Nebula Graph related parameters

To import data, you must set parameters for Nebula Graph. This table lists all the Nebula Graph related parameters. For more information, see the examples.

Parameters Default Data Type Required? Description
nebula.address.graph None list[string] Yes Specifies the addresses and ports used by the Graph Service of Nebula Graph. Multiple addresses must be separated with commas. In the format of "ip1:port","ip2:port","ip3:port".
nebula.address.meta None list[string] Yes Specifies the addresses and ports used by the Meta Service of Nebula Graph. Multiple addresses must be separated with commas. In the format of "ip1:port","ip2:port","ip3:port".
nebula.user user string Yes Specifies an account of Nebula Graph. The default value is user. If authentication is enabled in Nebula Graph:
- If no account is created, use root.
- If a specified account is created and given the write permission to a graph space, you can use this account.
nebula.pswd password string Yes Specifies the password of the specified account. The default password for the user account is password. If authentication is enabled in Nebula Graph:
- For the root account, use nebula.
- For another account, use the specified password. None string Yes Specifies the name of the graph space to import data.
nebula.connection.timeout 3000 int No Specifies the period of timeout for Thrift connection. Unit: ms.
nebula.connection.retry 3 int No Specifies the number of retries for Thrift connection.
nebula.execution.retry 3 int No Specifies the number of execution retries of an nGQL statements
nebula.error.max 32 int No Specifies the maximum number of failures during the import process. When the specified number of failures occur, the submitted Spark job stops automatically.
nebula.error.output None string Yes Specifies a logging directory on the Nebula Graph cluster for the error message.