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Prepare resources

You must prepare your environment for running a workflow, including NebulaGraph configurations, HDFS configurations, and NebulaGraph Analytics configurations.


  • Dag Controller have been deployed and started. For details, see Deploy Explorer.


  1. At the top of the Explorer page, click Workflow.

  2. In the Workflows tab, click Configuration.

  3. Configure the following resources:


    Type Description
    NebulaGraph Configuration The access address of the graph service that executes a graph query or to which the graph computing result is written. The default address is the address that you use to log into Explorer and can not be changed. You can set timeout periods for three services.
    HDFS Configuration The HDFS address that stores the result of the graph query or graph computing. Click Add to add a new address, you can set the HDFS name, HDFS path (fs.defaultFS), and HDFS username. You can configure the save path, such as hdfs:// The configuration takes effect only after the HDFS client is installed on the machine where the Analytics is installed.
    NebulaGraph Analytics Configuration The NebulaGraph Analytics address that performs the graph computing. Click Add to add a new address.
  4. Click Confirm.

Last update: February 19, 2024