SHOW CONFIGS [graph|meta|storage]

SHOW CONFIGS lists the configuration information. SHOW CONFIGS output has these columns: module, name, type, mode and value.

For example:

nebula> SHOW CONFIGS graph;
| module | name                    | type  | mode    | value |
| GRAPH  | v                       | INT64 | MUTABLE | 0     |
| GRAPH  | minloglevel             | INT64 | MUTABLE | 2     |
| GRAPH  | slow_op_threshhold_ms   | INT64 | MUTABLE | 50    |
| GRAPH  | heartbeat_interval_secs | INT64 | MUTABLE | 3     |
| GRAPH  | meta_client_retry_times | INT64 | MUTABLE | 3     |

For more information about SHOW CONFIGS [graph|meta|storage], please refer to configs syntax.