Change Log¶
v3.1.1 (2022.05.25)¶
- Fix:
- Fix gateway crash.
v3.1.0 (2021.10.29)¶
- Feature enhancements:
- Compatible with NebulaGraph v2.6.0.
- Added the use of Helm to deploy and start Studio in the Kubernetes cluster.
- Added GEO.
- Explorer
- Added the function of modifying the vertex icon.
- Fix:
- Schema
- Fix the problem that some operations of the tag/edge/property named after keywords will report errors.
- Fix the problem of incomplete data types by adding date/time/datetime/int32/int16/int8.
- Schema
- Compatibility:
- Remove Studio's dependency on nebula-importer and use http-gateway to be compatible with related functions.
v3.0.0 (2021.08.13)¶
Feature enhancements:
- Compatible with NebulaGraph v2.5.0.
- Supported adding
in Space, Tag, Edge Type, Index while configuration Schema.
Last update:
March 13, 2023