Graph Configurations

This document introduces the graphd configuration file. The default directory is /usr/local/nebula/etc/. If you have customized your Nebula Graph installation directory, your configuration file path is $pwd/nebula/etc/.

  • The *.default file is used for daily debugging and the default configuration file when starting the services
  • *.production file is the file used for recommended production, please remove .production suffix during production

Basic Configurations

Name Default Value Default Value
daemonize true Run as daemon thread
pid_file "pids/" File to hold the process ID.

Logging Configurations

Name Default Value Descriptions Dynamic Modification
log_dir logs (i.e. /usr/local/nebula/logs) Directory to graphd log. It is recommended to put it on a different hard disk from data_path.
minloglevel 0 The corresponding log levels are INFO(DEBUG), WARNING, ERROR and FATAL. Usually specified as 0 in debug, 1 in production. The minloglevel to 4 prints no logs. Modified with UPDATE CONFIGS syntax. The modification takes effect immediately.
v 0 0-4: when minloglevel is set to 0, you can further set the severity level of the debug log. The larger the value, the more detailed the log. Modified with UPDATE CONFIGS syntax. The modification takes effect immediately.
logbufsecs 0 (in seconds) Seconds to buffer the log messages Modified with UPDATE CONFIGS syntax. The modification takes effect immediately.
redirect_stdout true Whether to redirect stdout and stderr to separate files.
stdout_log_file "stdout.log" Destination filename of stdout.
stderr_log_file "stderr.log" Destination filename of stderr.
slow_op_threshhold_ms 50 (ms) default threshold for slow operation Modified with UPDATE CONFIGS syntax. The modification takes effect immediately.

For example, change the graphd log level to v=1 with the following command.

nebula> UPDATE CONFIGS graph:v=1;

Networking Configurations

Name Default Value Descriptions Dynamic Modification
meta_server_addrs "" List of meta server addresses, the format looks like ip1:port1, ip2:port2, ip3:port3.
port 3699 RPC daemon's listen port.
meta_client_retry_times 3 meta client retry times Modified with UPDATE CONFIGS syntax. The modification takes effect immediately.
heartbeat_interval_secs 3 (seconds) Seconds between each heartbeat in meta service. Modified with UPDATE CONFIGS syntax. The modification takes effect immediately.
client_idle_timeout_secs 0 Seconds before we close the idle connections, 0 for infinite.
session_idle_timeout_secs 0 Seconds before we expire the idle sessions, 0 for infinite.
num_netio_threads 0 Number of networking threads, 0 for number of physical CPU cores.
num_accept_threads 1 Number of threads to accept incoming connections.
num_worker_threads 0 Number of threads to execute user queries.
reuse_port true Whether to turn on the SO_REUSEPORT option.
listen_backlog 1024 Backlog of the listen socket.
listen_netdev "any" The network device to listen on.
ws_http_port 13000 Port to listen on Graph with HTTP protocol is 13000.
ws_h2_port 13002 Port to listen on Graph with HTTP/2 protocol is 13002.
ws_ip "" IP/Hostname to bind to.

NOTE: We recommend you using the actual IP in the meta_server_addrs parameter because sometimes will not be parsed correctly.

Authorization Configurations

Name Default Value Default Value
enable_authorize false Enable authorize
auth_type password password: account password; ldap: LDAP; cloud

If you have set enable_authorize to true, you can only log in with the root account. For example:

/usr/local/nebula/bin/nebula -u root -p nebula --addr= --port=3699

If you have set enable_authorize to false, you can log in without account and password or any account. For example:

/usr/local/nebula/bin/nebula --addr= --port=3699