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Error code

NebulaGraph returns an error code when an error occurs. This topic describes the details of the error code returned.


  • If an error occurs but no error code is returned, or if the error code description is unclear, we welcome your feedback or suggestions on the forum or GitHub.
  • When the code returned is 0, it means that the operation is successful.
Error Code Description
-1 Lost connection
-2 Unable to establish connection
-3 RPC failure
-4 Raft leader has been changed
-5 Graph space does not exist
-6 Tag does not exist
-7 Edge type does not exist
-8 Index does not exist
-9 Edge type property does not exist
-10 Tag property does not exist
-11 The current role does not exist
-12 The current configuration does not exist
-13 The current host does not exist
-15 Listener does not exist
-16 The current partition does not exist
-17 Key does not exist
-18 User does not exist
-19 Statistics do not exist
-20 No current service found
-21 Drainer does not exist
-22 Drainer client does not exist
-24 Backup failed
-25 The backed-up table is empty
-26 Table backup failure
-27 MultiGet could not get all data
-28 Index rebuild failed
-29 Password is invalid
-30 Unable to get absolute path
-1001 Authentication failed
-1002 Invalid session
-1003 Session timeout
-1004 Syntax error
-1005 Execution error
-1006 Statement is empty
-1008 Permission denied
-1009 Semantic error
-1010 Maximum number of connections exceeded
-1011 Access to storage failed (only some requests succeeded)
-2001 Host does not exist
-2002 Host already exists
-2003 Invalid host
-2004 The current command, statement, or function is not supported
-2007 Configuration items cannot be changed
-2008 Parameters conflict with meta data
-2009 Invalid parameter
-2010 Wrong cluster
-2011 Listener conflicts
-2021 Failed to store data
-2022 Illegal storage segment
-2023 Invalid data balancing plan
-2024 The cluster is already in the data balancing status
-2025 There is no running data balancing plan
-2026 Lack of valid hosts
-2027 A data balancing plan that has been corrupted
-2029 Lack of valid drainers
-2030 Failed to recover user role
-2031 Number of invalid partitions
-2032 Invalid replica factor
-2033 Invalid character set
-2034 Invalid character sorting rules
-2035 Character set and character sorting rule mismatch
-2040 Failed to generate a snapshot
-2041 Failed to write block data
-2044 Failed to add new task
-2045 Failed to stop task
-2046 Failed to save task information
-2047 Data balancing failed
-2048 The current task has not been completed
-2049 Task report failed
-2050 The current task is not in the graph space
-2051 The current task needs to be resumed
-2065 Invalid task
-2066 Backup terminated (index being created)
-2067 Graph space does not exist at the time of backup
-2068 Backup recovery failed
-2069 Session does not exist
-2070 Failed to get cluster information
-2071 Failed to get absolute path when getting cluster information
-2072 Unable to get an agent when getting cluster information
-2073 Query not found
-2074 Failed to receive heartbeat from agent
-2080 Invalid variable
-2081 Variable value and type do not match
-3001 Consensus cannot be reached during an election
-3002 Key already exists
-3003 Data type mismatch
-3004 Invalid field value
-3005 Invalid operation
-3006 Current value is not allowed to be empty
-3007 Field value must be set if the field value is NOT NULL or has no default value
-3008 The value is out of the range of the current type
-3010 Data conflict
-3011 Writes are delayed
-3021 Incorrect data type
-3022 Invalid VID length
-3031 Invalid filter
-3032 Invalid field update
-3033 Invalid KV storage
-3034 Peer invalid
-3035 Out of retries
-3036 Leader change failed
-3037 Invalid stat type
-3038 VID is invalid
-3040 Failed to load meta information
-3041 Failed to generate checkpoint
-3042 Generating checkpoint is blocked
-3043 Data is filtered
-3044 Invalid data
-3045 Concurrent write conflicts on the same edge
-3046 Concurrent write conflict on the same vertex
-3047 Lock is invalid
-3051 Invalid task parameter
-3052 The user canceled the task
-3053 Task execution failed
-3060 Execution plan was cleared
-3061 Client and server versions are not compatible
-3062 Failed to get ID serial number
-3070 The heartbeat process was not completed when the request was received
-3071 Out-of-date heartbeat received from the old leader (the new leader has been elected)
-3073 Concurrent write conflicts with later requests
-3500 Unknown partition
-3501 Raft logs lag behind
-3502 Raft logs are out of date
-3503 Heartbeat messages are out of date
-3504 Unknown additional logs
-3511 Waiting for the snapshot to complete
-3512 There was an error sending the snapshot
-3513 Invalid receiver
-3514 Raft did not start
-3515 Raft has stopped
-3516 Wrong role
-3521 Write to a WAL failed
-3522 The host has stopped
-3523 Too many requests
-3524 Persistent snapshot failed
-3525 RPC exception
-3526 No WAL logs found
-3527 Host suspended
-3528 Writes are blocked
-3529 Cache overflow
-3530 Atomic operation failed
-3531 Leader lease expired
-3532 Data has been synchronized on Raft
-4001 Drainer logs lag behind
-4002 Drainer logs are out of date
-4003 The drainer data storage is invalid
-4004 Graph space mismatch
-4005 Partition mismatch
-4006 Data conflict
-4007 Request conflict
-4008 Illegal data
-5001 Cache configuration error
-5002 Insufficient space
-5003 No cache hit
-5005 Write cache failed
-7001 Number of machines exceeded the limit
-7002 Failed to resolve certificate
-8000 Unknown error

Last update: February 19, 2024