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Nebula Spark Connector

Nebula Spark Connector is a Spark connector application for reading and writing Nebula Graph data in Spark standard format. Nebula Spark Connector consists of two parts: Reader and Writer.

  • Reader

    Provides a Spark SQL interface. This interface can be used to read Nebula Graph data. It reads one vertex or edge type data at a time and assemble the result into a Spark DataFrame.

  • Writer

    Provides a Spark SQL interface. This interface can be used to write DataFrames into Nebula Graph in a row-by-row or batch-import way.

For more information, see Nebula Spark Connector.

Use cases

Nebula Spark Connector applies to the following scenarios:

  • Migrate data between different Nebula Graph clusters.
  • Migrate data between different graph spaces in the same Nebula Graph cluster.
  • Migrate data between Nebula Graph and other data sources.


The features of Nebula Spark Connector 2.5.0 are as follows:

  • Supports multiple connection settings, such as timeout period, number of connection retries, number of execution retries, etc.
  • Supports multiple settings for data writing, such as setting the corresponding column as vertex ID, starting vertex ID, destination vertex ID or attributes.
  • Supports non-attribute reading and full attribute reading.
  • Supports reading Nebula Graph data into VertexRDD and EdgeRDD, and supports non-Long vertex IDs.
  • Unifies the extended data source of SparkSQL, and uses DataSourceV2 to extend Nebula Graph data.
  • Two write modes, insert and update, are supported. insert mode will insert (overwrite) data, and update mode will only update existing data.

Get Nebula Spark Connector

Compile package

  1. Clone repository nebula-spark-utils.

    $ git clone -b v2.5
  2. Make the nebula-spark-connector directory the current working directory.

    $ cd nebula-spark-utils/nebula-spark-connector
  3. Compile package.

    $ mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dgpg.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

After compilation, a similar file nebula-spark-connector-2.5.0-SHANPSHOT.jar is generated in the directory nebula-spark-connector/target.

Download maven remote repository


How to use

When using Nebula Spark Connector to reading and writing Nebula Graph data, You can refer to the following code.

# Read vertex and edge data from Nebula Graph.

# Write dataframe data into Nebula Graph as vertex and edges.

nebula() receives two configuration parameters, including connection configuration and read-write configuration.

Reading data from Nebula Graph

val config = NebulaConnectionConfig

val nebulaReadVertexConfig: ReadNebulaConfig = ReadNebulaConfig
val vertex =, nebulaReadVertexConfig).loadVerticesToDF()

val nebulaReadEdgeConfig: ReadNebulaConfig = ReadNebulaConfig
val edge =, nebulaReadEdgeConfig).loadEdgesToDF()
  • NebulaConnectionConfig is the configuration for connecting to the nebula graph, as described below.

    Parameter Required Description
    withMetaAddress Yes Specifies the IP addresses and ports of all Meta Services. Separate multiple addresses with commas. The format is ip1:port1,ip2:port2,.... Read data is no need to configure withGraphAddress.
    withConnectionRetry No The number of retries that the Nebula Java Client connected to the Nebula Graph. The default value is 1.
    withExecuteRetry No The number of retries that the Nebula Java Client executed query statements. The default value is 1.
    withTimeout No The timeout for the Nebula Java Client request response. The default value is 6000, Unit: ms.
  • ReadNebulaConfig is the configuration to read Nebula Graph data, as described below.

    Parameter Required Description
    withSpace Yes Nebula Graph space name.
    withLabel Yes The Tag or Edge type name within the Nebula Graph space.
    withNoColumn No Whether the property is not read. The default value is false, read property. If the value is true, the property is not read, the withReturnCols configuration is invalid.
    withReturnCols No Configures the set of properties for vertex or edges to read. the format is List(property1,property2,...), The default value is List(), indicating that all properties are read.
    withLimit No Configure the number of rows of data read from the server by the Nebula Java Storage Client at a time. The default value is 1000.
    withPartitionNum No Configures the number of Spark partitions to read the Nebula Graph data. The default value is 100. This value should not exceed the number of slices in the graph space (partition_num).

Write data into Nebula Graph

val config = NebulaConnectionConfig

val nebulaWriteVertexConfig: WriteNebulaVertexConfig = WriteNebulaVertexConfig      
df.write.nebula(config, nebulaWriteVertexConfig).writeVertices()

val nebulaWriteEdgeConfig: WriteNebulaEdgeConfig = WriteNebulaEdgeConfig      
df.write.nebula(config, nebulaWriteEdgeConfig).writeEdges()

The default write mode is insert, which can be changed to update via withWriteMode configuration:

val config = NebulaConnectionConfig
val nebulaWriteVertexConfig = WriteNebulaVertexConfig
df.write.nebula(config, nebulaWriteVertexConfig).writeVertices()
  • NebulaConnectionConfig is the configuration for connecting to the nebula graph, as described below.

    Parameter Required Description
    withMetaAddress Yes Specifies the IP addresses and ports of all Meta Services. Separate multiple addresses with commas. The format is ip1:port1,ip2:port2,....
    withGraphAddress Yes Specifies the IP addresses and ports of Graph Services. Separate multiple addresses with commas. The format is ip1:port1,ip2:port2,....
    withConnectionRetry No Number of retries that the Nebula Java Client connected to the Nebula Graph. The default value is 1.
  • WriteNebulaVertexConfig is the configuration of the write vertex, as described below.

    Parameter Required Description
    withSpace Yes Nebula Graph space name.
    withTag Yes The Tag name that needs to be associated when a vertex is written.
    withVidField Yes The column in the DataFrame as the vertex ID.
    withVidPolicy No When writing the vertex ID, Nebula Graph 2.x use mapping function, supports HASH only. No mapping is performed by default.
    withVidAsProp No Whether the column in the DataFrame that is the vertex ID is also written as an property. The default value is false. If set to true, make sure the Tag has the same property name as VidField.
    withUser No Nebula Graph user name. If authentication is disabled, you do not need to configure the user name and password.
    withPasswd No The password for the Nebula Graph user name.
    withBatch Yes The number of rows of data written at a time. The default value is 1000.
    withWriteMode No Write mode. The optional values are insert and update. The default value is insert.
  • WriteNebulaEdgeConfig is the configuration of the write edge, as described below.

    Parameter Required Description
    withSpace Yes Nebula Graph space name.
    withEdge Yes The Edge type name that needs to be associated when a edge is written.
    withSrcIdField Yes The column in the DataFrame as the vertex ID.
    withSrcPolicy No When writing the starting vertex ID, Nebula Graph 2.x use mapping function, supports HASH only. No mapping is performed by default.
    withDstIdField Yes The column in the DataFrame that serves as the destination vertex.
    withDstPolicy No When writing the destination vertex ID, Nebula Graph 2.x use mapping function, supports HASH only. No mapping is performed by default.
    withRankField No The column in the DataFrame as the rank. Rank is not written by default.
    withSrcAsProperty No Whether the column in the DataFrame that is the starting vertex is also written as an property. The default value is false. If set to true, make sure Edge type has the same property name as SrcIdField.
    withDstAsProperty No Whether column that are destination vertex in the DataFrame are also written as property. The default value is false. If set to true, make sure Edge type has the same property name as DstIdField.
    withRankAsProperty No Whether column in the DataFrame that is the rank is also written as property.The default value is false. If set to true, make sure Edge type has the same property name as RankField.
    withUser No Nebula Graph user name. If authentication is disabled, you do not need to configure the user name and password.
    withPasswd No The password for the Nebula Graph user name.
    withBatch Yes The number of rows of data written at a time. The default value is 1000.
    withWriteMode No Write mode. The optional values are insert and update. The default value is insert.

Last update: September 2, 2021
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