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Deploy Nebula Graph with Docker Compose

Using Docker Compose can quickly deploy Nebula Graph services based on the prepared configuration file. It is only recommended to use this method when testing functions of Nebula Graph.


  • If you are deploying Nebula Graph as a non-root user, grant the user with Docker-related privileges. For detailed instructions, see Manage Docker as a non-root user.
  • You have started the Docker service on your host.
  • If you have already deployed another version of Nebula Graph with Docker Compose on your host, to avoid compatibility issues, you need to delete the nebula-docker-compose/data directory.

How to deploy and connect to Nebula Graph

  1. Clone the master branch of the nebula-docker-compose repository to your host with Git.


    The master branch contains the untested code for the latest Nebula Graph development release. DO NOT use this release in a production environment.

    $ git clone -b v2.5.0
  2. Go to the nebula-docker-compose directory.

    $ cd nebula-docker-compose/
  3. Run the following command to start all the Nebula Graph services.


    Update the Nebula Graph images and Nebula Console images first if they are out of date.

    [nebula-docker-compose]$ docker-compose up -d
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1 ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1 ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1 ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1   ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1    ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1   ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1 ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1 ... done
    Creating nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1 ... done


    For more information of the preceding services, see Nebula Graph architecture.

  4. Connect to Nebula Graph.

    1. Run the following command to start a new docker container with the Nebula Console image, and connect the container to the network where Nebula Graph is deployed (nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net).

      $ docker run --rm -ti --network nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net --entrypoint=/bin/sh vesoft/nebula-console:v2.5.0


      The local network may be different from the nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net in the above example. Use the following command.

      $ docker network  ls
      NETWORK ID          NAME                               DRIVER              SCOPE
      a74c312b1d16        bridge                             bridge              local
      dbfa82505f0e        host                               host                local
      ed55ccf356ae        nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net   bridge              local
      93ba48b4b288        none                               null                local
    2. Connect to Nebula Graph with Nebula Console.

      docker> nebula-console -u <user_name> -p <password> --address=graphd --port=9669


      By default, the authentication is off, you can only log in with an existing username (the default is root) and any password. To turn it on, see Enable authentication.

    3. Run the SHOW HOSTS statement to check the status of the nebula-storaged processes.

      nebula> SHOW HOSTS;
      | Host        | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution |
      | "storaged0" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "No valid partition"   |
      | "storaged1" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "No valid partition"   |
      | "storaged2" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "No valid partition"   |
      | "Total"     |      |          | 0            |                      |                        |
  5. Run exit twice to switch back to your terminal (shell). You can run Step 4 to log in to Nebula Graph again.

Check the Nebula Graph service status and ports

Run docker-compose ps to list all the services of Nebula Graph and their status and ports.

$ docker-compose ps
Name                     Command                       State                                                   Ports
nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1     ./bin/nebula-graphd --flag ...   Up (health: starting)   13000/tcp, 13002/tcp,>19669/tcp,>19670/tcp,
nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1     ./bin/nebula-graphd --flag ...   Up (health: starting)   13000/tcp, 13002/tcp,>19669/tcp,>19670/tcp,
nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1      ./bin/nebula-graphd --flag ...   Up (health: starting)   13000/tcp, 13002/tcp,>19669/tcp,>19670/tcp,
nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1      ./bin/nebula-metad --flagf ...   Up (health: starting)   11000/tcp, 11002/tcp,>19559/tcp,>19560/tcp,
                                                                                             45500/tcp, 45501/tcp,>9559/tcp
nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1      ./bin/nebula-metad --flagf ...   Up (health: starting)   11000/tcp, 11002/tcp,>19559/tcp,>19560/tcp,
                                                                                             45500/tcp, 45501/tcp,>9559/tcp
nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1      ./bin/nebula-metad --flagf ...   Up (health: starting)   11000/tcp, 11002/tcp,>19559/tcp,>19560/tcp,
                                                                                             45500/tcp, 45501/tcp,>9559/tcp
nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1   ./bin/nebula-storaged --fl ...   Up (health: starting)   12000/tcp, 12002/tcp,>19779/tcp,>19780/tcp,
                                                                                             44500/tcp, 44501/tcp,>9779/tcp
nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1   ./bin/nebula-storaged --fl ...   Up (health: starting)   12000/tcp, 12002/tcp,>19779/tcp,>19780/tcp,
                                                                                             44500/tcp, 44501/tcp,>9779/tcp
nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1   ./bin/nebula-storaged --fl ...   Up (health: starting)   12000/tcp, 12002/tcp,>19779/tcp,>19780/tcp,
                                                                                             44500/tcp, 44501/tcp,>9779/tcp

Nebula Graph provides services to the clients through port 9669 by default. To use other ports, modify the docker-compose.yaml file in the nebula-docker-compose directory and restart the Nebula Graph services.

Check the service data and logs

All the data and logs of Nebula Graph are stored persistently in the nebula-docker-compose/data and nebula-docker-compose/logs directories.

The structure of the directories is as follows:

  |-- docker-compose.yaml
  ├── data
  │   ├── meta0
  │   ├── meta1
  │   ├── meta2
  │   ├── storage0
  │   ├── storage1
  │   └── storage2
  └── logs
      ├── graph
      ├── graph1
      ├── graph2
      ├── meta0
      ├── meta1
      ├── meta2
      ├── storage0
      ├── storage1
      └── storage2

Stop the Nebula Graph services

You can run the following command to stop the Nebula Graph services:

$ docker-compose down

The following information indicates you have successfully stopped the Nebula Graph services:

Stopping nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1 ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1   ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1    ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1 ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1   ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1 ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1    ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1    ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1 ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1   ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1 ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1   ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1 ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1    ... done
Removing network nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net


The parameter -v in the command docker-compose down -v will delete all your local Nebula Graph storage data. Try this command if you are using the nightly release and having some compatibility issues.

Modify configurations

The configuration file of Nebula Graph deployed by Docker Compose is nebula-docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml. To make the new configuration take effect, modify the configuration in this file and restart the service.

For more instructions, see Configurations.


How to fix the docker mapping to external ports?

To set the ports of corresponding services as fixed mapping, modify the docker-compose.yaml in the nebula-docker-compose directory. For example:

    image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:v2.5.0
      - 9669:9669
      - 19669
      - 19670

9669:9669 indicates the internal port 9669 is uniformly mapped to external ports, while 19669 indicates the internal port 19669 is randomly mapped to external ports.

How to update the docker images of Nebula Graph services

To update the images of the Graph Service, Storage Service, and Meta Service, run docker-compose pull in the nebula-docker-compose directory.

ERROR: toomanyrequests when docker-compose pull

You may meet the following error.

ERROR: toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:

You have met the rate limit of Docker Hub. Learn more on Understanding Docker Hub Rate Limiting.

How to update the Nebula Console client

To update the Nebula Console client, run the following command.

docker pull vesoft/nebula-console:v2.5.0

How to upgrade Nebula Graph services

To upgrade Nebula Graph, update the Nebula Graph docker images and restart the services.

  1. In the nebula-docker-compose directory, run docker-compose pull to update the Nebula Graph docker images.

  2. Run docker-compose down to stop the Nebula Graph services.

  3. Run docker-compose up -d to start the Nebula Graph services again.

Why can’t I connect to Nebula Graph via port 3699 after updating the nebula-docker-compose repository (Nebula Graph 2.0.0-RC)?

In Nebula Graph 2.0.0-RC release, the default port is changed from 3699 to 9669. Please use port 9669 to connect to Nebula Graph, or modify the port in docker-compose.yaml.

Why can't I access the data after updating the nebula-docker-compose repository? (Jan 4, 2021)

If you have updated the nebula-docker-compose repository after Jan 4, 2021, and there are pre-existing data, modify the docker-compose.yaml file and change the port numbers to the previous ones before connecting to Nebula Graph.

Why can't I access the data after updating the nebula-docker-compose repository? (Jan 27, 2021)

The data format has been modified on Jan 27, 2021, and is incompatible with the previous data. Run docker-compose down -v to delete all your local data.

Last update: September 3, 2021
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