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The list is a composite data type. A list is a sequence of values. Individual list elements can be accessed by their positions.

A list starts with a left square bracket [ and ends with a right square bracket ]. A list contains zero, one, or more expressions. List elements are separated from each other with commas (,). Whitespace around elements is ignored in list, thus line breaks, tab stops, and blanks can be used for formatting.


nebula> RETURN [1, 2, 3] AS List;
| List      |
| [1, 2, 3] |

nebula> RETURN range(1,5)[3];
| range(1,5)[3] |
| 4             |

nebula> RETURN range(1,5)[-2];
| range(1,5)[-(2)] |
| 4                |

nebula> RETURN [n IN range(1,5) WHERE n > 2] AS a;
| a         |
| [3, 4, 5] |

nebula> RETURN [n IN range(1,5) WHERE n > 2 | n + 10] AS a;
| a            |
| [13, 14, 15] |

nebula> RETURN [n IN range(1,5) | n + 10] AS a;
| a                    |
| [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] |

nebula> RETURN tail([n IN range(1, 5) | 2 * n - 10]) AS a;
| a               |
| [-6, -4, -2, 0] |

nebula> RETURN [n IN range(1, 3) WHERE true | n] AS r;
| r         |
| [1, 2, 3] |

nebula> GO FROM "player100" OVER follow WHERE NOT IN [x IN [92, 90] | x + $$.player.age] \
        YIELD follow._dst AS id, AS degree;
| id          | degree |
| "player101" | 95     |
| "player102" | 90     |

nebula> MATCH p = (n:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[:follow]->(m) \
        RETURN [n IN nodes(p) | n.age + 100] AS r;
| r          |
| [142, 136] |
| [142, 133] |

nebula> RETURN size([1,2,3]);
| size([1,2,3]) |
| 3             |

OpenCypher compatibility

  • A composite data type (i.e., set, map, and list) CAN NOT be stored as properties for vertices or edges.
  • Use the range() function to return the range of a list.
nebula> RETURN range(0,5)[0..3];
[ERROR (-7)]: SyntaxError: syntax error near `3]'
  • In openCypher, out-of-bound single elements returns null. However, in nGQL, out-of-bound single elements returns OUT_OF_RANGE.
nebula> RETURN range(0,5)[-12];
| range(0,5)[-(12)] |
| OUT_OF_RANGE      |

Last update: March 16, 2021
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