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Manage NebulaGraph Service

You can use the nebula.service script to start, stop, restart, terminate, and check the NebulaGraph services. This topic takes starting, stopping and checking the NebulaGraph services for examples.

nebula.service is stored in the /usr/local/nebula/ directory by default, which is also the default installation path of NebulaGraph. If you have customized the path, use the actual path in your environment.


$ sudo /usr/local/nebula/scripts/nebula.service 
[-v] [-c <config_file_path>]
Parameter Description
-v Display detailed debugging information.
-c Specify the configuration file path. The default path is /usr/local/nebula/etc/.
start Start the target services.
stop Stop the target services.
restart Restart the target services.
kill Terminate the target services.
status Check the status of the target services.
metad Set the Meta Service as the target service.
graphd Set the Graph Service as the target service.
storaged Set the Storage Service as the target service.
all Set all the NebulaGraph services as the target services.

Start NebulaGraph

In non-container environment

Run the following command to start NebulaGraph.

$ sudo /usr/local/nebula/scripts/nebula.service start all
[INFO] Starting nebula-metad...
[INFO] Done
[INFO] Starting nebula-graphd...
[INFO] Done
[INFO] Starting nebula-storaged...
[INFO] Done

In docker container (deployed with docker-compose)

Run the following command in the nebula-docker-compose/ directory to start NebulaGraph.

nebula-docker-compose]$ docker-compose up -d
Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here:
Creating network "nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net" with the default driver
Creating nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1 ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1 ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1 ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1 ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1   ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1 ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1 ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1   ... done
Creating nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1    ... done

Stop NebulaGraph


Don't run kill -9 to forcibly terminate the processes, otherwise, there is a low probability of data loss.

In non-container environment

Run the following command to stop NebulaGraph.

sudo /usr/local/nebula/scripts/nebula.service stop all
[INFO] Stopping nebula-metad...
[INFO] Done
[INFO] Stopping nebula-graphd...
[INFO] Done
[INFO] Stopping nebula-storaged...
[INFO] Done

In docker container (deployed with docker-compose)

Run the following command in the nebula-docker-compose/ directory to stop NebulaGraph.

nebula-docker-compose]$ docker-compose down
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1    ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1   ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1 ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1 ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1   ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1 ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1    ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1    ... done
Stopping nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1   ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1 ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1 ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1   ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1 ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1    ... done
Removing nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1    ... done
Removing network nebula-docker-compose_nebula-net

If you are using a development or nightly version for testing and have compatibility issues, try to run docker-compose down -v to DELETE all data stored in NebulaGraph and import data again.

Check the service status

In non-container environment

Run the following command to check the service status of NebulaGraph.

$ sudo /usr/local/nebula/scripts/nebula.service status all
  • NebulaGraph is running normally if the following information is returned.
[INFO] nebula-metad(3ba41bd): Running as 26601, Listening on 9559
[INFO] nebula-graphd(3ba41bd): Running as 26644, Listening on 9669
[INFO] nebula-storaged(3ba41bd): Running as 26709, Listening on 9779
  • If the return information is similar to the following one, there is a problem.
[INFO] nebula-metad(de03025): Running as 25600, Listening on 9559
[INFO] nebula-graphd(de03025): Exited
[INFO] nebula-storaged(de03025): Running as 25646, Listening on 9779

The NebulaGraph services consist of the Meta Service, Graph Service, and Storage Service. The configuration files for all three services are stored in the /usr/local/nebula/etc/ directory by default. You can check the configuration files according to the return information to troubleshoot problems.

You may also go to the NebulaGraph community for help.

In docker container (deployed with docker-compose)

Run the following command in the nebula-docker-compose/ directory to check the service status of NebulaGraph.

[nebula-docker-compose]$ docker-compose ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                                                                                  NAMES
2a6c56c405f5   vesoft/nebula-graphd:nightly     "/usr/local/nebula/b…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)>9669/tcp,>19669/tcp,>19670/tcp                            nebula-docker-compose_graphd2_1
7042e0a8e83d   vesoft/nebula-storaged:nightly   "./bin/nebula-storag…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)   9777-9778/tcp, 9780/tcp,>9779/tcp,>19779/tcp,>19780/tcp   nebula-docker-compose_storaged2_1
18e3ea63ad65   vesoft/nebula-storaged:nightly   "./bin/nebula-storag…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)   9777-9778/tcp, 9780/tcp,>9779/tcp,>19779/tcp,>19780/tcp   nebula-docker-compose_storaged0_1
4dcabfe8677a   vesoft/nebula-graphd:nightly     "/usr/local/nebula/b…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)>9669/tcp,>19669/tcp,>19670/tcp                            nebula-docker-compose_graphd1_1
a74054c6ae25   vesoft/nebula-graphd:nightly     "/usr/local/nebula/b…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)>9669/tcp,>19669/tcp,>19670/tcp                             nebula-docker-compose_graphd_1
880025a3858c   vesoft/nebula-storaged:nightly   "./bin/nebula-storag…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)   9777-9778/tcp, 9780/tcp,>9779/tcp,>19779/tcp,>19780/tcp   nebula-docker-compose_storaged1_1
45736a32a23a   vesoft/nebula-metad:nightly      "./bin/nebula-metad …"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)   9560/tcp,>9559/tcp,>19559/tcp,>19560/tcp                  nebula-docker-compose_metad0_1
3b2c90eb073e   vesoft/nebula-metad:nightly      "./bin/nebula-metad …"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)   9560/tcp,>9559/tcp,>19559/tcp,>19560/tcp                  nebula-docker-compose_metad2_1
7bb31b7a5b3f   vesoft/nebula-metad:nightly      "./bin/nebula-metad …"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)   9560/tcp,>9559/tcp,>19559/tcp,>19560/tcp                  nebula-docker-compose_metad1_1

Use the CONTAINER ID to log in the container and troubleshoot.

nebula-docker-compose]$ docker exec -it 2a6c56c405f5 bash
[root@2a6c56c405f5 nebula]#

What's next

Connect to NebulaGraph

Last update: March 13, 2023