ORDER BY Function

Similar with SQL, ORDER BY can be used to sort in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order for returned results. ORDER BY can only be used in the PIPE-syntax (|).

ORDER BY <expression> [ASC | DESC] [, <expression> [ASC | DESC] ...]

By default, ORDER BY sorts the records in ascending order if no ASC or DESC is given.


nebula> FETCH PROP ON player 100,101,102,103 YIELD player.age AS age, player.name AS name | ORDER BY age, name DESC;  

-- Fetch four vertices and sort them by their ages in ascending order, and for those in the same age, sort them by name in descending order.
-- The following result is returned:
| VertexID | age | name              |
| 103      | 32  | Rudy Gay          |
| 102      | 33  | LaMarcus Aldridge |
| 101      | 36  | Tony Parker       |
| 100      | 42  | Tim Duncan        |

(See FETCH for the usage.)

nebula> GO FROM 100 OVER follow YIELD $$.player.age AS age, $$.player.name AS name | ORDER BY age DESC, name ASC;

-- Search all the players followed by vertex 100 and return their ages and names. The age is in descending order; the name is in ascending order if they have the same name.
-- The following result is returned:
| age | name              |
| 36  | Tony Parker       |
| 33  | LaMarcus Aldridge |
| 25  | Kyle Anderson     |