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Deploy Studio with Helm

This topic describes how to deploy Studio with Helm.


Before installing Studio, you need to install the following software and ensure the correct version of the software:

Software Requirement
Kubernetes >= 1.14
Helm >= 3.2.0


  1. Use Git to clone the source code of Studio to the host.

    $ git clone
  2. Make the nebula-studio directory the current working directory. bash $ cd nebula-studio

  3. Assume using release name:my-studio, installed Studio in Helm Chart.

    $ helm upgrade --install my-studio --set service.type=NodePort --set service.port=30070 deployment/helm

  4. When Studio is started, use http://address-of-node:30070/ to get access to Studio.

    If you can see the Config Server page on the browser, Studio is started successfully.

    The Config Server page shows that Studio is started successfully


 $ helm uninstall my-studio

Next to do

On the Config Server page, connect Docker-based Studio to NebulaGraph. For more information, see Connect to NebulaGraph.


Parameter Default value Description
replicaCount 0 The number of replicas for Deployment. vesoft/nebula-http-gateway The image name of nebula-http-gateway. vesoft/nebula-graph-studio The image name of nebula-graph-studio. nginx The image name of nginx.
image.httpGateway.version v2.1.1 The image version of nebula-http-gateway.
image.nebulaStudio.version v3.1.0 The image version of nebula-graph-studio.
image.nginx.version alpine The image version of nginx.
service.type ClusterIP The service type, which should be one of 'NodePort', 'ClusterIP', and 'LoadBalancer'.
service.port 7001 The expose port for nebula-graph-studio's web.
resources.httpGateway {} The resource limits/requests for nebula-http-gateway.
resources.nebulaStudio {} The resource limits/requests for nebula-studio.
resources.nginx {} The resource limits/requests for nginx.
persistent.storageClassName "" The name of storageClass. The default value will be used if not specified.
persistent.size 5Gi The persistent volume size.

Last update: March 13, 2023