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Global settings

This article describes the global settings of using Dashboard Enterprise Edition, including interface settings, help center, and user information.

Interface settings

At the top navigation bar of the Dashboard Enterprise Edition, click Interface settings to set system, notification, and other settings.

System settings

On the left-side navigation bar of the Interface Settings, click System Settings to modify the page title, logo image, and cover image.

Notification Endpoints

  • Mail:Dashboard Enterprise Edition supports sending and receiving alert messages for all clusters via E-mail.

    On the left-side navigation bar of the Interface Settings page, click Notification Endpoints->Mail:

    • You need to set the following parameters to send alert messages.

      Parameter Description
      SMTP Server Address The SMTP server address corresponding to your mailbox.
      Port The port number of the SMTP server corresponding to your mailbox.
      Use SSL Check the box to enable SSL for encrypted data transmission.
      SMTP User Name The SMTP server account name.
      SMTP Password The SMTP server password.
      Sender Email The email address of the one who sent you the email.
    • You need to set a receiver to receive alert messages.

      Parameter Description
      Receiver Set the email address to receive alert messages. This email address will receive alert messages for all clusters created on Dashboard.
  • Webhook:Supports configuring Webhook to bring all cluster alert messages into third-party projects.

    On the left-side navigation bar of the Interface Settings page, click Notification Endpoints->Webhook to input the Webhook URL used to receive alert messages. You can turn on or off the Webhook feature at the top right of the page.

Other settings

On the left-side navigation bar of the Interface Settings page, click Other Settings to have the following operations:

  • Change the display language. Currently, only Chinese and English are supported.
  • Turn on or off help tips. An example of tips is as follows.


Help center

At the top navigation bar of the Dashboard Enterprise Edition, click Help. On the Help page, you can jump to Dashboard Docs, NebulaGraph Docs, NebulaGraph Website, or NebulaGraph Forum.

User information

At the top right of the Dashboard Enterprise Edition page, hover mouse to your account name, such as nebula:

  • Click Profile to view your account information and modify the account login password.


    For an LDAP account, the login password cannot be modified. For more information about accounts, see Authority management.

  • Click Logout to log out of the current account.

Last update: March 13, 2023