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Deployment steps

After finishing the preparation, you can start the deployment. The deployment costs 15 to 20 minutes.

  1. Log into Azure Marketplace.

  2. Search for NebulaGraph Enterprise. When you see the NebulaGraph Enterprise card in the search results, click it to jump to the product overview page.

  3. Select a plan and click Create.

  4. In the Basics tab, complete the following configuration, and click the Next: Cluster Settings button at the bottom of the page.

    • Project details

      Field Description
      Subscription Select a subscription. All resources in an Azure subscription are billed together.
      Resource group Select a resource group. You can only use resource groups with no existing resources. Click Create new under the drop-down list box to create a resource group and then select the new resource group.
    • Instance details

      Field Description
      Region Select a region for deploying the NebulaGraph Enterprise cluster.
      Username Specify a username for accessing the virtual machines in your NebulaGraph cluster.
      Authentication type Select the Authentication type for accessing the virtual machines. If you select Password, specify and confirm the password in the following fields. If you select SSH Public Key, set the SSH key information in the following fields.
  5. In the Cluster Settings tab, complete the following configuration, and click the Next: Nodes Configuration button at the bottom of the page.

    Field Description
    NebulaGraph version Select the version of the NebulaGraph Enterprise core.
    Cluster name Set your NebulaGraph cluster name.
    Virtual network Select an Azure virtual network for deploying the NebulaGraph cluster.
    NebulaGraph nodes subnet Select a subnet in the virtual network for deploying the NebulaGraph services.
  6. In the Nodes Configuration tab, configure the VM size, Disk type, Disk size, and Number of nodes for the Graph, Meta, and Storage services, and click the Next: Workbench button at the bottom of the page.

  7. In the Workbench tab, enable or disable the Explorer and Dashboard services according to your needs, select the VM sizes for the enabled services, and click the Next: Certificates button at the bottom of the page.

  8. In the Certificates tab, configure the SSL/TLS certificates for Explorer and Dashboard if needed, and click the Next: Review + create button at the bottom of the page.

  9. In the Review + create tab, confirm the cluster configuration and click the Create button and the bottom of the page to start the deployment.

    After clicking the Create button, you are redirected to the Overview page in seconds, where Deployment is in progress is displayed during the deployment.

  10. Monitor the Overview page until it shows Your deployment is complete.

Last update: February 19, 2024