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FIND { SHORTEST | ALL | NOLOOP } PATH FROM <vertex_id_list> TO <vertex_id_list>
OVER <edge_type_list> [REVERSELY | BIDIRECT] [UPTO <N> STEPS] [| ORDER BY $-.path] [| LIMIT <M>]

<vertex_id_list> ::=
    [vertex_id [, vertex_id] ...]

The FIND PATH statement finds the paths between the selected source vertices and destination vertices.

  • SHORTEST finds the shortest path.
  • ALL finds all the paths.
  • <vertex_id_list> is a list of vertex IDs separated with commas (,). It supports $- and $var.
  • <edge_type_list> is a list of edge types separated with commas (,). * is all edge types.
  • <N> is the hop number. The default value is 5.
  • <M> specifies the maximum number of rows to return.


  • When a list of source and/or destination vertex IDs are specified, the paths between any source vertices and the destination vertices is returned.
  • There can be cycles when searching all paths.
  • FIND PATH does not support filtering with WHERE clauses.
  • FIND PATH does not support specifying a direction.
  • FIND PATH is a single-thread procedure, so it uses much memory.
  • If NOLOOP is not used, FIND PATH can retrieve paths containing cycles. If NOLOOP is used, FIND PATH can retrieve paths without cycles.


In Nebula Console, a path is shown as vertex_id <edge_name, rank> vertex_id.

nebula> FIND SHORTEST PATH FROM "player102" TO "team201" OVER *;
| path                                                             |
| ("player102")-[:follow@0]->("player101")-[:serve@0]->("team201") |
nebula> FIND SHORTEST PATH FROM "team200" TO "player100" OVER * REVERSELY;
| path                                  |
| ("team200")<-[:serve@0]-("player100") |
nebula> FIND ALL PATH FROM "player100" TO "team200" OVER *;
| path                                  |
| ("player100")-[:serve@0]->("team200") |
nebula> FIND NOLOOP PATH FROM "player100" TO "team200" OVER *;
| path                                  |
| ("player100")-[:serve@0]->("team200") |

Last update: April 1, 2021
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