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Back up data with BR (Enterprise Edition)

You can use BR (Enterprise Edition) to back up NebulaGraph data. You can perform full backups and incremental backups. You can also back up data to your local disks, Google Cloud Storage, and cloud storage services compatible with the Amazon S3 interface. This topic introduces how to back up NebulaGraph data.


  • A full backup is a backup of your NebulaGraph database's entire.
  • An incremental backup covers all files that have changed or been modified since the last backup was made. The last backup can be either a full backup or an incremental backup.
  • For the data directory structure of NebulaGraph, see the (default) path usr/local/nebula-ent/data.


  • During the process of data backup, DDL and DML statements in all specified graph spaces are blocked. We recommend that you perform the backup operation during the low business peak period.
  • If you back up data to a local disk, the backup files will be saved in the local storage path of each server in a NebulaGraph cluster. You can also mount the NFS on your server to restore the backup data to a different server.
  • During the process of a full backup, it may take a long time if the amount of the data to be backed up is large.
  • The cluster performing an incremental backup needs to be the same as the cluster specified for the previous backup. The storage path of the incremental backup should also be the same as the path of the previous backup.
  • Make sure that the time between each incremental backup and the last backup is less than a wal_ttl time.
  • Make sure that Agent has read and write permissions for the corresponding NebulaGraph cluster installation directory and backup directory.
  • Not support backup for Listener.
  • Not support backup for full-text indexes.
  • Not support backup for data of a specified graph space.


  • The NebulaGraph services are running.
  • You have created a directory with the same absolute path on the machines where the meta service, storage service, and the BR Enterprise Edition tool are located. Make sure your account has write privileges for this directory.

Full backups

To a cloud storage service


The following sections use a cloud storage service compatible with the Amazon S3 interface as an example.

You can also back up data to Google Cloud Storage, in which case, you need to replace the S3-related options with the --gs.credentials option and modify the --storage option accordingly. For more information, see the Options section below.

In the directory of the BR Enterprise Edition installation tool, run the following command to back up the entire data of your NebulaGraph database to a cloud storage service:

./br backup full --meta <ip_address:port> --s3.access_key <access_key> --s3.secret_key <secret_key>  --s3.region <region_name> --storage s3://<storage_path> --s3.endpoint <endpoint_url>

For example, perform a full backup of the entire cluster where one of the meta service addresses is, and back up data to the / directory in the nebula-br-test bucket of Amazon S3.

./br backup full --meta --s3.access_key QImbbGDjfQExxx --s3.secret_key dVSJZfl7tnoFq7Z5zt6sfxxxx  --s3.region us-east-1 --storage s3://nebula-br-test/ --s3.endpoint

If the cluster has mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security) authentication encryption enabled and you want to perform a backup operation, you need to include the --enable-ssl, --ca-path, --cert-path, --key-path, and --insecure-skip-verify parameters.

./br backup full --meta --s3.access_key QImbbGDjfQExxx --s3.secret_key dVSJZfl7tnoFq7Z5zt6sfxxxx  --s3.region us-east-1 --storage s3://nebula-br-test/ --s3.endpoint --enable-ssl --ca-path=<ca_cert_path> --cert-path=<client_cert_path> --key-path=<client_key_path> --insecure-skip-verify=true

For descriptions of the parameters, see the below section Options.

Alternatively, you can configure environment variables CA_CERT_PATH, CLIENT_CERT_PATH, and CLIENT_KEY_PATH to specify the storage paths of the Certificate Authority (CA) root certificate, public key certificate, and private key certificate respectively. After these environment variables are configured, you do not need to set the --ca-path, --cert-path, and --key-path options in the preceding example because the environment variables override the corresponding options.

To a local disk


In the production environment, we recommend that you mount NFS (Network File System) to the machines where the meta service, the storage service, and the BR Enterprise Edition tool are located for local backups, or use Alibaba Cloud OSS, and Amazon S3 for cloud backups. Otherwise, you must manually move these backup files to the specified directory before restoring the data.

For local backups, only the data of the leader mated and the leader partitions are backed up. When the shared storage service is not used and there are multiple metads or the replica number of partitions is greater than 1, you need to manually copy the directory of the backed-up leader metad (<storage_path>/meta) and overwrite the corresponding directories of other follower metads, and copy the corresponding partition data from the directory of the leader partitions (<storage_path>/<partition_id>) to the corresponding directories of other follower partitions. It is not recommended for you to have the copy operation.

In the directory of the BR Enterprise Edition installation tool, run the following command to back up the entire data of your NebulaGraph database to a local disk:


Make sure you have created a directory where your data to be backed up.

./br backup full --meta <ip_address:port> --storage local://<storage_path>

For example, perform a full backup of the entire cluster where one of the meta server addresses is, and back up data to the /backup/ directory on the local disk.

./br backup full --meta "" --storage "local:///backup/"

If the cluster has mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security) authentication encryption enabled and you want to perform a backup operation, you need to include the --enable-ssl, --ca-path, --cert-path, --key-path, and --insecure-skip-verify parameters.

./br backup full --meta "" --storage "local:///backup/" --enable-ssl --ca-path=<ca_cert_path> --cert-path=<client_cert_path> --key-path=<client_key_path> --insecure-skip-verify=true

For descriptions of the parameters, see the below section Options.

Alternatively, you can configure environment variables CA_CERT_PATH, CLIENT_CERT_PATH, and CLIENT_KEY_PATH to specify the storage paths of the CA root certificate, public key certificate, and private key certificate respectively. After these environment variables are configured, you do not need to set the --ca-path, --cert-path, and --key-path options in the preceding example because the environment variables override the corresponding options.

Directory structure

Full backups back up all the data of the leader metad and leader partitions. The structure of a backed-up directory is as follows:

├── BACKUP_2022_08_12_08_41_19.meta(Backup of metadata, such as host information and the storage path of partitions)
├── data(Backup of the storage data)
│   ├── 1(Graph space ID)
│   │   ├── 1(Partition ID)
│   │   │   ├── data 
│   │   │   │   ├── 000033.sst
│   │   │   │   ├── 000035.sst
│   │   │   │   ├── 000037.sst
│   │   │   │   ├── 000039.sst
│   │   │   │   ├── CURRENT
│   │   │   │   ├── MANIFEST-000004
│   │   │   │   └── OPTIONS-000007
│   │   │   └── wal 
│   │   │       ├── 0000000000000000001.wal
│   │   │       ├── 0000000000000000267.wal
│   │   │       ├── 0000000000000000324.wal
│   │   │       └──
│   │   ├── 10(Partition ID)
└── meta(Backup of the meta data)

Incremental backups


Before performing an incremental backup, make sure that the data of the previous full backup or incremental backup is not changed. Otherwise, the incremental backup may fail.

To a cloud storage service


Before performing an incremental backup, make sure that the data of the previous full backup or incremental backup is not changed. Otherwise, the incremental backup may fail.


The following sections use a cloud storage service compatible with the Amazon S3 interface as an example.

You can also back up data to Google Cloud Storage, in which case, you need to replace the S3-related options with the --gs.credentials option and modify the --storage option accordingly. For more information, see the Options section below.

In the directory of the BR Enterprise Edition installation tool, run the following command to back up the incremental data of your NebulaGraph database to a cloud storage service:

./br backup incr --meta <ip_address:port> --s3.access_key <access_key> --s3.secret_key <secret_key>  --s3.region <region_name> --storage s3://<storage_path> --s3.endpoint <endpoint_url> --base <backup_file_name>

For example, based on the file BACKUP_2022_08_11_09_11_07, perform an incremental backup for the cluster where one of the meta server addresses is, and back up data to the / directory in the nebula-br-test bucket of Amazon S3.

./br backup incr --meta --s3.access_key QImbbGDjfQExxx --s3.secret_key dVSJZfl7tnoFq7Z5zt6sfxxxx  --s3.region us-east-1 --storage s3://nebula-br-test/ --s3.endpoint --base BACKUP_2022_08_11_09_11_07

If the cluster has mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security) authentication encryption enabled and you want to perform a backup operation, you need to include the --enable-ssl, --ca-path, --cert-path, --key-path, and --insecure-skip-verify parameters.

./br backup incr --meta --s3.access_key QImbbGDjfQExxx --s3.secret_key dVSJZfl7tnoFq7Z5zt6sfxxxx  --s3.region us-east-1 --storage s3://nebula-br-test/ --s3.endpoint --base BACKUP_2022_08_11_09_11_07 --enable-ssl --ca-path=<ca_cert_path> --cert-path=<client_cert_path> --key-path=<client_key_path> --insecure-skip-verify=true

For descriptions of the parameters, see the below section Options.

Alternatively, you can configure environment variables CA_CERT_PATH, CLIENT_CERT_PATH, and CLIENT_KEY_PATH to specify the storage paths of the CA root certificate, public key certificate, and private key certificate respectively. After these environment variables are configured, you do not need to set the --ca-path, --cert-path, and --key-path options in the preceding example because the environment variables override the corresponding options.

To a local disk

In the directory of the BR Enterprise Edition installation tool, run the following command to back up the incremental data of your NebulaGraph database to a local disk:


Make sure that the local path where the backup file is stored exists.

./br backup incr --meta <ip_address:port> --storage local://<storage_path> --base <backup_file_name>

For example, based on the file BACKUP_2022_08_11_09_11_07, perform an incremental backup for the cluster where one of the meta server addresses is, and back up data to the /backup/ directory on the local disk.

./br backup incr --meta "" --storage "local:///backup/" --base BACKUP_2022_08_11_09_11_07

If the cluster has mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security) authentication encryption enabled and you want to perform a backup operation, you need to include the --enable-ssl, --ca-path, --cert-path, --key-path, and --insecure-skip-verify parameters.

./br backup incr --meta "" --storage "local:///backup/" --base BACKUP_2022_08_11_09_11_07 --enable-ssl --ca-path=<ca_cert_path> --cert-path=<client_cert_path> --key-path=<client_key_path> --insecure-skip-verify=true

For descriptions of the parameters, see the below section Options.

Alternatively, you can configure environment variables CA_CERT_PATH, CLIENT_CERT_PATH, and CLIENT_KEY_PATH to specify the storage paths of the CA root certificate, public key certificate, and private key certificate respectively. After these environment variables are configured, you do not need to set the --ca-path, --cert-path, and --key-path options in the preceding example because the environment variables override the corresponding options.

Directory structure

In addition to the leader meta data, for the leader partition data of an existing graph space (graph space ID 1 in the following code block), Incremental backups only back up the wal directory of the leader partition; for the leader partition data of the newly added graph space (graph space ID 4 in the following code block), the full data and wal directories are backed up. The incremental backup directory structure may be different compared to the full backup data structure.

The structure of an incremental backup is as follows:

├── BACKUP_2022_08_12_08_58_23.meta(Backup of metadata, such as host information and the storage path of partitions)
├── data(Backup of the storage data)
│   ├── 1 (Graph space ID)
│   │   ├── 1 (Partition ID)
│   │   │   └── wal (wal directory)
│   │   │       ├── 0000000000000000671.wal
│   │   │       ├── 0000000000000000700.wal
│   │   │       └──
│   └── 4 (Graph space ID)
│       ├── 1
│       │   ├── data(data directory)
│       │   │   ├── 000009.sst
│       │   │   ├── CURRENT
│       │   │   ├── MANIFEST-000004
│       │   │   └── OPTIONS-000007
│       │   └── wal (wal directory)
│       │       ├── 0000000000000000001.wal
│       │       └──
└── meta(Backup of the meta data)


Option Data type Required Default value Description
-h,--help - No None View more information about NebulaGraph Backup&Restore commands.
--debug - No None View more information for NebulaGraph Backup&Restore logs.
--log string No "br.log" The path of NebulaGraph Backup&Restore logs.
--concurrency int No None Used to control the number of concurrent file uploads during data backup. The default value is 5.
--meta string Yes None The IP address and port number of any Meta service in the cluster.
--storage string Yes None The storage path of the data to be backed up in the form of <schema>://<storage_path>.
schema: Three options: local, s3, and gs.
When schema is s3, you need to add options of --s3.access_key--s3.endpoint--s3.region, and --s3.secret_key.
When schema is gs, you need to add the --gs.credentials option.
<storage_path>: The storage path.
--s3.access_key string No None The Access Key ID that is used to identify a user.
--s3.endpoint string No None The S3 endpoint URL. You need to specify the HTTP or HTTPS scheme explicitly.
--s3.region string No None The physical location of a data center.
--s3.secret_key string No None The Access Key Secret that is used to verify the identity of the user.
--base string Yes None The name of the directory of any previous backup. Based on this backup, perform an incremental backup.
--enable-ssl - No None Enable mTLS encryption for mutual authentication with NebulaGraph.
--ca-path string No None Storage path for the CA root certificate. The default path is /usr/local/certs/ca.crt.
--cert-path string No None Storage path for the public key certificate. The default path is /usr/local/certs/client.crt.
--key-path string No None Storage path for the private key certificate. The default path is /usr/local/certs/client.key.
--insecure-skip-verify bool No False Specify whether to skip verifying the server's certificate chain and hostname. The default is false, meaning it verifies the server's provided certificate chain and hostname. If set to true, verification is skipped.
--gs.credentials string No None The JSON string that represents your service account key provided by Google Cloud. For more information, see Create and delete service account keys. Example: --gs.credentials='{"type":"service_account","project_id":"<project_id>","project_key":"<project_key>","private_key":"<private_key>","client_email":"<service_account_email>","client_id":"<client_id>","auth_uri":"","token_uri":"","auth_provider_x509_cert_url":"","client_x509_cert_url":"<service_account_email>","universe_domain":""}'

View backup progress

The log file br.log of BR can be viewed in the installation directory. The log file will record the backup progress and will look like as follows:

{"level":"info","msg":"full upload storaged partition finished, progress: 1/20","time":"2023-03-15T02:13:20.946Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"full upload storaged partition finished, progress: 2/20","time":"2023-03-15T02:13:21.154Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"full upload storaged partition finished, progress: 3/20","time":"2023-03-15T02:13:21.537Z"}

What is next?

After your NebulaGraph data is backed up, you can restore the data to NebulaGraph. For details, see Restore data.


DO NOT change the name and path of the backed-up files. Otherwise, data restoration will fail.

Last update: February 6, 2024