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Type Conversion/Type coercions

Converting an expression of a given type to another type is known as type conversion.

Legacy version compatibility

  • nGQL 1.0 adopts the C-style of type conversion (implicitly or explicitly): (type_name)expression. For example, the results of YIELD (int)(TRUE) is 1. But it is error-prone to users who are not familiar with the C language.
  • nGQL 2.0 chooses the openCypher way of type coercions.

Type coercions functions

Function Description
toBoolean() Converts a string value to a boolean value.
toFloat() Converts an integer or string value to a floating point number.
toInteger() Converts a floating point or string value to an integer value.
type() Returns the string representation of the relationship type.


nebula> UNWIND [true, false, 'true', 'false', NULL] AS b RETURN toBoolean(b) AS b;
| b        |
| true     |
| false    |
| true     |
| false    |
| __NULL__ |

nebula> RETURN toFloat(1), toFloat('1.3'), toFloat('1e3'), toFloat('not a number');
| toFloat(1) | toFloat("1.3") | toFloat("1e3") | toFloat("not a number") |
| 1.0        | 1.3            | 1000.0         | __NULL__                |

nebula> RETURN toInteger(1), toInteger('1'), toInteger('1e3'), toInteger('not a number');
| toInteger(1) | toInteger("1") | toInteger("1e3") | toInteger("not a number") |
| 1            | 1              | 1000             | __NULL__                  |

nebula> MATCH (a:player)-[e]-() RETURN type(e);
| type(e)  |
| "follow" |
| "follow" |

nebula> MATCH (a:player {name: "Tim Duncan"}) WHERE toInteger(id(a)) == 100 RETURN a;
| a                                            |
| ("100" :player{age: 42, name: "Tim Duncan"}) |

nebula> MATCH (n:player) WITH n LIMIT toInteger(ceil(1.8)) RETURN count(*) AS count;
| count |
| 2     |

Last update: July 14, 2021
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