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DESCRIBE SPACE returns the information about the specified graph space.


You can use DESC instead of DESCRIBE for short.

DESC[RIBE] SPACE <graph_space_name>;

The DESCRIBE SPACE statement is different from the SHOW SPACES statement. For details about SHOW SPACES, see SHOW SPACES.


nebula> DESCRIBE SPACE basketballplayer;
| ID | Name               | Partition Number | Replica Factor | Charset | Collate    | Vid Type           | Comment |
| 1  | "basketballplayer" | 10               | 1              | "utf8"  | "utf8_bin" | "FIXED_STRING(32)" |         |

If you specify Zones for a space, the DESCRIBE SPACE statement will show the Zone information of the space. For more information, see Manage Zones.

nebula> DESCRIBE SPACE basketballplayer;
| ID | Name               | Partition Number | Replica Factor | Charset | Collate    | Vid Type           | Zones                 | Comment |
| 51 | "basketballplayer" | 10               | 4              | "utf8"  | "utf8_bin" | "FIXED_STRING(32)" | ["az1", "az2", "az3"] |         |

Last update: September 19, 2023