Built-in Roles

Nebula Graph provides the following roles:

  • God
    • The initial root user (similar to the Root in Linux and Administrator in Windows).
    • All the operation access.
    • A cluster can only have one God. God manages all the spaces in the cluster.
    • When a cluster is initialized, a default GOD account named root is created.
    • The God role is automatically initialized by meta and cannot be granted by users.
  • Admin
    • The administration user.
    • Read/write access to both the schema and data limited to its authorized space.
    • Authorization access to users limited to its authorized space.
  • DBA
    • Read/write access to both the schema and data limited to its authorized space.
    • No authorization access to users.
  • User
    • Read/write access to data limited to its authorized space.
    • Read-only access to the schema limited to its authorized space.
  • Guest
    • Read-only access to both the schema and data limited to its authorized space.

If the authorization is enabled, the default user name and password are root and nebula respectively, and the user name is immutable. Set the enable_authorize parameter in the /usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-graphd.conf file to true to enable the authorization.

A user who has no assigned roles will not have any accesses to the space. A user can only have one assigned role in the same space. A user can have different roles in different spaces.

The set of executor prescribed by each role are described below.

Divided by operation permissions.

Read space Use, DescribeSpace
Write space CreateSpace, DropSpace, CreateSnapshot, DropSnapshot, Balance, Admin, Config, Ingest, Download
Read schema DescribeTag, DescribeEdge, DescribeTagIndex, DescribeEdgeIndex
Write schema CreateTag, AlterTag, CreateEdge, AlterEdge, DropTag, DropEdge, CreateTagIndex, CreateEdgeIndex, DropTagIndex, DropEdgeIndex
Write user CreateUser, DropUser, AlterUser
Write role Grant, Revoke
Read data Go, Set, Pipe, Match, Assignment, Lookup, Yield, OrderBy, FetchVertices, Find, FetchEdges, FindPath, Limit, GroupBy, Return
Write data BuildTagIndex, BuildEdgeIndex, InsertVertex, UpdateVertex, InsertEdge, UpdateEdge, DeleteVertex, DeleteEdges
Special operation Show, ChangePassword

Divided by operations.

Read space Y Y Y Y Y
Write space Y
Read schema Y Y Y Y Y
Write schema Y Y Y
Write user Y
Write role Y Y
Read data Y Y Y Y Y
Write data Y Y Y Y
Special operation Y Y Y Y Y
Show Jobs Y Y Y Y Y

NOTE: Pay attention to the special operation here. The returned results vary based on the account role. For example, each role has the access to the SHOW SPACE statement, but the returned results vary based on the account authentication. Only the GOD user has the authority to run the SHOW USERS and the SHOW SNAPSHOTS statements.