E_DRAINER_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND -22 Drainer client does not exist
E_PART_STOPPED -23 The current partition has already been stopped
E_BACKUP_FAILED -24 Backup failed
E_BACKUP_EMPTY_TABLE -25 The backed-up table is empty
E_BACKUP_TABLE_FAILED -26 Table backup failure
E_PARTIAL_RESULT -27 MultiGet could not get all data
E_REBUILD_INDEX_FAILED -28 Index rebuild failed
E_INVALID_PASSWORD -29 Password is invalid
E_FAILED_GET_ABS_PATH -30 Unable to get absolute path
E_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD -1001 Authentication failed
E_SESSION_INVALID -1002 Invalid session
E_SESSION_TIMEOUT -1003 Session timeout
E_SYNTAX_ERROR -1004 Syntax error
E_EXECUTION_ERROR -1005 Execution error
E_STATEMENT_EMPTY -1006 Statement is empty
E_BAD_PERMISSION -1008 Permission denied
E_SEMANTIC_ERROR -1009 Semantic error
E_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS -1010 Maximum number of connections exceeded
E_PARTIAL_SUCCEEDED -1011 Access to storage failed (only some requests succeeded)
E_NO_HOSTS -2001 Host does not exist
E_EXISTED -2002 Host already exists
E_INVALID_HOST -2003 Invalid host
E_UNSUPPORTED -2004 The current command, statement, or function is not supported
E_NOT_DROP -2005 Not allowed to drop
E_CONFIG_IMMUTABLE -2007 Configuration items cannot be changed
E_CONFLICT -2008 Parameters conflict with meta data
E_INVALID_PARM -2009 Invalid parameter
E_WRONGCLUSTER -2010 Wrong cluster
E_ZONE_NOT_ENOUGH -2011 Listener conflicts
E_ZONE_IS_EMPTY -2012 Host not exist
E_SCHEMA_NAME_EXISTS -2013 Schema name already exists
E_RELATED_INDEX_EXISTS -2014 There are still indexes related to tag or edge, cannot drop it
E_RELATED_SPACE_EXISTS -2015 There are still some space on the host, cannot drop it
E_STORE_FAILURE -2021 Failed to store data
E_STORE_SEGMENT_ILLEGAL -2022 Illegal storage segment
E_BAD_BALANCE_PLAN -2023 Invalid data balancing plan
E_BALANCED -2024 The cluster is already in the data balancing status
E_NO_RUNNING_BALANCE_PLAN -2025 There is no running data balancing plan
E_NO_VALID_HOST -2026 Lack of valid hosts
E_CORRUPTED_BALANCE_PLAN -2027 A data balancing plan that has been corrupted
E_IMPROPER_ROLE -2030 Failed to recover user role
E_INVALID_PARTITION_NUM -2031 Number of invalid partitions
E_INVALID_REPLICA_FACTOR -2032 Invalid replica factor
E_INVALID_CHARSET -2033 Invalid character set
E_INVALID_COLLATE -2034 Invalid character sorting rules
E_CHARSET_COLLATE_NOT_MATCH -2035 Character set and character sorting rule mismatch
E_SNAPSHOT_FAILURE -2040 Failed to generate a snapshot
E_BLOCK_WRITE_FAILURE -2041 Failed to write block data
E_ADD_JOB_FAILURE -2044 Failed to add new task
E_STOP_JOB_FAILURE -2045 Failed to stop task
E_SAVE_JOB_FAILURE -2046 Failed to save task information
E_BALANCER_FAILURE -2047 Data balancing failed
E_JOB_NOT_FINISHED -2048 The current task has not been completed
E_TASK_REPORT_OUT_DATE -2049 Task report failed
E_JOB_NOT_IN_SPACE -2050 The current task is not in the graph space
E_JOB_NEED_RECOVER -2051 The current task needs to be resumed
E_JOB_ALREADY_FINISH -2052 The job status has already been failed or finished
E_JOB_SUBMITTED -2053 Job default status
E_JOB_NOT_STOPPABLE -2054 The given job do not support stop
E_JOB_HAS_NO_TARGET_STORAGE -2055 The leader distribution has not been reported, so can't send task to storage
E_INVALID_JOB -2065 Invalid task
E_BACKUP_BUILDING_INDEX -2066 Backup terminated (index being created)
E_BACKUP_SPACE_NOT_FOUND -2067 Graph space does not exist at the time of backup
E_RESTORE_FAILURE -2068 Backup recovery failed
E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND -2069 Session does not exist
E_LIST_CLUSTER_FAILURE -2070 Failed to get cluster information
E_LIST_CLUSTER_GET_ABS_PATH_FAILURE -2071 Failed to get absolute path when getting cluster information
E_LIST_CLUSTER_NO_AGENT_FAILURE -2072 Unable to get an agent when getting cluster information
E_QUERY_NOT_FOUND -2073 Query not found
E_AGENT_HB_FAILUE -2074 Failed to receive heartbeat from agent
E_HOST_CAN_NOT_BE_ADDED -2082 The host can not be added for it's not a storage host
E_ACCESS_ES_FAILURE -2090 Failed to access elasticsearch
E_GRAPH_MEMORY_EXCEEDED -2600 Graph memory exceeded
E_CONSENSUS_ERROR -3001 Consensus cannot be reached during an election
E_KEY_HAS_EXISTS -3002 Key already exists
E_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH -3003 Data type mismatch
E_INVALID_FIELD_VALUE -3004 Invalid field value
E_INVALID_OPERATION -3005 Invalid operation
E_NOT_NULLABLE -3006 Current value is not allowed to be empty
E_FIELD_UNSET -3007 Field value must be set if the field value is NOT NULL or has no default value
E_OUT_OF_RANGE -3008 The value is out of the range of the current type
E_DATA_CONFLICT_ERROR -3010 Data conflict
E_WRITE_STALLED -3011 Writes are delayed
E_IMPROPER_DATA_TYPE -3021 Incorrect data type
E_INVALID_SPACEVIDLEN -3022 Invalid VID length
E_INVALID_FILTER -3031 Invalid filter
E_INVALID_UPDATER -3032 Invalid field update
E_INVALID_STORE -3033 Invalid KV storage
E_INVALID_PEER -3034 Peer invalid
E_RETRY_EXHAUSTED -3035 Out of retries
E_TRANSFER_LEADER_FAILED -3036 Leader change failed
E_INVALID_STAT_TYPE -3037 Invalid stat type
E_INVALID_VID -3038 VID is invalid
E_LOAD_META_FAILED -3040 Failed to load meta information
E_FAILED_TO_CHECKPOINT -3041 Failed to generate checkpoint
E_CHECKPOINT_BLOCKED -3042 Generating checkpoint is blocked
E_FILTER_OUT -3043 Data is filtered
E_INVALID_DATA -3044 Invalid data
E_MUTATE_EDGE_CONFLICT -3045 Concurrent write conflicts on the same edge
E_MUTATE_TAG_CONFLICT -3046 Concurrent write conflict on the same vertex
E_OUTDATED_LOCK -3047 Lock is invalid
E_INVALID_TASK_PARA -3051 Invalid task parameter
E_USER_CANCEL -3052 The user canceled the task
E_TASK_EXECUTION_FAILED -3053 Task execution failed
E_PLAN_IS_KILLED -3060 Execution plan was cleared
E_NO_TERM -3070 The heartbeat process was not completed when the request was received
E_OUTDATED_TERM -3071 Out-of-date heartbeat received from the old leader (the new leader has been elected)
E_WRITE_WRITE_CONFLICT -3073 Concurrent write conflicts with later requests
E_RAFT_UNKNOWN_PART -3500 Unknown partition
E_RAFT_LOG_GAP -3501 Raft logs lag behind
E_RAFT_LOG_STALE -3502 Raft logs are out of date
E_RAFT_TERM_OUT_OF_DATE -3503 Heartbeat messages are out of date
E_RAFT_UNKNOWN_APPEND_LOG -3504 Unknown additional logs
E_RAFT_WAITING_SNAPSHOT -3511 Waiting for the snapshot to complete
E_RAFT_SENDING_SNAPSHOT -3512 There was an error sending the snapshot
E_RAFT_INVALID_PEER -3513 Invalid receiver
E_RAFT_NOT_READY -3514 Raft did not start
E_RAFT_STOPPED -3515 Raft has stopped
E_RAFT_BAD_ROLE -3516 Wrong role
E_RAFT_WAL_FAIL -3521 Write to a WAL failed
E_RAFT_HOST_STOPPED -3522 The host has stopped
E_RAFT_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS -3523 Too many requests
E_RAFT_PERSIST_SNAPSHOT_FAILED -3524 Persistent snapshot failed
E_RAFT_RPC_EXCEPTION -3525 RPC exception
E_RAFT_NO_WAL_FOUND -3526 No WAL logs found
E_RAFT_HOST_PAUSED -3527 Host suspended
E_RAFT_WRITE_BLOCKED -3528 Writes are blocked
E_RAFT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW -3529 Cache overflow
E_RAFT_ATOMIC_OP_FAILED -3530 Atomic operation failed
E_LEADER_LEASE_FAILED -3531 Leader lease expired
E_RAFT_CAUGHT_UP -3532 Data has been synchronized on Raft
E_STORAGE_MEMORY_EXCEEDED -3600 Storage memory exceeded
E_LOG_GAP -4001 Drainer logs lag behind
E_LOG_STALE -4002 Drainer logs are out of date
E_INVALID_DRAINER_STORE -4003 The drainer data storage is invalid
E_SPACE_MISMATCH -4004 Graph space mismatch
E_PART_MISMATCH -4005 Partition mismatch
E_DATA_CONFLICT -4006 Data conflict
E_REQ_CONFLICT -4007 Request conflict
E_DATA_ILLEGAL -4008 Illegal data
E_CACHE_CONFIG_ERROR -5001 Cache configuration error
E_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE -5002 Insufficient space
E_CACHE_MISS -5003 No cache hit
E_CACHE_WRITE_FAILURE -5005 Write cache failed
E_NODE_NUMBER_EXCEED_LIMIT -7001 Number of machines exceeded the limit
E_PARSING_LICENSE_FAILURE -7002 Failed to resolve certificate
E_UNKNOWN -8000 Unknown error

Last update: October 24, 2023