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Install a NebulaGraph cluster using NebulaGraph Operator

Using NebulaGraph Operator to install NebulaGraph clusters enables automated cluster management with automatic error recovery. This topic covers two methods, kubectl apply and helm, for installing clusters using NebulaGraph Operator.

Historical version compatibility

NebulaGraph Operator versions 1.x are not compatible with NebulaGraph versions below 3.x.


Use kubectl apply

  1. Create a namespace for storing NebulaGraph cluster-related resources. For example, create the nebula namespace.

    kubectl create namespace nebula
  2. Create a YAML configuration file nebulacluster.yaml for the cluster. For example, create a cluster named nebula.

    Expand to view an example configuration for the nebula cluster
    kind: NebulaCluster
      name: nebula
      namespace: default
      # Control the Pod scheduling strategy.
      - topologyKey: ""
        whenUnsatisfiable: "ScheduleAnyway"
      # Enable PV recycling.
      enablePVReclaim: false
      # Enable monitoring.
        image: vesoft/nebula-stats-exporter
        version: v3.3.0
        replicas: 1
        maxRequests: 20
      # Custom Agent image for cluster backup and restore, and log cleanup.
        image: vesoft/nebula-agent
        version: latest
            cpu: "100m"
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "200m"
            memory: "256Mi"  
      # Configure the image pull policy.
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      # Select the nodes for Pod scheduling.
        nebula: cloud
      # Dependent controller name.
        name: statefulsets.apps
        version: v1
      # Scheduler name.
      schedulerName: default-scheduler   
      # Start NebulaGraph Console service for connecting to the Graph service.
        image: vesoft/nebula-console
        version: nightly
        username: "demo"
        password: "test"                 
      # Graph service configuration. 
      # Used to check if the Graph service is running normally.
      #  readinessProbe:
      #    failureThreshold: 3
      #    httpGet:
      #      path: /status
      #      port: 19669
      #      scheme: HTTP
      #    initialDelaySeconds: 40
      #    periodSeconds: 10
      #    successThreshold: 1
      #    timeoutSeconds: 10
        # Container image for the Graph service.
        image: vesoft/nebula-graphd
              storage: 2Gi
          # Storage class name for storing Graph service logs.
          storageClassName: local-sc
        # Number of replicas for the Graph service Pod.
        replicas: 1
        # Resource configuration for the Graph service.
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 1Gi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 500Mi
        # Version of the Graph service.
        version: v3.8.0
        # Custom flags configuration for the Graph service.
        config: {}
      # Meta service configuration.
      #  readinessProbe:
      #    failureThreshold: 3
      #    httpGet:
      #      path: /status
      #      port: 19559
      #      scheme: HTTP
      #    initialDelaySeconds: 5
      #    periodSeconds: 5
      #    successThreshold: 1
      #    timeoutSeconds: 5
        # Container image for the Meta service.
        image: vesoft/nebula-metad
              storage: 2Gi
          storageClassName: local-sc
              storage: 2Gi
          storageClassName: local-sc
        replicas: 1
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 1Gi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 500Mi
        version: v3.8.0
        # Custom flags configuration for the Meta service.
        config: {}          
      # Storage service configuration.
      #  readinessProbe:
      #    failureThreshold: 3
      #    httpGet:
      #      path: /status
      #      port: 19779
      #      scheme: HTTP
      #    initialDelaySeconds: 40
      #    periodSeconds: 10
      #    successThreshold: 1
      #    timeoutSeconds: 5
        # Container image for the Storage service.
        image: vesoft/nebula-graphd
              storage: 2Gi
          storageClassName: local-sc
        - resources:
              storage: 2Gi
          storageClassName: local-sc
        replicas: 1
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 1Gi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 500Mi
        version: v3.8.0
        # Custom flags configuration for the Storage service.
        config: {} 
    Expand to view all configurable parameters and descriptions
    Parameter Default Value Description - The name of the created NebulaGraph cluster.
    spec.console - Launches a Console container for connecting to the Graph service. For configuration details, see nebula-console.
    spec.topologySpreadConstraints - Controls the scheduling strategy for Pods. For more details, see Topology Spread Constraints. When the value of topologyKey is, the value of whenUnsatisfiable must be set to DoNotSchedule, and the value of spec.schedulerName should be nebula-scheduler.
    spec.graphd.replicas 1 The number of replicas for the Graphd service.
    spec.graphd.image vesoft/nebula-graphd The container image for the Graphd service.
    spec.graphd.version v3.8.0 The version of the Graphd service.
    spec.graphd.service Configuration for accessing the Graphd service via a Service.
    spec.graphd.logVolumeClaim.storageClassName - The storage class name for the log volume claim of the Graphd service. When using sample configuration, replace it with the name of the pre-created storage class. See Storage Classes for creating a storage class.
    spec.metad.replicas 1 The number of replicas for the Metad service.
    spec.metad.image vesoft/nebula-metad The container image for the Metad service.
    spec.metad.version v3.8.0 The version of the Metad service.
    spec.metad.dataVolumeClaim.storageClassName - Storage configuration for the data disk of the Metad service. When using sample configuration, replace it with the name of the pre-created storage class. See Storage Classes for creating a storage class.
    spec.metad.logVolumeClaim.storageClassName - Storage configuration for the log disk of the Metad service. When using sample configuration, replace it with the name of the pre-created storage class. See Storage Classes for creating a storage class.
    spec.storaged.replicas 3 The number of replicas for the Storaged service.
    spec.storaged.image vesoft/nebula-storaged The container image for the Storaged service.
    spec.storaged.version v3.8.0 The version of the Storaged service. - The storage size for the data disk of the Storaged service. You can specify multiple data disks. When specifying multiple data disks, the paths are like /usr/local/nebula/data1, /usr/local/nebula/data2, and so on.
    spec.storaged.dataVolumeClaims.storageClassName - Storage configuration for the data disks of the Storaged service. When using sample configuration, replace it with the name of the pre-created storage class. See Storage Classes for creating a storage class.
    spec.storaged.logVolumeClaim.storageClassName - Storage configuration for the log disk of the Storaged service. When using sample configuration, replace it with the name of the pre-created storage class. See Storage Classes for creating a storage class.
    spec.<metad|storaged|graphd>.securityContext {} Defines the permission and access control for the cluster containers to control access and execution of container operations. For details, see SecurityContext.
    spec.agent {} Configuration for the Agent service used for backup and recovery, and log cleaning functions. If you don't customize this configuration, the default configuration is used. {} The name of the controller it depends on.
    spec.schedulerName default-scheduler The name of the scheduler.
    spec.imagePullPolicy Always The image pull policy for NebulaGraph images. For more details on pull policies, please see Image pull policy.
    spec.logRotate {} Log rotation configuration. For details, see Managing Cluster Logs.
    spec.enablePVReclaim false Defines whether to automatically delete PVCs after deleting the cluster to release data. For details, see Reclaim PV.
    spec.metad.licenseManagerURL - Configures the URL pointing to the License Manager (LM), consisting of the access address and port (default port 9119). For example, For creating the NebulaGraph Enterprise Edition only.
    spec.storaged.enableAutoBalance false Whether to enable automatic balancing. For details, see Balancing Storage Data After Scaling Out.
    spec.enableBR false Defines whether to enable the BR tool. For details, see Backup and Restore.
    spec.imagePullSecrets [] Defines the Secret required to pull images from a private repository.
  3. Create the NebulaGraph cluster.

    kubectl create -f nebulacluster.yaml -n nebula

    Output: created

    If you don't specify the namespace using -n, it will default to the default namespace.

  4. Check the status of the NebulaGraph cluster.

    kubectl get nebulaclusters nebula -n nebula


    nebula    True    1                1              1               1             1                  1                86s

Use helm

  1. Add the NebulaGraph Operator Helm repository (if it's already added, run the next step directly).

    helm repo add nebula-operator
  2. Update the Helm repository to fetch the latest resources.

    helm repo update nebula-operator
  3. Set environment variables for the configuration parameters required for installing the cluster.

    export NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAME=nebula         # Name of the NebulaGraph cluster.
    export NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE=nebula    # Namespace for the NebulaGraph cluster.
    export STORAGE_CLASS_NAME=local-sc       # StorageClass for the NebulaGraph cluster.
  4. Create a namespace for the NebulaGraph cluster if it is not created.

    kubectl create namespace "${NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}"
  5. Check the customizable configuration parameters for the nebula-cluster Helm chart of the nebula-operator when creating the cluster.

    • Run the following command to view all the configurable parameters.

      helm show values nebula-operator/nebula-cluster
      Example to view all configurable parameters
        version: v3.8.0
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        storageClassName: ""
        enablePVReclaim: false
        enableBR: false
        enableForceUpdate: false
        schedulerName: default-scheduler 
        - topologyKey: ""
          whenUnsatisfiable: "ScheduleAnyway"
        logRotate: {}
          name: statefulsets.apps
          version: v1
          image: vesoft/nebula-graphd
          replicas: 2
          serviceType: NodePort
          env: []
          config: {}
              cpu: "500m"
              memory: "500Mi"
              cpu: "1"
              memory: "500Mi"
            enable: true
            storage: "500Mi"
          podLabels: {}
          podAnnotations: {}
          securityContext: {}
          nodeSelector: {}
          tolerations: []
          affinity: {}
          readinessProbe: {}
          livenessProbe: {}
          initContainers: []
          sidecarContainers: []
          volumes: []
          volumeMounts: []
          image: vesoft/nebula-metad
          replicas: 3
          env: []
          config: {}
              cpu: "500m"
              memory: "500Mi"
              cpu: "1"
              memory: "1Gi"
            enable: true
            storage: "500Mi"
            storage: "2Gi"
          licenseManagerURL: ""
          license: {}
          podLabels: {}
          podAnnotations: {}
          securityContext: {}
          nodeSelector: {}
          tolerations: []
          affinity: {}
          readinessProbe: {}
          livenessProbe: {}
          initContainers: []
          sidecarContainers: []
          volumes: []
          volumeMounts: []
          image: vesoft/nebula-storaged
          replicas: 3
          env: []
          config: {}
              cpu: "500m"
              memory: "500Mi"
              cpu: "1"
              memory: "1Gi"
            enable: true
            storage: "500Mi"
          - storage: "10Gi"
          enableAutoBalance: false
          podLabels: {}
          podAnnotations: {}
          securityContext: {}
          nodeSelector: {}
          tolerations: []
          affinity: {}
          readinessProbe: {}
          livenessProbe: {}
          initContainers: []
          sidecarContainers: []
          volumes: []
          volumeMounts: []
          image: vesoft/nebula-stats-exporter
          version: v3.3.0
          replicas: 1
          env: []
              cpu: "100m"
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "200m"
              memory: "256Mi"
          podLabels: {}
          podAnnotations: {}
          securityContext: {}
          nodeSelector: {}
          tolerations: []
          affinity: {}
          readinessProbe: {}
          livenessProbe: {}
          initContainers: []
          sidecarContainers: []
          volumes: []
          volumeMounts: []
          maxRequests: 20
          image: vesoft/nebula-agent
          version: latest
              cpu: "100m"
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "200m"
              memory: "256Mi"
          username: root
          password: nebula
          image: vesoft/nebula-console
          version: latest
          nodeSelector: {}
        alpineImage: ""
      imagePullSecrets: []
      nameOverride: ""
      fullnameOverride: "" 
      Expand to view parameter descriptions
      Parameter Default Value Description
      nebula.version v3.8.0 Version of the cluster.
      nebula.imagePullPolicy Always Container image pull policy. Always means always attempting to pull the latest image from the remote.
      nebula.storageClassName "" Name of the Kubernetes storage class for dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes.
      nebula.enablePVReclaim false Enable persistent volume reclaim. See Reclaim PV for details.
      nebula.enableBR false Enable the backup and restore feature. See Backup and Restore with NebulaGraph Operator for details.
      nebula.enableForceUpdate false Force update the Storage service without transferring the leader partition replicas. See Optimize leader transfer in rolling updates for details.
      nebula.schedulerName default-scheduler Name of the Kubernetes scheduler. Must be configured as nebula-scheduler when using the Zone feature.
      nebula.topologySpreadConstraints [] Control the distribution of pods in the cluster.
      nebula.logRotate {} Log rotation configuration. See Manage cluster logs for details.
      nebula.reference {"name": "statefulsets.apps", "version": "v1"} The workload referenced for a NebulaGraph cluster.
      nebula.graphd.image vesoft/nebula-graphd Container image for the Graph service.
      nebula.graphd.replicas 2 Number of replicas for the Graph service.
      nebula.graphd.serviceType NodePort Service type for the Graph service, defining how the Graph service is accessed. See Connect to the Cluster for details.
      nebula.graphd.env [] Container environment variables for the Graph service.
      nebula.graphd.config {} Configuration for the Graph service. See Customize the configuration of the NebulaGraph cluster for details.
      nebula.graphd.resources {"resources":{"requests":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"500Mi"}}} Resource limits and requests for the Graph service.
      nebula.graphd.logVolume {"logVolume": {"enable": true,"storage": "500Mi"}} Log storage configuration for the Graph service. When enable is false, log volume is not used.
      nebula.metad.image vesoft/nebula-metad Container image for the Meta service.
      nebula.metad.replicas 3 Number of replicas for the Meta service.
      nebula.metad.env [] Container environment variables for the Meta service.
      nebula.metad.config {} Configuration for the Meta service. See Customize the configuration of the NebulaGraph cluster for details.
      nebula.metad.resources {"resources":{"requests":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"}}} Resource limits and requests for the Meta service.
      nebula.metad.logVolume {"logVolume": {"enable": true,"storage": "500Mi"}} Log storage configuration for the Meta service. When enable is false, log volume is not used.
      nebula.metad.dataVolume {"dataVolume": {"storage": "2Gi"}} Data storage configuration for the Meta service.
      nebula.metad.licenseManagerURL "" URL for the license manager (LM) to obtain license information. For creating the NebulaGraph Enterprise Edition only.
      nebula.storaged.image vesoft/nebula-storaged Container image for the Storage service.
      nebula.storaged.replicas 3 Number of replicas for the Storage service.
      nebula.storaged.env [] Container environment variables for the Storage service.
      nebula.storaged.config {} Configuration for the Storage service. See Customize the configuration of the NebulaGraph cluster for details.
      nebula.storaged.resources {"resources":{"requests":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"}}} Resource limits and requests for the Storage service.
      nebula.storaged.logVolume {"logVolume": {"enable": true,"storage": "500Mi"}} Log storage configuration for the Storage service. When enable is false, log volume is not used.
      nebula.storaged.dataVolumes {"dataVolumes": [{"storage": "10Gi"}]} Data storage configuration for the Storage service. Supports specifying multiple data volumes.
      nebula.storaged.enableAutoBalance false Enable automatic balancing. See Balance storage data after scaling out for details.
      nebula.exporter.image vesoft/nebula-stats-exporter Container image for the Exporter service.
      nebula.exporter.version v3.3.0 Version of the Exporter service.
      nebula.exporter.replicas 1 Number of replicas for the Exporter service.
      nebula.exporter.env [] Environment variables for the Exporter service.
      nebula.exporter.resources {"resources":{"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"256Mi"}}} Resource limits and requests for the Exporter service.
      nebula.agent.image vesoft/nebula-agent Container image for the agent service.
      nebula.agent.version latest Version of the agent service.
      nebula.agent.resources {"resources":{"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"256Mi"}}} Resource limits and requests for the agent service.
      nebula.console.username root Username for accessing the NebulaGraph Console client. See Connect to the cluster for details.
      nebula.console.password nebula Password for accessing the NebulaGraph Console client.
      nebula.console.image vesoft/nebula-console Container image for the NebulaGraph Console client.
      nebula.console.version latest Version of the NebulaGraph Console client.
      nebula.alpineImage "" Alpine Linux container image used to obtain zone information for nodes.
      imagePullSecrets [] Names of secrets to pull private images.
      nameOverride "" Cluster name.
      fullnameOverride "" Name of the released chart instance.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.podLabels {} Additional labels to be added to the pod.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.podAnnotations {} Additional annotations to be added to the pod.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.securityContext {} Security context for setting pod-level security attributes, including user ID, group ID, Linux Capabilities, etc.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.nodeSelector {} Label selectors for determining which nodes to run the pod on.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.tolerations [] Tolerations allow a pod to be scheduled to nodes with specific taints.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.affinity {} Affinity rules for the pod, including node affinity, pod affinity, and pod anti-affinity.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.readinessProbe {} Probe to check if a container is ready to accept service requests. When the probe returns success, traffic can be routed to the container.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.livenessProbe {} Probe to check if a container is still running. If the probe fails, Kubernetes will kill and restart the container.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.initContainers [] Special containers that run before the main application container starts, typically used for setting up the environment or initializing data.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.sidecarContainers [] Containers that run alongside the main application container, typically used for auxiliary tasks such as log processing, monitoring, etc.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.volumes [] Storage volumes to be attached to the service pod.
      nebula.<graphd|metad|storaged|exporter>.volumeMounts [] Specifies where to mount the storage volume inside the container.
  6. Create the NebulaGraph cluster.

    You can use the --set flag to customize the default values of the NebulaGraph cluster configuration. For example, --set nebula.storaged.replicas=3 sets the number of replicas for the Storage service to 3.

    helm install "${NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAME}" nebula-operator/nebula-cluster \ 
        # Specify the version of the cluster chart. If not specified, it will install the latest version by default.
        # You can check all chart versions by running the command: helm search repo -l nebula-operator/nebula-cluster
        --version=1.8.0 \
        # Specify the namespace for the NebulaGraph cluster.
        --namespace="${NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}" \
        # Customize the cluster name.
        --set nameOverride="${NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAME}" \
        --set nebula.storageClassName="${STORAGE_CLASS_NAME}" \
        # Specify the version for the NebulaGraph cluster.
        --set nebula.version=v3.8.0
  7. Check the status of NebulaGraph cluster pods.

    kubectl -n "${NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}" get pod -l "${NEBULA_CLUSTER_NAME}"


    NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    nebula-exporter-854c76989c-mp725   1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-graphd-0                    1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-graphd-1                    1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-metad-0                     1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-metad-1                     1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-metad-2                     1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-storaged-0                  1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-storaged-1                  1/1     Running   0          14h
    nebula-storaged-2                  1/1     Running   0          14h

Last update: March 7, 2024