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Inline frame

NebulaGraph Explorer supports inline frame (iframe), which can be used to embed canvases into third-party pages. This topic describes how to embed a canvas.


The Explorer has been installed.


  • Embedded Explorer pages only access the corresponding graph space by default, so some pages and features are not displayed. For example, the upper navigation bar and some left-navigation-bar features are hidden. If you need to access multiple graph spaces, you can embed them separately on multiple pages.
  • Language switching is not supported. The default language is Chinese.


  1. Modify the configuration file config/app-config.yaml in the installation directory of Explorer. The following parameters need to be modified.

    # Uncomment the CertFile and KeyFile parameters.
    CertFile: "./config/NebulaGraphExplorer.crt"
    KeyFile: "./config/NebulaGraphExplorer.key"
    # Modify the value of IframeMode.Enable to true.
      Enable: true
    # You can set the URI whitelist of the window. By default, no URI is restricted.
      # Origins:
      #  - ""
  2. Use the command openssl in the directory config to generate a self-signed certificate. The following is an example.

    openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha512 -days 365 -nodes -subj "/" -out NebulaGraphExplorer.crt -keyout NebulaGraphExplorer.key
    • -newkey: The secret key is automatically generated when a certificate request or self-signed certificate is generated.
    • -x509: Generates a self-signed certificate.
    • -sha512: Specifies the algorithm of the message digest.
    • -days: The number of days that the certificate generated with parameter -x509 is valid.
    • -nodes: Outputs the secret key without encryption.
    • -subj: Sets the subject of the request.
    • -out: Specifies the name of the generated certificate request or self-signed certificate.
    • -keyout: Specifies the name of the automatically generated secret key.
  3. Embed the Explorer page by using iframe on a third-party page. The work needs to be developed by yourself.

  4. On the parent page, pass the login message through the postMessage method in the following format:

    { type: 'NebulaGraphExploreLogin', 
      data: { 
        authorization: 'WyJyb290IiwibmVidWxhIl0=', 
        host: '', 
        space: 'basketballplayer' 
        } }
    • type: The method type must be NebulaGraphExploreLogin.
    • data:
      • authorization: NebulaGraph accounts and passwords were formed into an array and serialized, then Base64 encoded. The array format is ['account', 'password']. The example is['root', 'nebula']. The encoded result is WyJyb290IiwibmVidWxhIl0=.
      • host: The graph service address of NebulaGraph.
      • space: The name of the target graph space.
  5. Start the Explorer service.


    If the Explorer is installed by RPM/DEB package, run the command sudo ./nebula-explorer-server &

  6. Check whether the embedded Explorer page is displayed on the third-party page. For example, the first page displays the graph space basketballplayer, and the second and third pages display other graph spaces.


Last update: February 19, 2024