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Get a list of all jobs

This topic describes how to use an API to get a list of all jobs.

API path


Request parameters

Path parameters


Headers parameters

Parameters Type If required Default value Example Description
Content-Type string yes - application/json The content type.
explorer_token string yes - eyJhbxxx The authorization token that is used to verify account information. For details, see Workflow API overview.

Body parameters

Parameters Type If required Default value Example Description
filter object no - - The filter settings.
   - name string no - workflow_q745a_20220715092236 The job name.
   - status number no - 2 The job status code. For details, see Workflow API overview.
   - fromCreateTime number no - 1657848036000 Start time stamp. Filtering based on the job creation time.
   - toCreateTime number no - 1657848157000 End time stamp. Filtering based on the job creation time.
   - orderByCreateTime string no desc - Sorting mode. The available value are desc and asc.
pageSize number no 10 - The number of entries to return on each page.
page number no 1 - The number of the page to return.

Request example


The content after jobs? is the body parameter, and the content of filter is the result of URL encoding. The original content of filter was { "status": 2, "orderByCreateTime": "asc"}.

curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cookie: "explorer_token=eyJhbxxx""

Response parameters

Parameters Type Example Description
code number 0 The result code of the request. Return 0 if the request is successful, and return an error code if the request is unsuccessful. For details, see Workflow API overview.
message string Success The result information of the execution.
data object - The list of returned data.
   - total number 2 The total number of records.
   - Page number 1 The number of the page to return.
   - PageSize number 10 The number of entries to return on each page.
   - items object - The list of record details.
       - id number 105 The job ID.
       - name string workflow_q745a_20220715090915 The job name.
       - workflowId string 4216617528 The workflow ID.
       - workflowName string workflow_q745a The workflow name.
       - status number 2 The job status code. For details, see Workflow API overview.
       - runBeginTime number 1657847358000 The start time of the job execution.
       - runEndTime number 1657847364000 The end time of the job execution.
       - createTime number 1657847355906 The creation time of the job.

Response example

  "cookie": [],
  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "Traceparent": "00-d3a1943f5baf46771e9afc629e0b5d40-920db2f06142f5ff-00",
  "Date": "Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:17:21 GMT",
  "Content-Length": "512"

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "id": 105,
        "name": "workflow_q745a_20220715090915",
        "workflowId": "4216617528",
        "workflowName": "workflow_q745a",
        "status": 2,
        "runBeginTime": 1657847358000,
        "runEndTime": 1657847364000,
        "createTime": 1657847355906
        "id": 106,
        "name": "workflow_q745a_20220715092236",
        "workflowId": "4216617528",
        "workflowName": "workflow_q745a",
        "status": 2,
        "runBeginTime": 1657848157000,
        "runEndTime": 1657848163000,
        "createTime": 1657848156290
    "total": 2,
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 10
  "message": "Success"

Last update: February 19, 2024