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Export data from NebulaGraph

This topic uses an example to illustrate how to use Exchange to export data from NebulaGraph to a CSV file.


Only Exchange Enterprise Edition supports exporting data from NebulaGraph to a CSV file.


SSL encryption is not supported when exporting data from NebulaGraph.


This example is completed on a virtual machine equipped with Linux. The hardware and software you need to prepare before exporting data are as follows.


Type Information
CPU 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8260 CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory 16G
Hard disk 50G


CentOS 7.9.2009


Name Version
JDK 1.8.0
Hadoop 2.10.1
Scala 2.12.11
Spark 2.4.7
NebulaGraph 2.6.2


As the data source, NebulaGraph stores the basketballplayer dataset in this example, the Schema elements of which are shown as follows.

Element Name Property
Tag player name string, age int
Tag team name string
Edge type follow degree int
Edge type serve start_year int, end_year int


  1. Get the JAR file of Exchange Enterprise Edition from the NebulaGraph Enterprise Edition Package.

  2. Modify the configuration file.

    Exchange Enterprise Edition provides the configuration template export_application.conf for exporting NebulaGraph data. For details, see Exchange parameters. The core content of the configuration file used in this example is as follows:

      # Processing tags
      # There are tag config examples for different dataSources.
      tags: [
        # export NebulaGraph tag data to csv, only support export to CSV for now.
          name: player
          type: {
            source: Nebula
            sink: CSV
          # the path to save the NebulaGrpah data, make sure the path doesn't exist.
          # if no need to export any properties when export NebulaGraph tag data
          # if noField is configured true, just export vertexId
          # define properties to export from NebulaGraph tag data
          # if return.fields is configured as empty list, then export all properties
          # nebula space partition number
      # Processing edges
      # There are edge config examples for different dataSources.
      edges: [
        # export NebulaGraph tag data to csv, only support export to CSV for now.
          name: follow
          type: {
            source: Nebula
            sink: CSV
          # the path to save the NebulaGrpah data, make sure the path doesn't exist.
          # if no need to export any properties when export NebulaGraph edge data
          # if noField is configured true, just export src,dst,rank
          # define properties to export from NebulaGraph edge data
          # if return.fields is configured as empty list, then export all properties
          # nebula space partition number
  3. Export data from NebulaGraph with the following command.

    <spark_install_path>/bin/spark-submit --master "local" --class nebula-exchange-x.y.z.jar_path> -c <export_application.conf_path>

    The command used in this example is as follows.

    $ ./spark-submit --master "local" --class \
      ~/exchange-ent/nebula-exchange-ent-2.6.1.jar -c ~/exchange-ent/export_application.conf
  4. Check the exported data.

    1. Check whether the CSV file is successfully generated under the target path.

      $ hadoop fs -ls /vertex/player
      Found 11 items
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup          0 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/_SUCCESS
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        160 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00000-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        163 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00001-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        172 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00002-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        172 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00003-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        144 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00004-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        173 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00005-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        160 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00006-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        148 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00007-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        125 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00008-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        119 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00009-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
    2. Check the contents of the CSV file to ensure that the data export is successful.

Last update: March 13, 2023