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What is Nebula Dashboard

Nebula Dashboard (Dashboard for short) is a visualization tool that monitors the status of machines and services in Nebula Graph clusters.


Dashboard monitors:

  • The status of all the machines in clusters, including CPU, memory, load, disk, and network.
  • The information of all the services in clusters, including the IP addresses, versions, and monitoring metrics (such as the number of queries, the latency of queries, the latency of heartbeats, and so on).
  • The information of clusters, including the information of services, partitions, configurations, and long-term tasks.
  • Features of the enterprise package (TODO: planning)


Dashboard has two editions. One is open source, the other is for enterprises. Most of the functions are available in both. The functions only supported by the enterprise package will be marked and explained.


You can use Dashboard in one of the following scenarios:

  • You want to monitor key metrics conveniently and quickly, and present multiple key information of the business to ensure the business operates normally.
  • You want to monitor clusters from multiple dimensions (such as the time, aggregate rules, and metrics).
  • After a failure occurs, you need to review it and confirm its occurrence time and unexpected phenomena.


  • The monitoring data will be updated per 7 seconds by default.
  • The monitoring data will be retained for 14 days by default, that is, only the monitoring data within the last 14 days can be queried.


The monitoring service is supported by Prometheus. The update frequency and retention intervals can be modified. For details, see Prometheus.

Last update: September 24, 2021
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