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Deploy Explorer

This topic describes how to deploy Explorer locally by RPM and tar packages.

NebulaGraph version


Explorer is released separately, not synchronized with NebulaGraph. And the version naming of Explorer is different from that of NebulaGraph. The version correspondence between NebulaGraph and Explorer is as follows.

NebulaGraph version Explorer version
2.5.x 2.0.0
2.6.x 2.1.0

RPM-based Explorer


Before you deploy Explorer, you must do a check of these:

  • Before the installation starts, the following ports are not occupied.

    Port Description
    7002 Web service provided by Explorer


    By default, Explorer uses the port 7002. You can modify the httpport in the conf/app.conf file in the installation directory and restart the service.

  • The Linux distribution is CentOS.
  • GO of version above 1.13 is installed.


  1. Select and download the RPM package according to your needs. It is recommended to select the latest version. Common links are as follows:


    Explorer is only available in the enterprise version. Click Pricing to see more.

  2. Use sudo rpm -i <rpm> to install RPM package.

    For example, use the following command to install Explorer. The default installation path is /usr/local/nebula-explorer.

    $ sudo rpm -i nebula-explorer-<version>.x86_64.rpm

    You can also install it to the specified path using the following command:

    $ sudo rpm -i nebula-explorer-xxx.rpm --prefix=<path> 

  3. Copy the license to the installation path.

    $ cp -r <license> <explorer_path>

    For example:

    $ cp -r nebula.license /usr/local/nebula-explorer


    License is only available in the Enterprise Edition. For more information, send email to

  4. After adding the license, you need to stop and restart the service using the following command.

    $ systemctl stop nebula-explorer #Stop the service
    $ systemctl start nebula-explorer #Start the service

Start and stop

You can use SystemCTL to start and stop the service.

$ systemctl status nebula-explorer #Check the status
$ systemctl stop nebula-explorer #Stop the service
$ systemctl start nebula-explorer #Start the service

You can also start or stop the service manually using the following command in the installation directory.

$ cd ./scripts/rpm
$ bash ./ #Start the service
$ bash ./ #Stop the service


You can uninstall Explorer using the following command:

$ sudo rpm -e nebula-graph-explorer-<version>.x86_64

tar-based Explorer


Before deploying Explorer, you must check the following information:

  • Before the installation starts, the following ports are not occupied.

    Port Description
    7002 Web service provided by Explorer


    By default, Explorer uses the port 7002. You can modify the httpport in the conf/app.conf file in the installation directory and restart the service.

  • The Linux distribution is CentOS.
  • GO of version above 1.13 is installed.

Install and deploy

  1. Select and download the tar package according to your needs. It is recommended to select the latest version. Common links are as follows:


    Explorer is only available in the Enterprise Edition. Click Pricing to see more.

  2. Use tar -xvf to decompress the tar package.

    $ tar -xvf nebula-graph-explorer-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Copy the license to the nebula-explorer directory.

    $ cp -r <license> <explorer_path>

    For example:

    $ cp -r nebula.license /usr/local/nebula-explorer


    License is only available in the Enterprise Edition. For more information, send email to

  4. Enter the nebula-explorer folder to start Explorer.

    $ cd nebula-explorer
    $ ./nebula-httpd &

Stop Service

You can use kill pid to stop the service.

$ kill $(lsof -t -i :7002)

Next to do

When Explorer is started, use http://<ip_address>:7002 to get access to Explorer.

Seeing the following login interface, Explorer is successfully connected to NebulaGraph.

Nebula Explorer

After entering the Explorer login interface, you need to connect to NebulaGraph. For more information, refer to Connecting to the NebulaGraph.

Last update: March 13, 2023