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Workflow API overview

NebulaGraph Explorer provides some APIs for using workflow.

The supported APIs are as follows:

Request method

Users can use curl to call APIs to achieve corresponding functions.

The format is as follows:

curl <options> http://<explorer_address>:<explorer_port>/<api_path>?{<body>}
  • <options>: Curl supports a large number of options. The most commonly used options for workflow are -X, -H and -d. For more information about options, see curl official documentation.
  • <explorer_address>: The access address of the NebulaGraph Explorer.
  • <explorer_port>: The access port of the NebulaGraph Explorer.
  • <api_path>: The call path of APIs. For example: api-open/v1/jobs.
  • <body>: The body parameters that needs to be supplied when calling APIs.

Get authorization token

Token information verification is required when calling an API. Run the following command to get the authorization token.

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <account_base64_encode>" -d '{"address":"<nebula_address>","port":<nebula_port>}' http://<explorer_address>:<explorer_port>/api-open/v1/connect
  • <account_base64_encode>: The character string of the base64 encoded NebulaGraph account and password. Take the username root and password 123 as an example, the serialized string is ["root", "123"]. After the encoding, the result is WyJyb290IiwiMTIzIl0=.
  • <nebula_address>: The access address of the NebulaGraph.
  • <nebula_port>: The access port of the NebulaGraph.
  • <explorer_address>: The access address of the NebulaGraph Explorer.
  • <explorer_port>: The access port of the NebulaGraph Explorer.


curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer WyJyb290IiwiMTIzIl0=" -d '{"address":"","port":9669}'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Set-Cookie: explorer_token=eyJhbxxx; Path=/; # Max-Age=259200; HttpOnly
Traceparent: 00-1c3f55cdbf81e13a2331ed88155ce0bf-2b97474943563f20-# 00
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 06:47:01 GMT
Content-Length: 54

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "success": true
  "message": "Success"

Note the following parameters:

  • explorer_token: The authorization token.
  • Max-Age: Token validity time. Unit: second. The default value is 259,200 seconds, that is 3 days. You can change the default validity time in the config/app-config.yaml file in the installation directory.


  • If an API is called successfully, the system returns the following information:

      code: 0,
      message: 'Success',
      data: <ResponseData>   //Return the results based on the API.
  • If an API is called failed, the system returns the corresponding common error code. For example:

      code: 40004000,
      message: '<ErrBadRequest>',  //Display the error information.

    For descriptions of common error codes, see the following sections.

Common error codes

Error code Information Description
40004000 ErrBadRequest Request error.
40004001 ErrParam Request parameter error.
40104000 ErrUnauthorized Request authorization error.
40104001 ErrSession Login session error.
40304000 ErrForbidden Request denied.
40404000 ErrNotFound Requested resource does not exist.
50004000 ErrInternalServer Internal service error.
50004001 ErrInternalDatabase Database error.
50004002 ErrInternalController Controller error.
50004003 ErrInternalLicense Certificate verification error.
90004000 ErrUnknown Unknown error.

Job/Task status code

Status code Description
0 Preparing
1 Running
2 Success
3 Failed
4 Interrupted
5 Stopping

Last update: February 19, 2024