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Storage load balance

You can use the SUBMIT JOB BALANCE statement to balance the distribution of partitions and Raft leaders, or clear some Storage servers for easy maintenance. For details, see SUBMIT JOB BALANCE.


The BALANCE commands migrate data and balance the distribution of partitions by creating and executing a set of subtasks. DO NOT stop any machine in the cluster or change its IP address until all the subtasks are finished. Otherwise, the follow-up subtasks fail.

Balance partition distribution

The SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA command starts a job to balance the distribution of storage partitions in the current graph space by creating and executing a set of subtasks. If the Zone feature is enabled, you can balance the partitions within each Zone by adding the IN ZONE keywords to the command. For example, SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA IN ZONE.


Only available for the NebulaGraph Enterprise Edition.


If the current graph space already has a SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA job in the FAILED status, you can restore the FAILED job, but cannot start a new SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA job. If the job continues to fail, manually stop it, and then you can start a new one.

Balance partitions with Zone disabled

After you add new storage hosts to the cluster, no partition is deployed on the new hosts. For example, run the following steps to balance the partition distribution when the Zone feature is disabled.

  1. Run SHOW HOSTS to check the partition distribution.

    nebual> SHOW HOSTS;
    | Host            | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution   | Partition distribution | Version     |
    | "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition"  | "No valid partition"   | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 15           | "basketballplayer:15" | "basketballplayer:15"  | "3.5.0" |
  2. Enter the graph space basketballplayer, and execute the command SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA to balance the distribution of storage partitions.

    nebula> USE basketballplayer;
    | New Job Id |
    | 25         |
  3. The job ID is returned after running SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA. Run SHOW JOB <job_id> to check the status of the job.

    nebula> SHOW JOB 25;
    | Job Id(spaceId:partId) | Command(src->dst) | Status     | Start Time                 | Stop Time                  | State       |
    | 25                     | "DATA_BALANCE"    | "FINISHED" | 2023-01-17T06:24:35.000000 | 2023-01-17T06:24:35.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "Total:0"              | "Succeeded:0"     | "Failed:0" | "In Progress:0"            | "Invalid:0"                | ""          |
  4. When all the subtasks succeed, the load balancing process finishes. Run SHOW HOSTS again to make sure the partition distribution is balanced.


    SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA does not balance the leader distribution. For more information, see Balance leader distribution.

    nebula> SHOW HOSTS;
    | Host            | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution | Version     |
    | "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 7            | "basketballplayer:7" | "basketballplayer:7"   | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 8            | "basketballplayer:8" | "basketballplayer:8"   | "3.5.0" |

If any subtask fails, run RECOVER JOB <job_id> to recover the failed jobs. If redoing load balancing does not solve the problem, ask for help in the NebulaGraph community.

Balance partitions with Zone enabled

For Zone-enabled clusters, you can balance the partitions within each Zone by adding the IN ZONE keywords to the SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA command. After you add a new storage host to the cluster, no partition is deployed on the new hosts. The following example adds a new storage host and assigns the new host to zone1 to show how to balance the partition distribution within the Zone zone1.

  1. Run SHOW HOSTS to check the partition distribution.

    nebula> SHOW HOSTS;
    | Host            | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution | Zone    | Version     |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 5            | "my_space:5"         | "my_space:10"          | "zone1" | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 5            | "my_space:5"         | "my_space:10"          | "zone3" | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "my_space:10"          | "zone2" | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "No valid partition"   | "zone1" | "3.5.0" |
  2. Enter the graph space my_zoned_space, and execute the command SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA IN ZONE to balance the distribution of storage partitions within each Zone.

    nebula> USE my_zoned_space;
    | New Job Id |
    | 2          |
  3. Run SHOW JOB <job_id> to check the status of the data balancing job. You can obtain the job ID after running SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA IN ZONE in the previous step.

    nebula> SHOW JOB 2;
    | Job Id(spaceId:partId) | Command(src->dst)                        | Status      | Start Time                 | Stop Time                  | State       |
    | 2                      | "DATA_BALANCE"                           | "FINISHED"  | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | 2024-04-11T02:41:32.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "2, 1:1"               | ">" | "SUCCEEDED" | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "2, 1:2"               | ">" | "SUCCEEDED" | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | 2024-04-11T02:41:32.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "2, 1:3"               | ">" | "SUCCEEDED" | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "2, 1:4"               | ">" | "SUCCEEDED" | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "2, 1:5"               | ">" | "SUCCEEDED" | 2024-04-11T02:41:27.000000 | 2024-04-11T02:41:32.000000 | "SUCCEEDED" |
    | "Total:5"              | "Succeeded:5"                            | "Failed:0"  | "In Progress:0"            | "Invalid:0"                | ""          |

The above result shows the process of balancing the partitions within the Zone zone1. When the job succeeds, the load balancing process finishes.

  1. Run SHOW HOSTS again to make sure the partition distribution is balanced.

    | Host            | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution | Zone    | Version     |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 3            | "my_space:3"         | "my_space:5"           | "zone1" | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 7            | "my_space:7"         | "my_space:10"          | "zone3" | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "my_space:10"          | "zone2" | "3.5.0" |
    | "" | 7779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "my_space:5"           | "zone1" | "3.5.0" |

    From the result, you can see that the partition distribution is balanced on all the storage hosts within Zone zone1.

Stop data balancing

To stop a balance job, run STOP JOB <job_id>.

  • If no balance job is running, an error is returned.
  • If a balance job is running, Job stopped is returned.


STOP JOB <job_id> does not stop the running subtasks but cancels all follow-up subtasks. The status of follow-up subtasks is set to INVALID. The status of ongoing subtasks is set to SUCCEEDED or FAILED based on the result. You can run the SHOW JOB <job_id> command to check the stopped job status.

Once all the subtasks are finished or stopped, you can run RECOVER JOB <job_id> again to balance the partitions again, the subtasks continue to be executed in the original state.

Restore a balance job

To restore a balance job in the FAILED or STOPPED status, run RECOVER JOB <job_id>.


For a STOPPED SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA job, NebulaGraph detects whether the same type of FAILED jobs or FINISHED jobs have been created since the start time of the job. If so, the STOPPED job cannot be restored. For example, if chronologically there are STOPPED job1, FINISHED job2, and STOPPED Job3, only job3 can be restored, and job1 cannot.

Migrate partitions

To migrate specified partitions and scale in the cluster, you can run SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA REMOVE <ip:port> [,<ip>:<port> ...].

To migrate specified partitions for Zone-enabled clusters, you need to add the IN ZONE keywords. For example, SUBMIT JOB BALANCE DATA IN ZONE REMOVE <ip:port> [,<ip>:<port> ...]. For details, see Manage Zones.

For example, to migrate the partitions in server, the command is as following:

nebula> SHOW HOSTS;
| Host            | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution   | Partition distribution | Version     |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 15           | "basketballplayer:15" | "basketballplayer:15"  | "3.5.0" |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition"  | "No valid partition"   | "3.5.0" |


This command migrates partitions to other storage hosts but does not delete the current storage host from the cluster. To delete the Storage hosts from a cluster, see Manage Storage hosts.

Balance leader distribution

To balance the raft leaders, run SUBMIT JOB BALANCE LEADER. It starts a job to balance the distribution of all the storage leaders in all graph spaces.

For example, to balance the leader distribution, run the following command.


Run SHOW HOSTS to check the balance result.

nebula> SHOW HOSTS;
| Host             | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution               | Partition distribution | Version     |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 4            | "basketballplayer:4"              | "basketballplayer:8"   | "3.5.0" |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 8            | "basketballplayer:3"              | "basketballplayer:8"   | "3.5.0" |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 3            | "basketballplayer:3"              | "basketballplayer:8"   | "3.5.0" |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "basketballplayer:2"              | "basketballplayer:7"   | "3.5.0" |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "basketballplayer:2"              | "basketballplayer:7"   | "3.5.0" |
| "" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "basketballplayer:2"              | "basketballplayer:7"   | "3.5.0" |


In NebulaGraph 3.5.0, switching leaders will cause a large number of short-term request errors (Storage Error E_RPC_FAILURE). For solutions, see FAQ.

Last update: April 11, 2024