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What is Nebula Graph Studio

Nebula Graph Studio (Studio in short) is a browser-based visualization tool to manage Nebula Graph. It provides you with a graphical user interface to manipulate graph schemas, import data, explore graph data, and run nGQL statements to retrieve data. With Studio, you can quickly become a graph exploration expert from scratch. Users can view the latest source code in the Nebula Graph GitHub repository, see nebula-studio for details.

Released versions

For now, Studio has three release versions:

  • Docker-based. You can deploy Studio with Docker and connect it to Nebula Graph. For more information, see Docker-based Studio.
  • RPM-based. You can deploy Studio with RPM and connect it to Nebula Graph. For more information, see RPM-based Studio.
  • tar-based. You can deploy Studio with tar and connect it to Nebula Graph. For more information, see tar-based Studio.

The functions of the three released versions are the same and may be restricted when using Studio. For more information, see Limitations.


Studio provides these features:

  • Graphical user interface (GUI) makes Nebula Graph management more user-friendly:

    • On the Schema page, you can manage schemas with a graphical user interface. It helps you quickly get started with Nebula Graph.
    • On the Console page, you can run nGQL statements and read the results in a human-friendly way.
    • On the Import page, you can operate batch import of vertex and edge data with clicks, and view a real-time import log.
  • On the Explore page, you can explore the graph data. It helps you dig the relationships among data and improves the efficiency of data analysis.


You can use Studio in one of these scenarios:

  • You have a dataset, and you want to explore and analyze data in a visualized way. You can use Docker Compose to deploy Nebula Graph and then use Studio to explore or analyze data in a visualized way.
  • You have deployed Nebula Graph and imported a dataset. You want to use a GUI to run nGQL statements or explore and analyze graph data in a visualized way.
  • You are a beginner of nGQL (Nebula Graph Query Language) and you prefer to use a GUI rather than a command-line interface (CLI) to learn the language.


Authentication is not enabled in Nebula Graph by default. Users can log into Studio with the root account and any password.

When Nebula Graph enables authentication, users can only sign into Studio with the specified account. For more information, see Authentication.

Last update: September 3, 2021
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