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Nebula Console

Nebula Console is a native CLI client for NebulaGraph. It can be used to connect a NebulaGraph cluster and execute queries. It also supports special commands to manage parameters, export query results, import test datasets, etc.

Obtain Nebula Console

You can obtain Nebula Console in the following ways:

Nebula Console functions

Connect to NebulaGraph

To connect to NebulaGraph with the nebula-console file, use the following syntax:

<path_of_console> -addr <ip> -port <port> -u <username> -p <password>

path_of_console indicates the storage path of the Nebula Console binary file.

Parameter descriptions are as follows:

Parameter Description
-h/-help Shows the help menu.
-addr/-address Sets the IP address of the Graph service. The default address is
-P/-port Sets the port number of the graphd service. The default port number is 9669.
-u/-user Sets the username of your NebulaGraph account. Before enabling authentication, you can use any existing username. The default username is root.
-p/-password Sets the password of your NebulaGraph account. Before enabling authentication, you can use any characters as the password.
-t/-timeout Sets an integer-type timeout threshold of the connection. The unit is second. The default value is 120.
-e/-eval Sets a string-type nGQL statement. The nGQL statement is executed once the connection succeeds. The connection stops after the result is returned.
-f/-file Sets the path of an nGQL file. The nGQL statements in the file are executed once the connection succeeds. The result will be returned and the connection stops then.
-enable_ssl Enables SSL encryption when connecting to NebulaGraph.
-ssl_root_ca_path Sets the storage path of the certification authority file.
-ssl_cert_path Sets the storage path of the certificate file.
-ssl_private_key_path Sets the storage path of the private key file.

For information on more parameters, see the project repository.

For example, to connect to the Graph Service deployed on, run the following command:

./nebula-console -addr -port 9669 -u root -p thisisapassword

Manage parameters

You can save parameters for parameterized queries.


  • Setting a parameter as a VID in a query is not supported.
  • Parameters are not supported in SAMPLE clauses.
  • Parameters are deleted when their sessions are released.
  • The command to save a parameter is as follows:

    nebula> :param <param_name> => <param_value>;

    The example is as follows:

    nebula> :param p1 => "Tim Duncan";
    nebula> MATCH (v:player{name:$p1})-[:follow]->(n)  RETURN v,n;
    | v                                                  | n                                                     |
    | ("player100" :player{age: 42, name: "Tim Duncan"}) | ("player125" :player{age: 41, name: "Manu Ginobili"}) |
    | ("player100" :player{age: 42, name: "Tim Duncan"}) | ("player101" :player{age: 36, name: "Tony Parker"})   |
    nebula> :param p2 => {"a":3,"b":false,"c":"Tim Duncan"};
    nebula> RETURN $p2.b AS b;
    | b     |
    | false |
  • The command to view the saved parameters is as follows:

    nebula> :params;
  • The command to view the specified parameters is as follows:

    nebula> :params <param_name>;
  • The command to delete a specified parameter is as follows:

    nebula> :param <param_name> =>;

Export query results

Export query results, which can be saved as a CSV file or DOT file.


  • The exported file is stored in the working directory, i.e., what the linux command pwd shows.
  • This command only works for the next query statement.
  • You can copy the contents of the DOT file and paste them in GraphvizOnline to generate a visualized execution plan.
  • The command to export a csv file is as follows:

    nebula> :CSV <file_name.csv>;
  • The command to export a DOT file is as follows:

    nebula> :dot <>

    The example is as follows:

    nebula> :dot
    nebula> PROFILE FORMAT="dot" GO FROM "player100" OVER follow;

Import a testing dataset

The testing dataset is named basketballplayer. To view details about the schema and data, use the corresponding SHOW command.

The command to import a testing dataset is as follows:

nebula> :play basketballplayer

Run a command multiple times

To run a command multiple times, use the following command:

nebula> :repeat N

The example is as follows:

nebula> :repeat 3
nebula> GO FROM "player100" OVER follow YIELD dst(edge);
| dst(EDGE)   |
| "player101" |
| "player125" |
Got 2 rows (time spent 2602/3214 us)

Fri, 20 Aug 2021 06:36:05 UTC

| dst(EDGE)   |
| "player101" |
| "player125" |
Got 2 rows (time spent 583/849 us)

Fri, 20 Aug 2021 06:36:05 UTC

| dst(EDGE)   |
| "player101" |
| "player125" |
Got 2 rows (time spent 496/671 us)

Fri, 20 Aug 2021 06:36:05 UTC

Executed 3 times, (total time spent 3681/4734 us), (average time spent 1227/1578 us)


This command will make Nebula Console sleep for N seconds. The schema is altered in an async way and takes effect in the next heartbeat cycle. Therefore, this command is usually used when altering schema. The command is as follows:

nebula> :sleep N

Disconnect Nebula Console from NebulaGraph

You can use :EXIT or :QUIT to disconnect from NebulaGraph. For convenience, Nebula Console supports using these commands in lower case without the colon (":"), such as quit.

The example is as follows:

nebula> :QUIT

Bye root!

Last update: February 19, 2024