Import data from MySQL/PostgreSQL¶
This topic provides an example of how to use Exchange to export MySQL data and import to NebulaGraph. It also applies to exporting data from PostgreSQL into NebulaGraph.
Data set¶
This topic takes the basketballplayer dataset as an example.
In this example, the data set has been stored in MySQL. All vertexes and edges are stored in the player
, team
, follow
, and serve
tables. The following are some of the data for each table.
mysql> desc player;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| playerid | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| age | int | YES | | NULL | |
| name | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
mysql> desc team;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| teamid | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| name | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
mysql> desc follow;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| src_player | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| dst_player | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| degree | int | YES | | NULL | |
mysql> desc serve;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| playerid | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| teamid | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| start_year | int | YES | | NULL | |
| end_year | int | YES | | NULL | |
This example is done on MacOS. Here is the environment configuration information:
- Hardware specifications:
- CPU: 1.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
- Memory: 16 GB
- Spark: 2.4.7, stand-alone
- Hadoop: 2.9.2, pseudo-distributed deployment
- MySQL: 8.0.23
- NebulaGraph: 3.0.2. Deploy NebulaGraph with Docker Compose.
Before importing data, you need to confirm the following information:
NebulaGraph has been installed and deployed with the following information:
- IP addresses and ports of Graph and Meta services.
- The user name and password with write permission to NebulaGraph.
- Spark has been installed.
- Learn about the Schema created in NebulaGraph, including names and properties of Tags and Edge types, and more.
- The Hadoop service has been installed and started.
Step 1: Create the Schema in NebulaGraph¶
Analyze the data to create a Schema in NebulaGraph by following these steps:
Identify the Schema elements. The Schema elements in the NebulaGraph are shown in the following table.
Element Name Property Tag player
name string, age int
Tag team
name string
Edge Type follow
degree int
Edge Type serve
start_year int, end_year int
Create a graph space basketballplayer in the NebulaGraph and create a Schema as shown below.
## Create a graph space. nebula> CREATE SPACE basketballplayer \ (partition_num = 10, \ replica_factor = 1, \ vid_type = FIXED_STRING(30)); ## Use the graph space basketballplayer. nebula> USE basketballplayer; ## Create the Tag player. nebula> CREATE TAG player(name string, age int); ## Create the Tag team. nebula> CREATE TAG team(name string); ## Create the Edge type follow. nebula> CREATE EDGE follow(degree int); ## Create the Edge type serve. nebula> CREATE EDGE serve(start_year int, end_year int);
For more information, see Quick start workflow.
Step 2: Modify configuration files¶
After Exchange is compiled, copy the conf file target/classes/application.conf
to set MySQL data source configuration. In this case, the copied file is called mysql_application.conf
. For details on each configuration item, see Parameters in the configuration file.
# Spark configuration
spark: {
app: {
name: Nebula Exchange 3.0.0
driver: {
cores: 1
maxResultSize: 1G
cores: {
max: 16
# NebulaGraph configuration
nebula: {
# Specify the IP addresses and ports for Graph and Meta services.
# If there are multiple addresses, the format is "ip1:port","ip2:port","ip3:port".
# Addresses are separated by commas.
# The account entered must have write permission for the NebulaGraph space.
user: root
pswd: nebula
# Fill in the name of the graph space you want to write data to in the NebulaGraph.
space: basketballplayer
connection: {
timeout: 3000
retry: 3
execution: {
retry: 3
error: {
max: 32
output: /tmp/errors
rate: {
limit: 1024
timeout: 1000
# Processing vertexes
tags: [
# Set the information about the Tag player.
# The Tag name in NebulaGraph.
name: player
type: {
# Specify the data source file format to MySQL.
source: mysql
# Specify how to import the data into NebulaGraph: Client or SST.
sink: client
sentence:"select playerid, age, name from basketball.player order by playerid;"
# Specify the column names in the player table in fields, and their corresponding values are specified as properties in the NebulaGraph.
# The sequence of fields and nebula.fields must correspond to each other.
# If multiple column names need to be specified, separate them by commas.
fields: [age,name]
nebula.fields: [age,name]
# Specify a column of data in the table as the source of VIDs in the NebulaGraph.
vertex: {
# The number of data written to NebulaGraph in a single batch.
batch: 256
# The number of Spark partitions.
partition: 32
# Set the information about the Tag Team.
name: team
type: {
source: mysql
sink: client
sentence:"select teamid, name from order by teamid;"
fields: [name]
nebula.fields: [name]
vertex: {
field: teamid
batch: 256
partition: 32
# Processing edges
edges: [
# Set the information about the Edge Type follow.
# The corresponding Edge Type name in NebulaGraph.
name: follow
type: {
# Specify the data source file format to MySQL.
source: mysql
# Specify how to import the Edge type data into NebulaGraph.
# Specify how to import the data into NebulaGraph: Client or SST.
sink: client
sentence:"select src_player,dst_player,degree from basketball.follow order by src_player;"
# Specify the column names in the follow table in fields, and their corresponding values are specified as properties in the NebulaGraph.
# The sequence of fields and nebula.fields must correspond to each other.
# If multiple column names need to be specified, separate them by commas.
fields: [degree]
nebula.fields: [degree]
# In source, use a column in the follow table as the source of the edge's source vertex.
# In target, use a column in the follow table as the source of the edge's destination vertex.
source: {
field: src_player
target: {
field: dst_player
# (Optional) Specify a column as the source of the rank.
#ranking: rank
# The number of data written to NebulaGraph in a single batch.
batch: 256
# The number of Spark partitions.
partition: 32
# Set the information about the Edge Type serve.
name: serve
type: {
source: mysql
sink: client
sentence:"select playerid,teamid,start_year,end_year from basketball.serve order by playerid;"
fields: [start_year,end_year]
nebula.fields: [start_year,end_year]
source: {
field: playerid
target: {
field: teamid
batch: 256
partition: 32
Step 3: Import data into NebulaGraph¶
Run the following command to import MySQL data into NebulaGraph. For a description of the parameters, see Options for import.
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --master "local" --class <nebula-exchange-3.0.0.jar_path> -c <mysql_application.conf_path>
JAR packages are available in two ways: compiled them yourself, or download the compiled .jar
file directly.
For example:
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --master "local" --class /root/nebula-exchange/nebula-exchange/target/nebula-exchange-3.0.0.jar -c /root/nebula-exchange/nebula-exchange/target/classes/mysql_application.conf
You can search for batchSuccess.<tag_name/edge_name>
in the command output to check the number of successes. For example, batchSuccess.follow: 300
Step 4: (optional) Validate data¶
Users can verify that data has been imported by executing a query in the NebulaGraph client (for example, NebulaGraph Studio). For example:
GO FROM "player100" OVER follow;
Users can also run the SHOW STATS command to view statistics.
Step 5: (optional) Rebuild indexes in NebulaGraph¶
With the data imported, users can recreate and rebuild indexes in NebulaGraph. For details, see Index overview.