Comparison Functions and Operators

Name Description
= Assign a value
/ Division operator
== Equal operator
!= Not equal operator
< Less than operator
<= Less than or equal operator
- Minus operator
% Modulo operator
+ Addition operator
* Multiplication operator
- Change the sign of the argument
udf_is_in() Whether a value is within a set of values

Comparison operations result in a value of true and false.

  • ==

Equal. String comparisons are case-sensitive. Values of different types are not equal.

nebula> YIELD 'A' == 'a';
| ("A"=="a") |
| false |

nebula> YIELD '2' == 2;
[ERROR (-8)]: A string type can not be compared with a non-string type.
  • >

Greater than:

nebula> YIELD 3 > 2;
| (3>2) |
| true |

Greater than or equal to:

nebula> YIELD 2 >= 2;
[ERROR (-8)]: A string type can not be compared with a non-string type.
  • <

Less than:

nebula> YIELD 2.0 < 1.9;
| (2.000000000000000<1.900000000000000) |
| false                                 |

Less than or equal to:

nebula> YIELD 0.11 <= 0.11;
| (0.110000<=0.110000) |
|true |
  • !=

Not equal:

nebula> YIELD 1 != '1';
A string type can not be compared with a non-string type.
  • udf_is_in()

Returns true if the first value is equal to any of the values in the list, otherwise, returns false.

nebula> YIELD udf_is_in(1,0,1,2);
| udf_is_in(1,0,1,2) |
| true               |

nebula> GO FROM 100 OVER follow WHERE udf_is_in($$, "Tony Parker"); /* This example might not work because udf_is_in might be changed in the future.*/
| follow._dst |
| 101         |

nebula> GO FROM 100 OVER follow YIELD follow._dst AS id | GO FROM $ OVER follow WHERE udf_is_in($, 102, 102 + 1);
| follow._dst |
| 100         |
| 101         |