DESCRIBE SPACE <space_name>
DESCRIBE TAG <tag_name>
DESCRIBE EDGE <edge_name>
DESCRIBE {TAG | EDGE} INDEX <index_name>
The DESCRIBE keyword is used to obtain information about space, tag and edge structure.
Also notice that DESCRIBE is different from SHOW. Refer SHOW.
Obtain information about space.
nebula> DESCRIBE SPACE nba;
| ID | Name | Partition number | Replica Factor |
| 1 | nba | 100 | 1 |
Obtain information about tag in a given space.
nebula> DESCRIBE TAG player;
| Field | Type |
| name | string |
| age | int |
Obtain information about edge in a given space.
nebula> DESCRIBE EDGE serve;
| Field | Type |
| start_year | int |
| end_year | int |
Obtain information about the index.
nebula> DESCRIBE TAG INDEX player_index_0;
| Field | Type |
| name | string |