Group By

GROUP BY is similar with SQL. It can only be applied in the YIELD syntax.

Name Description
AVG() Return the average value of the argument
COUNT() Return the number of records
COUNT_DISTINCT()) Return the number of different values
MAX() Return the maximum value
MIN() Return the minimum value
STD() Return the population standard deviation
SUM() Return the sum
BIT_AND() Bitwise AND
BIT_OR() Bitwise OR
BIT_XOR() Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)

All the functions above only work with int64 and double.


nebula> GO FROM 100 OVER follow YIELD $$ as Name | GROUP BY $-.Name YIELD $-.Name, COUNT(*);
-- Find all the players followed by vertex 100 and return their names as Name. These players are grouped by Name and the number in each group is counted.
-- The following result is returned:
| $-.Name           | COUNT(*) |
| Kyle Anderson     | 1        |
| Tony Parker       | 1        |
| LaMarcus Aldridge | 1        |

nebula> GO FROM 101 OVER follow YIELD follow._src AS player, AS degree | GROUP BY $-.player YIELD SUM($;
-- Find all the players followed by vertex 101, return these players as player and the property of the follow edge as degree. These players are grouped and the sum of their degree values is returned.
-- The following result is returned:
| SUM($ |
| 186            |