Comparison Between Cypher and nGQL¶
Conceptual Comparisons¶
Name | Cypher | nGQL |
vertex, node | node | vertex |
edge, relationship | relationship | edge |
vertex type | label | tag |
edge type | relationship type | edge type |
vertex identifier | node id generated by default | vid |
edge identifier | edge id generated by default | src, dst, rank |
Basic Graph Operations¶
Operations | Cypher | nGQL |
List all labels/tags | MATCH (n) RETURN distinct labels(n); call db.labels(); |
Insert a vertex with a specified type | CREATE (:Person {age: 16}) | INSERT VERTEX <tag_name> (prop_name_list) VALUES <vid> :(prop_value_list) |
Insert an edge with specified edge type | CREATE (src)-[rel:LIKES]->(dst) SET rel.prop = V |
INSERT EDGE <edge_type> ( prop_name_list ) VALUES <src_vid> -> <dst_vid> [@<rank> ]: ( prop_value_list ) |
Delete a vertex | MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = vid DETACH DELETE n |
Delete an edge | MATCH ()-[r]->() WHERE ID(r)=edgeID DELETE r |
DELETE EDGE <edge_type> <src_vid> -> <dst_vid> [@<rank> ] |
Update a vertex property | SET = V | UPDATE VERTEX <vid> SET <update_columns> |
Fetch vertex prop | MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = vid RETURN properties(n) |
FETCH PROP ON <tag_name> <vid> |
Fetch edge prop | MATCH (n)-[r]->() WHERE ID(r)=edgeID return properties(r) |
FETCH PROP ON <edge_type> <src_vid> -> <dst_vid> [@<rank> ] |
Query a vertex along specified edge type | MATCH (n)-[r:edge_type]->() WHERE ID(n) = vid | GO FROM <vid> OVER <edge_type> |
Query a vertex along specified edge type reversely | MATCH (n)<-[r:edge_type]-() WHERE ID(n) = vid | GO FROM <vid> OVER <edge_type> REVERSELY |
Get the N-Hop along a specified edge type | MATCH (n)-[r:edge_type*N]->() WHERE ID(n) = vid return r |
GO N STEPS FROM <vid> OVER <edge_type> |
Find path between two vertices | MATCH p =(a)-[]->(b) WHERE ID(a) = a_vid AND ID(b) = b_vid RETURN p |
FIND ALL PATH FROM <a_vid> TO <b_vid> OVER * |
Example Queries¶
The example queries are based on the graph below:
- Insert data
# insert vertex
nebula> INSERT VERTEX character(name, age, type) VALUES hash("saturn"):("saturn", 10000, "titan"), hash("jupiter"):("jupiter", 5000, "god");
# insert edge
nebula> INSERT EDGE father() VALUES hash("jupiter")->hash("saturn"):();
// cypher
cypher> CREATE (src:character {name:"saturn", age: 10000, type:"titan"})
> CREATE (dst:character {name:"jupiter", age: 5000, type:"god"})
> CREATE (src)-[rel:father]->(dst)
- Delete vertex
nebula> DELETE VERTEX hash("prometheus");
cypher> MATCH (n:character {name:"prometheus"})
- Update vertex
nebula> UPDATE VERTEX hash("jesus") SET character.type = 'titan';
cypher> MATCH (n:character {name:"jesus"})
> SET n.type = 'titan'
- Fetch vertices properties
nebula> FETCH PROP ON character hash("saturn");
| | character.age | character.type |
| saturn | 10000 | titan |
cypher> MATCH (n:character {name:"saturn"})
> RETURN properties(n)
│"properties(n)" │
- Find the name of hercules's grandfather
nebula> GO 2 STEPS FROM hash("hercules") OVER father YIELD $$;
| $$ |
| saturn |
cypher> MATCH (src:character{name:"hercules"})-[r:father*2]->(dst:character)
│"satun" │
- Find the name of hercules's father
nebula> GO FROM hash("hercules") OVER father YIELD $$;
| $$ |
| jupiter |
cypher> MATCH (src:character{name:"hercules"})-[r:father]->(dst:character)
│"jupiter" │
- Find the the centenarians' name.
nebula> # coming soon
cypher> MATCH (src:character)
> WHERE src.age > 100
│"" │
│ "saturn" │
│ "jupiter" │
│ "neptune" │
│ "pluto" │
- Find who live with pluto
nebula> GO FROM hash("pluto") OVER lives YIELD lives._dst AS place | GO FROM $ OVER lives REVERSELY WHERE \
> $$ != "pluto" YIELD $$ AS cohabitants;
| cohabitants |
| cerberus |
cypher> MATCH (src:character{name:"pluto"})-[r1:lives]->()<-[r2:lives]-(dst:character)
- Find pluto's brother and their habitations?
nebula> GO FROM hash("pluto") OVER brother YIELD brother._dst AS god | \
> GO FROM $-.god OVER lives YIELD $^ AS Brother, $$ AS Habitations;
| Brother | Habitations |
| jupiter | sky |
| neptune | sea |
cypher> MATCH (src:Character{name:"pluto"})-[r1:brother]->(bro:Character)-[r2:lives]->(dst)
│"" │""│
│ "jupiter" │ "sky" │
│ "neptune" │ "sea" │