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This topic introduces the limitations of Studio.

Nebula Graph versions


The Studio version is released independently of the Nebula Graph core. The correspondence between the versions of Studio and the Nebula Graph core, as shown in the table below.

Nebula Graph version Studio version
1.x 1.x
2.0 & 2.0.1 2.x
2.5.0 & 2.5.1 3.0.0
2.6.0 3.1.0


For now, Docker-based and RPM-based Studio v3.x supports x86_64 architecture only.

Upload data

Only CSV files without headers can be uploaded, but no limitations are applied to the size and store period for a single file. The maximum data volume depends on the storage capacity of your machine.

Data backup

For now, you can export the queried results in the CSV format on the Console page and export data in the CSV format on the Explore page. No other backup methods are available.

nGQL statements

On the Console page of Docker-based and RPM-based Studio v3.x, all the nGQL syntaxes except these are supported:

  • USE <space_name>: You cannot run such a statement on the Console page to choose a graph space. As an alternative, you can click a graph space name in the drop-down list of Current Graph Space.
  • You cannot use line breaks (\). As an alternative, you can use the Enter key to split a line.


We recommend that you use Chrome to get access to Studio.

Last update: November 2, 2021
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