INSERT VERTEX <tag_name> (prop_name_list) [, <tag_name> (prop_name_list), ...]
     {VALUES | VALUE} VID: (prop_value_list[, prop_value_list])

  [prop_name [, prop_name] ...]

  [prop_value [, prop_value] ...]

The INSERT VERTEX statement inserts a vertex or vertices into Nebula Graph.

  • tag_name denotes the tag (vertex type), which must be created before INSERT VERTEX.
  • prop_name_list is the property name list in the given tag_name.
  • VID is the vertex ID. The VID must be unique in the graph space. The current sorting basis is "binary coding order", i.e. 0, 1, 2, ... 9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775808, -9223372036854775807, ..., -1. VID supports specifying ID manually, or call hash() function to generate.
  • prop_value_list must provide the value list according to the prop_name_list. If no value matches the type, an error will be returned.


nebula> CREATE TAG t1()                   -- create tag t1 with empty property
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t1 () VALUES 10:()    -- insert vertex 10 with no property
nebula> CREATE TAG t2 (name string, age int)                -- create tag t2 with two properties
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES 11:("n1", 12)     -- insert vertex 11 with two properties
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES 12:("n1", "a13")  -- ERROR. "a13" is not int
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES 13:("n3", 12), 14:("n4", 8)    -- insert two vertices
nebula> CREATE TAG t1(i1 int)
nebula> CREATE TAG t2(s2 string)
nebula> INSERT VERTEX  t1 (i1), t2(s2) VALUES 21: (321, "hello")   -- insert vertex 21 with two tags.

A vertex can be inserted/wrote multiple times. Only the last written values can be read.

-- insert vertex 11 with the new values.
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES 11:("n2", 13)
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES 11:("n3", 14)
nebula> INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES 11:("n4", 15)  -- the last version can be read