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This topic will describe the comments in nGQL.

Legacy version compatibility

  • In NebulaGraph 1.x, there are four comment styles: #, --, //, /* */.
  • Since NebulaGraph 2.x, -- cannot be used as comments.


nebula> RETURN 1+1;     # This comment continues to the end of this line.
nebula> RETURN 1+1;     // This comment continues to the end of this line.
nebula> RETURN 1 /* This is an in-line comment. */ + 1 == 2;
nebula> RETURN 11 +            \
/* Multi-line comment.       \
Use a backslash as a line break.   \
*/ 12;


  • In nGQL statements, the backslash \ in a line indicates a line break.
  • If a statement starts with # or //, the statement is not executed and the error StatementEmpty is returned.

OpenCypher compatibility

  • In nGQL, you must add a \ at the end of every line, even in multi-line comments /* */.
  • In openCypher, there is no need to use a \ as a line break.
/* openCypher style:
The following comment
spans more than
one line */
MATCH (n:label)
/* nGQL style:  \
The following comment       \
spans more than     \
one line */       \
MATCH (n:tag) \

Last update: January 30, 2024