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NebulaGraph 3.8.0 release notes

  • Features:

    • Introduced the SINGLE SHORTEST PATH statement. #5664
    • Introduced the INNER JOIN statement. #5664
    • The ROUND() function now supports various rounding modes. #5680
  • Enhancements:

    • Performance:

      • The SHORTEST PATH statement now supports LIMIT pushdown to improve performance. #5657
      • Optimized certain logic to mitigate the impact on write performance after a follower crashes. #5673
      • Optimized session management in the Meta service to reduce latency in high concurrency scenarios. #5762
      • Optmized LIMIT pushdown rules to improve performance. #5883
    • Usability:

      • Optimized the process of graph space deletion to reduce blocking time. #5754
    • Stability:

      • Optimized the LEADER BALANCE algorithm for a more balanced load distribution. #5670
      • Introduced a limit on the maximum number of statements to enhance system protection mechanisms. #5790
  • Bug Fixes:

    • DQL:

      • Fixed inconsistent results when executing the LOOKUP statement multiple times. #5662
      • Fixed the syntax error when UNION ALL was used. #5674
      • Fixed incorrect LIMIT results and crashes in SHORTEST PATH, ALL PATH, and NOLOOP PATH scenarios. #5679, #5699, #5787, #5789
      • Fixed the crash issue when executing the SHORTEST PATH statement multiple times with a memory tracker set. #5720
      • Fixed a filtering error to prevent the Graph service from crashing. #5740
      • Fixed execution failure in multi-variable scenarios. #5734
      • Fixed the issue that MATCH SHORTEST PATH did not support self-loop detection. #5738
      • Fixed the crash issue in some scenarios when the filter condition is never met. #5740
      • Fixed the crash issue with the ROUND function. #5773
      • Fixed the incorrect result issue when executing FIND PATH WITH PROP in a one-hop query. #5759
      • Fixed the performance degradation issue when the USE SPACE clause was included in a query statement. #5793
      • Fixed the issue that FIND NOLOOP PATH did not exclude self-loops. #5805
    • Others:

      • Fixed errors when executing the CLONE SPACE statement. #3005, #5781
      • Fixed the issue that no data was collected by the num_vertices_inserted metric when an index existed. #5756
      • Fixed a potential crash issue when queries and schema changes were performed simultaneously. #5855

Last update: May 17, 2024