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The count() function

The count() function calculates the number of the specified values or rows.

  • (nGQL-extension) You can use count() and GROUP BY together to group and count the number of specific values. Use YIELD to return.
  • (OpenCypher style) You can use count() and RETURN. GROUP BY is not necessary.


count({expr | *})
  • count(*) returns the number of rows (including NULL).
  • count(expr) return non-NULL values return by an expression.
  • count() and size() are different.


nebula> WITH [NULL, 1, 1, 2, 2] As a UNWIND a AS b RETURN count(b), count(*), count(DISTINCT b)
| COUNT(b) | COUNT(*) | COUNT(distinct b) |
| 4        | 5        | 2                 |
nebula> GO FROM "player101" OVER follow BIDIRECT YIELD $$ AS Name | \
        GROUP BY $-.Name YIELD $-.Name, count(*);
| $-.Name             | COUNT(*) |
| "Dejounte Murray"   | 1        |
| "LaMarcus Aldridge" | 2        |
| "Tim Duncan"        | 2        |
| "Marco Belinelli"   | 1        |
| "Manu Ginobili"     | 1        |
| "Boris Diaw"        | 1        |

The statement in the preceding example searches for:

  • People whom player101 follows.
  • People who follow player101.

And retrieves two columns:

  • $-.Name, the names of the people.
  • COUNT(*), how many times the names show up.

Because there are no duplicate names in the basketballplayer dataset, the number 2 in the result shows that the person in that row and player101 have followed each other.

nebula> LOOKUP ON player YIELD player.age As playerage \|
 GROUP BY $-.playerage YIELD $-.playerage as age, count(*) AS number | ORDER BY number DESC, age DESC
| age | number |
| 34  | 4      |
| 33  | 4      |
| 30  | 4      |
| 29  | 4      |
| 38  | 3      |

nebula> MATCH (n:player) RETURN n.age as age, count(*) as number ORDER BY number DESC, age DESC
| age | number |
| 34  | 4      |
| 33  | 4      |
| 30  | 4      |
| 29  | 4      |
| 38  | 3      |

The two statements in the preceding examples retrieves the age distribution of the players in the dataset.

nebula> MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"}) -- (v2) RETURN count(DISTINCT v2)
| COUNT(distinct v2) |
| 11                 |
nebula> MATCH (n:player {name : "Tim Duncan"})-[]->(friend:player)-[]->(fof:player) RETURN count(fof), count(DISTINCT fof)
| COUNT(fof) | COUNT(distinct fof) |
| 4          | 3                   |


nebula>  RETURN count(NULL), size(NULL)
| COUNT(NULL) | size(NULL) |
| 0           | __NULL__   |

Last update: April 13, 2021
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